
Multi-device, true native app development for iOS, Windows, and Mac

Embarcadero® Delphi® XE4 is the multi-device, easy-to-learn app development solution to create high performance, true native apps for PCs, tablets, and smartphones and get them to market and to users fast. Manage one codebase, one team, and one schedule to develop apps that give you more control, tighter security, and a better user experience.

Create multi-device, true native apps

When you use Delphi for multi-device app development, you don’t have to maintain multiple development projects to deliver your app natively for multiple devices (PCs, tablets and smartphones) on multiple platforms (iOS, Windows, and OS X). True Native app development lets you deliver script-free native apps that run full-speed directly on the device CPU – so you create faster, richer apps that end users love.Learn more >

Develop apps for iPhone and iPad

Create mobile apps using the programming skills, knowledge and code you already have. Your Delphi iOS apps run directly on the device for fast performance you can only get with true native apps. Want to see what your users will see? Delphi enables visual design of iOS user interfaces for multiple device types, resolutions, and orientations.Learn more >

Get a fast start and fast results

Design and develop your apps with extendable and reusable visual components for faster and highly maintainable development. Delphi’s rapid prototyping lets you create a visual prototype that runs directly on the target device so you can incorporate feedback, and get your app to market fast. Visual development, an easy-to-learn programming language and built-in enterprise class database support enable you to deliver impressive results with less coding effort.Learn more >

Get more security and control

Many app development vendors enable multi-platform development by using scripting languages and runtimes which are notorious hacker targets and present inherent security risks on mobile devices. With Delphi, you get true native app development, so your code runs directly on the device, reducing the risk of third party attacks.Learn more >

Award winning solution

Delphi is an award-winning software development solution, used by millions of developers worldwide and supported by an active community of software developers, technology partners, and component vendors.

iOS app development features are available in all editions of RAD Studio, in Delphi Enterprise edition and higher, and in Delphi Professional edition with the Mobile Add-On Pack option.


为了便于在 Lite 7.0 中使用 DR 的 License Generator 和 Kerlingen 的特别补丁,初步写成这个:Activator.exe
1、整合 DR 的 License Generator 和 Kerlingen 的特别补丁、sn 等
相对原始部署方式,这个 Activator 实现“一键激活”!

1、执行 Activator.exe

2013.05.01 - v7.0
1、针对 XE4 RTM 制作
再次对 DR 和 Kerlingen 等我知道的不知道的前辈们表示最最诚挚的感谢!


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