It’s been a bad month for online service closures. Bloglines, my favorite RSS aggregator, is closing this week and now Xmarks has reached the end of the road.

对于关闭在线服务来说,这是糟糕的月份。 我最喜欢的RSS聚合器Bloglines在本周关闭 ,现在Xmarks已经走到尽头了 。

Xmarks is a free synchronization service which backs-up and replicates your bookmarks across Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. The product launched in October 2006 as a Firefox-only extension named Foxmarks. Additional browsers were added in 2009 and the company re-branded itself as Xmarks.

Xmarks是一项免费的同步服务,可在Firefox,Chrome,Internet Explorer和Safari之间备份和复制您的书签。 该产品于2006年10月作为Firefox扩展名Foxmarks推出。 2009年添加了其他浏览器,该公司将自己更名为Xmarks。

As well as bookmarks, the plug-in can also synchronize passwords, browser history, and open tabs. Early on, the company realized they were sitting on a gold mine of 100 million user-verified page links. They experimented with their own search engine but the system failed usability tests. Although it could provide spam-free categorized links, it couldn’t answer the specific questions people entered in typical search engines queries. However, the plug-in can append information to Google results to indicate the popularity of a link.

除了书签之外,该插件还可以同步密码,浏览器历史记录和打开的选项卡。 早些时候,该公司意识到他们位于一个拥有1亿个用户验证的页面链接的金矿中。 他们尝试使用自己的搜索引擎,但系统未通过可用性测试。 尽管它可以提供无垃圾邮件的分类链接,但是它不能回答人们在典型搜索引擎查询中输入的特定问题。 但是,该插件可以将信息附加到Google结果中,以表明链接的受欢迎程度。

For me, Xmarks remains the best and most reliable bookmarks synchronization service. It’s invaluable if you’re using multiple PCs and it’s the only Firefox add-in I religiously install on every browser. It has 2 million users, supports 5 million desktops, and receives 3,000 new sign-ups every day.

对我来说,Xmarks仍然是最好和最可靠的书签同步服务。 如果您使用多台PC,这将是无价之宝,它是我认真地在每个浏览器上安装的唯一Firefox插件。 它拥有200万用户,支持500万台式机,每天接收3,000次新注册。

Despite it’s success, co-founder and CTO Todd Agulnick explained they have struggled to monetize the service. The company has been for sale since early 2010, but no potential buyers have come forward. The business model may not have a viable future now that Microsoft, Mozilla, Google and Opera all offer free synchronization with their browsers. Unfortunately, few of these options are as good as Xmarks and none provide cross-browser functionality.

尽管获得了成功,但其联合创始人兼首席技术官Todd Agulnick表示,他们一直在努力通过该服务获利。 该公司自2010年初开始出售,但没有潜在的买家提出来。 由于Microsoft,Mozilla,Google和Opera都提供了与浏览器的免费同步,因此这种商业模式可能没有可行的未来。 不幸的是,这些选项很少像Xmarks一样好,并且都没有提供跨浏览器的功能。

The company is sending emails to users and the Xmarks service will shut down at the end of 2010.


Do you use Xmarks? Will you be affected by its demise? Are you using a good alternative?

您是否使用Xmarks? 您会受到其灭亡的影响吗? 您使用的是很好的选择吗?



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