
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard someone mention the social network/chat app Snapchat. Depending on how you measure things, it’s now more popular than Twitter and Pinterest, with only Facebook and Instagram having more users daily. The difference is that most of Snapchat’s users are millennials and teens, so it’s flown under the radar of a lot of older internet users.

除非您一直躲在岩石下,否则您可能听说过有人提到社交网络/聊天应用Snapchat 。 根据您对事物的测量方式,它现在比Twitter 和Pinterest更为流行 ,只有Facebook和Instagram每天都有更多的用户。 所不同的是,大多数Snapchat的用户都是千禧一代和青少年,因此它是在许多较老的互联网用户的关注下飞行的。

Snapchat is a photo sharing app and social network, where you can send disposable photos and messages called Snaps to your friends. As soon as they open your messages, they vanish. You can also post Snaps to your “Story”, where they stay for 24 hours.

Snapchat是照片共享应用程序和社交网络,您可以在其中将一次性照片和称为“快照”的消息发送给您的朋友。 一旦打开您的消息,它们便消失了。 您还可以将快照发布到您的“故事”中,并在其中停留24小时。

Here at How-To Geek for example, I’m the only writer who regularly uses Snapchat—it’s no coincidence that I’m also the youngest (and most immature).

例如,在How-To Geek中,我是唯一定期使用Snapchat的作家-我也是最小的(也是最不成熟的)并不是巧合。

So if you’ve been wondering what exactly Snapchat is, as How-To Geek’s resident millennial ambassador, I’m here to help.

因此,如果您一直在想Snapchat到底是什么,作为How-To Geek的千禧代大使,我会在这里为您提供帮助。

Snapchat会做什么? (What Does Snapchat Do?)

Snapchat started out as an app for sending temporary pictures and, although it’s expanded, this is still its core feature.


Let’s say I want to share an awesome selfie with my editor Whitson. I open Snapchat and take the “Snap”. When I do, I set a timer for between one and ten seconds and hit send. Whitson then gets a notification on his phone that I’ve send him a Snap. As soon as he opens it, he’ll only be able to see it for ten seconds. After that, it’s gone.

假设我想与我的编辑Whitson分享一个很棒的自拍照。 我打开Snapchat并单击“快照”。 完成后,我将计时器设置为1到10秒,然后点击发送。 惠特森然后在他的手机上收到一条通知,称我已向他发送了快照。 打开后,他只能看到十秒钟。 在那之后,它消失了。

He could take a screenshot, but if he did, I’d get a notification from Snapchat telling me that he’d done so.


While each Snap can just be an image, you can use Lenses, Filters, Geo-Filters, Stickers, Emoji, text and a drawing tool to personalize them more. Most of these trend toward the silly side of things.

虽然每个快照都只是一张图像,但是您可以使用镜头,滤镜,地理滤镜,贴纸,表情符号,文本和绘图工具来使它们更具个性化。 其中大多数趋向于愚蠢的一面。

As well as photo Snaps, you can also send short video Snaps and disappearing text messages with Snapchat. A video Snap can be up to ten seconds long. Instead of using a timer, Snapchat’s text messages vanish as soon as the person reading them leaves the chat.

除了照片快照外,您还可以使用Snapchat发送短视频快照和消失的短信。 视频快照的最长时长为10秒。 Snapchat的短信不使用计时器,而是在阅读者离开聊天室后立即消失的。

故事与发现 (Stories and Discover)

Since it’s launched, Snapchat has gone from messaging app to including some social networking features as well.


Everyone on Snapchat has a “Story” they can post image and video Snaps to. Anyone on their “Friends” list can see their Story, much like a Facebook or Instagram feed. Each Snap sent to the Story stays live for 24 hours before it disappears. A lot of popular celebrities use Snapchat’s Stories.

Snapchat上的每个人都有一个“故事”,可以将图像和视频快照发布到该故事。 “好友”列表中的任何人都可以看到他们的故事,就像Facebook或Instagram提要一样。 发送到故事的每个快照在消失前都会保持24小时。 很多受欢迎的名人都使用Snapchat的故事。

Occasionally, for special events like Christmas or the Super Bowl, Snapchat has a curated Our Story which every user can submit Snaps to. Snapchat’s editorial team pulls out the best one and creates one big story for everyone.

有时,对于圣诞节或超级碗之类的特殊事件,Snapchat会精心策划“我们的故事”,每个用户都可以向其提交快照。 Snapchat的编辑团队选出最好的,为每个人创建一个大故事。

Discover is like Stories except for a small group of publications. Media outlets like The Daily Mail, The Sun, Buzzfeed, Sky News, Mashable, Vice and National Geographic are all in Snapchat’s Discover program. They use it to share popular articles, videos, and the like.

“发现”就像“故事”,只是一小部分出版物。 Snapchat的“发现”程序中包括《每日邮报》 , 《太阳报》 ,《 Buzzfeed》 ,《 天空新闻》 ,《 Mashable》 ,《 Vice》和《 国家地理》等媒体。 他们使用它来共享热门文章,视频等。

Snapchat的回忆 (Snapchat Memories)

Although Snapchat’s appeal is mainly that everything is temporary, sometimes people use it to record things that they actually want to keep. Snapchat Memories is a way for you to privately save your own Snaps and Stories so you can view or share them again later.

尽管Snapchat的吸引力主要在于所有内容都是临时的,但有时人们会用它来记录他们实际想要保留的内容。 Snapchat记忆库是您私下保存自己的快照和故事的一种方式,以便您以后可以查看或再次共享它们。

Snapchat不仅仅是裸体照片 (Snapchat Isn’t Just for Naked Pictures)

Snapchat has picked up a less-than-salubrious reputation because of how it started. A few college kids wanted an app that made it possible to send pictures that couldn’t be saved by the other person. Almost by accident, they created something that really hit a nerve with millennials and teenagers. And as Snapchat’s grown, its become more mainstream. Although it’s incredibly popular with millennials and teens, they’re gaining more older users. Even my mother is now on Snapchat!

Snapchat的创立之初,其声誉不佳。 一些大学生想要一款能够发送别人无法保存的图片的应用程序。 几乎偶然地,他们创造了一种真正使千禧一代和青少年感到不安的东西。 随着Snapchat的发展,它变得越来越主流。 尽管它在千禧一代和青少年中非常受欢迎,但他们正在吸引更多的老用户。 甚至我妈妈现在都在使用Snapchat!

While some people obviously did want a platform for sending nudes, far more wanted a way to send temporary messages. When every single thing you do online is tracked, when every message you’ve ever sent can be dragged out to haunt you, it’s really freeing to have messages that just…disappear. (And don’t take up space on your phone!)

虽然有些人显然确实想要一个发送裸照的平台,但更多人想要一种发送临时消息的方法。 当跟踪您在网上所做的每件事时,可以将您曾经发送过的每条消息拖出以困扰您,而真正拥有……消失的消息真的很自由。 (而且不要占用您的手机空间!)




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