本文翻译自:How to revert initial git commit?

I commit to a git repository for the first time; 我第一次提交了一个git存储库; I then regret the commit and want to revert it. 然后我后悔提交并想要还原它。 I try 我试试

# git reset --hard HEAD~1

I get this message: 我收到这条消息:

fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD~1': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.

This commit is the first commit of the repository. 此提交是存储库的第一次提交。 Any idea how to undo git's initial commit? 知道如何撤消git的初始提交吗?




git reset --hard make changes, then do git reset --hard进行更改,然后执行

 git add -A git commit --amend --no-edit 

or 要么

 git add -A git commit --amend -m "commit_message" 

and then 然后

 git push origin master --force 

--force will rewrite that commit you've reseted to in the first step. --force将重写您在第一步中重置的提交。

Don't do this, because you're about to go against the whole idea of VCS systems and git in particular. 不要这样做,因为你不得不违背VCS系统和git的整个想法。 The only good method is to create new and delete unneeded branch. 唯一好的方法是创建新的并删除不需要的分支。 See git help branch for info. 有关信息,请参阅git help branch


You can delete the HEAD and restore your repository to a new state, where you can create a new initial commit: 您可以删除HEAD并将存储库还原到新状态,您可以在其中创建新的初始提交:

git update-ref -d HEAD

After you create a new commit, if you have already pushed to remote, you will need to force it to the remote in order to overwrite the previous initial commit: 创建新提交后,如果已经推送到远程,则需要强制它到远程以覆盖先前的初始提交:

git push --force origin


This question was linked from this blog post and an alternative solution was proposed for the newer versions of Git: 此问题与此博客文章相关联,并为新版本的Git提出了替代解决方案:

git branch -m master old_master
git checkout --orphan master
git branch -D old_master

This solution assumes that: 该解决方案假定:

  1. You have only one commit on your master branch 您的master分支上只有一个提交
  2. There is no branch called old_master so I'm free to use that name 没有名为old_master分支,所以我可以自由使用该名称

It will rename the existing branch to old_master and create a new, orphaned, branch master (like it is created for new repositories) after which you can freely delete old_master ... or not. 它会将现有分支重命名为old_master并创建一个新的孤立分支master (就像为新存储库创建的那样),之后您可以自由删除old_master ... Up to you. 由你决定。

Note: Moving or copying a git branch preserves its reflog (see this code ) while deleting and then creating a new branch destroys it. 注意:移动或复制git分支会在删除时保留其reflog(请参阅此代码 ),然后创建新分支会将其销毁。 Since you want to get back to the original state with no history you probably want to delete the branch, but others may want to consider this small note. 由于您想要恢复到没有历史记录的原始状态,您可能希望删除分支,但其他人可能想要考虑这个小记。


All what you have to do is to revert the commit. 您所要做的就是恢复提交。

git revert {commit_id}'

Then push it 然后推它

git push origin -f


I will throw in what worked for me in the end. 我会告诉最终对我有用的东西。 I needed to remove the initial commit on a repository as quarantined data had been misplaced, the commit had already been pushed. 我需要删除存储库上的初始提交,因为隔离的数据被错放了,提交已被推送。

Make sure you are are currently on the right branch. 确保您当前在正确的分支上。

git checkout master

git update-ref -d HEAD

git commit -m "Initial commit

git push -u origin master

This was able to resolve the problem. 这能够解决问题。

Important 重要

This was on an internal repository which was not publicly accessible, if your repository was publicly accessible please assume anything you need to revert has already been pulled down by someone else. 这是在一个无法公开访问的内部存储库中,如果您的存储库是公共可访问的,请假设您需要还原的任何内容已被其他人删除。


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