







接着,我们开始用stacking集成学习的方法来训练数据。通过对图片进行 TTA缩放上下采样加权,以及对文本进行特征提取等各种操作,我们获得了其他六个网络模型:Net2~Net7。同时我们把训练集数据分成5份进行交叉训练和识别,并把第一步网络获得的结果加权平均后用Xgboost进行二次训练。这一步之后识别的准确率提高到了76%






English Version


My best research experience during undergraduate studies is about a big data competition I participated in last year.

Last year, I led several postgraduates taking part in the IKCEST first “Belt and Road” big data competition. The competition lasted from May to August, about two and a half months. Finally we ranked 18th of all 2312 teams. The main content of the competition is functional classification of urban areas, which is a multi-modal classification task, including image recognition and text feature mining.

During the competition, our team experienced lots of setbacks but also gained a lot. We finally put forward the image-text fusion network recognition model and the text-feature-based voter, and ranked 17th in preliminary,18th in semi-final.

Implementation Details

Here’s some detailed process:

First, we started with the images, used ResNeXt as the model and fed images into the network, but found that the accuracy is kept at about 50%. The effect was not very ideal.

After examining the images carefully, we found that about 20% of remote sensing images had serious haze and even large black blocks, so we cleaned the images, removed those pictures containing black blocks from data set, and dehazed the remaining images, so that the accuracy of our model reached 55%.

Then we extracted time-series information from text and transformed each text file’s time-series features into a matrix of 128 by 24 and trained with DPN26. We concatenated the output 1D vectors of image recognizer and text recognizer and fed it into full-connected layer. That is the structure of the Net1. At this time, our comprehensive recognition accuracy is 64%.

Afterwards, we began to train data using stacking and some integrated learning methods. We constructed another six network models Net2~Net7 by adding some extra operations to the data, including TTA, scaling, up and down-sampling, weighting, and feature extraction. At the same time, we divided the training data set into 5 parts for 5-folds stacking, weighted the results obtained by our first-step network and then used the Xgboost for secondary training. After these steps, recognition accuracy increased to 76%.

Unfortunately, we found there were still some gaps between ourselves and other top teams.  Combining with information in BBS, we realized that there were some associations between users' access records in different regions, and these associations took effect through user ID, while such information could not be mined by our previous time series model.

So we creatively proposed a voter based on the number of times a single user appeared in a certain area to further mine the text features and finally improved the accuracy to 81.62%. Shortly afterwards, we proposed another stronger voter based on the number of hours, but due to our limited computational power and time, the later idea wasn’t successfully implemented.

After some manual adjustment to the results, our team finally got 82.18%, that is, 18th place in the rank list. There is still some pity for not getting a higher rank.


During this competition, I not only improved my self-study ability and hands-on ability, cultivated my interest in machine learning and AI research, but also learned a lot of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, including neural network tuning, integrated learning, customize CNN network framework, feature engineering. This experience laid a solid practical foundation for my future academic research in related fields.

But I also found that I was inexperienced in data science, and that I couldn't quickly find or construct an effective model when I got a specific machine learning project, and it took a lot of experimentation with existing models. Besides, I'm not very good at writing papers, and I’m not very familiar with how to do academic research in a particular field, and these are the deficiencies that I intend to get exercise and improvement in my later research career.


  • 我们队队名:浑南摸鱼队
  • 竞赛官网:http://www.ikcest.org/bigdata2019/
  • 赛题描述:https://dianshi.bce.baidu.com/competition/30/rule
  • 复赛名次:https://dianshi.bce.baidu.com/competition/30/rank
  • 复赛实现思路:https://blog.csdn.net/Flying_Dutch/article/details/106134801
  • 复赛源代码及代码说明:GitHub - SeaEagleI/BaiduXJTU_BigData_2019_Semi-Final: BigData Contest 2019 Semi-Final

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