
In this guide, you will learn how to use the Linux/Unix mv command. Linux mv command has 2 distinct functionalities depending on how it’s used.

在本指南中,您将学习如何使用Linux / Unix mv命令。 Linux mv命令根据其用法有2种不同的功能。

  1. It can be used to rename a file or a folder可用于重命名文件或文件夹
  2. It can be used for moving a file or a folder from one location to another它可用于将文件或文件夹从一个位置移动到另一位置

使用mv命令重命名文件或目录 (Using mv command to rename a file or a directory)

To rename a file using mv, the 2 files (The original and renamed file) must be in the same location
The syntax for renaming a file or a directory is as follows


# mv file_name new_file_name

For example, I have a file called linux-for-beginners and I want to rename it to unix-for-beginners


# mv linux-for-beginners unix-for-beginners

You can further verify that the file has been renamed using the ls command. The output is shown below

您可以使用ls命令进一步验证文件是否已重命名。 输出如下所示

As observed, the original file has been renamed. The command and syntax remain the same for directories.

如图所示,原始文件已被重命名。 目录的命令和语法保持不变。

使用mv移动文件或目录 (Using mv to move a file or a directory)

Having looked at how to rename a file /directory, let’s see how you can move a file from one directory to another.


The syntax for this is as follows


# mv [option] file /path/to/destination/directory

For example , to move the file unix-for-beginners to the /opt directory, run


$ mv unix-for-beginners /opt

The syntax remains the same for moving directories. In the example below , the directory tutorials is being moved to /opt directory

移动目录的语法相同。 在下面的示例中,目录tutorials被移至/opt目录

mv命令选项 (mv command options)

The mv command can be accompanied by a variety of options. Let’s have a look

mv命令可以带有多种选项。 我们来看一下

-i(交互式) (-i (Interactive))

This option prompts the user for confirmation before moving a file that would overwrite a pre-existing file with the same name. In this case, the user must press y to confirm or overwrite.

此选项会提示用户进行确认,然后再移动将覆盖同名现有文件的文件。 在这种情况下,用户必须按y确认或覆盖。

Sample output


-n(无弹性) (-n (no-clobber))

The -n option prevents a file from being overwritten. That is , you can rename a file to match another file and still keep the contents of the pre-existing file. In this example, we have 2 files file1.txt and file2.txt. We are going to rename file1.txt to file2.txt using the -n attribute but still retain the contents of file2.txt

-n选项可防止文件被覆盖。 即,您可以重命名文件以匹配另一个文件,并且仍然保留先前存在的文件的内容。 在此示例中,我们有2个文件file1.txtfile2.txt 。 我们将使用-n属性将file1.txt重命名为file2.txt ,但仍保留file2.txt的内容

Sample output


-v(详细) (-v (verbose))

the -v option displays the status of the activity taking place when mv is running. The output of the activity is printed on the terminal as shown

-v选项显示mv运行时活动的状态。 活动的输出显示在终端上,如图所示

Sample output


-u(更新) (-u (update))

The -u option updates the destination file only if the source file has newer content or the destination file is missing.


检查mv命令的版本 (Checking version of mv command)

To check the version of mv run the command


$ mv --version

Sample output


获得有关mv命令的帮助 (Getting help with mv command)

For more mv command options run the command


$ mv --help

Sample output




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