
The year is 2018. In 2017 thousands of interesting Android Libraries were released, updated. Some got viral, while others shined. We’re making a list of top Android Libraries of 2017 that every developer should implement in their application. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when someone has already made it. Instead, we should get inspiration from such libraries and their source codes (since most of them are open source) and build the next best android library ourselves.

今年是2018年。2017年,发布并更新了数千个有趣的Android库。 一些病毒传播,而另一些则闪耀。 我们列出了每个开发人员都应在其应用程序中实现的2017年顶级Android库。 当有人已经制造轮子时,无需重新发明轮子。 相反,我们应该从此类库及其源代码中获得灵感(因为它们大多数都是开源的),并自己构建下一个最佳的android库。

Below is a curated list of the libraries which feel stood out last year. By no means, we’re shortlisting them as the best ones. Every library has a unique flair of its own just like every application has.

以下是去年令人印象深刻的精选图书馆清单。 绝不是我们将它们选为最好的。 每个库都有自己独特的风格,就像每个应用程序一样。

We’ll be just listing the notable libraries that we came across during the past year.


最佳Android库 (Best Android Libraries)

  1. FabulousFilter – Android library to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice-versa.

    FabulousFilter – Android库,可将“ 浮动操作按钮”动画化为“底页对话框”,反之亦然。

  2. Transitioner – Transitioner provides easy, dynamic and adjustable animations between two views with nested children.

    过渡器 –过渡器在带有嵌套子级的两个视图之间提供简单,动态和可调整的动画。

  3. SlidingRootNav – The library is a DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a “drawer” is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted to make the drawer visible. It doesn’t provide you with a drawer builder.SlidingRootNav –该库是类似DrawerLayout的ViewGroup,其中“抽屉”隐藏在内容视图下,可以对其进行移动以使抽屉可见。 它没有为您提供抽屉生成器。
  4. PatternLockView – This library allows you to implement pattern locking mechanism in your app easily and quickly. It is very easy to use and there are plenty of customization options available to change the functionality and look-and-feel of this view to match your needs.

    It also supports RxJava 2 view bindings, so if you are a fan of reactive programming (just like me), you can get a stream of updates as the user draws the pattern.

    PatternLockView –此库使您可以轻松,快速地在应用程序中实现模式锁定机制。 它非常易于使用,并且有许多自定义选项可用于更改此视图的功能和外观以符合您的需求。

    它还支持RxJava 2视图绑定,因此,如果您喜欢响应式编程(就像我一样),则可以在用户绘制模式时获得更新流。

  5. FadingTextView – A TextView that changes its content automatically every few seconds.

    FadingTextView –一个TextView,每隔几秒钟自动更改其内容。

  6. Toasty – The usual Toast, but with steroids.烤面包 -通常的面包 ,但类固醇。
  7. Matisse – A well-designed local image and video selector for Android.Matisse –为Android设计的精心设计的本地图像和视频选择器。
  8. TapTargetView – An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery

    TapTargetView –材质设计准则中用于特征发现的攻丝目标的实现

  9. Alerter – An Android Alerting Library. This library aims to overcome the limitations of Toasts and Snackbars, while reducing the complexity of your layouts.Alerter –一个Android警报库。 该库旨在克服Toasts和Snackbars的局限性,同时降低布局的复杂性。
  10. Circle Menu Android – CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animationsAndroid的Circle Menu – CircleMenu是一个简单,优雅的UI菜单,具有圆形布局和材质设计动画
  11. FlowLayout – A FlowLayout for Android, which allows child views flow to next row when there is no enough space. The spacing between child views can be calculated by the FlowLayout so that the views are evenly placed.

    FlowLayout – Android的FlowLayout,当空间不足时,它允许子视图流到下一行。 子视图之间的间距可以通过FlowLayout计算,以便将视图均匀放置。

  12. Lottie – Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!Lottie – Lottie是适用于Android和iOS的移动库,它可以使用Bodymovin解析以json格式导出的Adobe After Effects动画,并在移动设备上进行本地渲染!
  13. Konfetti – Celebrate more with this lightweight confetti particle system ? Create realistic confetti by implementing this easy to use library.Konfetti –这款轻巧的五彩纸屑颗粒系统可为您庆祝更多? 通过实现此易于使用的库来创建逼真的纸屑。
  14. JellyToolbar果冻工具栏
  15. Pinview – A pinview library for android.Pinview –适用于Android的Pinview库。
  16. ChatKit – Flexible components for chat UI implementation with flexible possibilities for styling, customizing and data management.ChatKit –用于聊天UI实现的灵活组件,具有样式,自定义和数据管理的灵活可能性。
  17. Spotlight – Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc.Spotlight –可以点亮教程或演练等内容的Android库。
  18. IconSwitch – Custom Android Switch widget.

    IconSwitch –自定义Android Switch小部件。

  19. DateRangePicker – Date Range Picker is a Calender Picker View to show a Customized Date Range Picker with improved UI.

    DateRangePicker –日期范围选择器是一个日历选择器视图,用于显示具有改进UI的自定义日期范围选择器。

  20. Cropiwa – The library is a highly configurable widget for image cropping.

    Cropiwa –该库是用于图像裁剪的高度可配置的小部件。

That’s all for best android libraries we came across last year, if you think we missed some other good libraries then please let us know through comments.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/19306/best-android-libraries-2017



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