

推荐于 2016.03.21

采纳率:58%    等级:13


#ifndef __MATRIX_DOT_H__

#define __MATRIX_DOT_H__


void Swap(T& a, T& b)


T temp;

temp = a;

a = b;

b = temp;


class CMatrix


static double ZERO;//极小值


CMatrix(int row = 3, int col = 3); //

CMatrix(const CMatrix& right); //拷贝构造函数


void Show(const char* pre = NULL)const; //输出矩阵

void Free();

int Resize(int row, int col); //重新定义矩阵大小

int GetRow()const{ return m_iRow; } //返回矩阵行数

int GetCol()const{ return m_iCol; } //返回矩阵列数

int RowSwap(int x, int y); //行交换,成功返回1,否则0

int ColSwap(int x, int y); //列交换

static void SetZero(double z); //设定ZERO的值,所有CMatrix实例精度都将改变

const CMatrix Transpose()const; //返回转置矩阵

const CMatrix Adjoint()const; //伴随矩阵

const CMatrix Residue(int row, int col)const;//求对应元素的余子式

const CMatrix Contrary()const;//逆矩阵

const CMatrix Gauss_Jordan(double* pDet = NULL)const;//逆矩阵(高斯-约旦法),pDet为行列式,


double Residue_a(int row, int col)const;//求对应元素的代数余子式

double Determinant()const; //返回方阵的行列式

double Det_Recursion()const; //返回方阵的行列式(递归)

int IsZero()const; //判断元素是否全为0(零矩阵)

int IsPhalanx()const; //判断是否为方阵

int IsReverse()const; //判断矩阵是否可逆

int IsNonfunnyPhalanx()const; //判断是否非奇异方阵

double* operator[](int i)const; //操作单个元素

CMatrix& operator=(const CMatrix& right);

CMatrix& operator=(const double* pRight);

CMatrix& operator=(const double** ppRight);

const CMatrix& operator+()const; //一元操作符

const CMatrix operator-()const; //一元操作符

const CMatrix operator+(const CMatrix& right)const;

const CMatrix operator-(const CMatrix& right)const;

const CMatrix operator*(const CMatrix& right)const;

const CMatrix operator*(const double& right)const;

const CMatrix operator/(const double& right)const;

CMatrix& operator+=(const CMatrix& right);

CMatrix& operator-=(const CMatrix& right);

CMatrix& operator*=(const CMatrix& right);

CMatrix& operator*=(const double& right);

CMatrix& operator/=(const double& right);

int operator==(const CMatrix& right)const;

int operator!=(const CMatrix& right)const;


int m_iRow; //行数

int m_iCol; //列数

double** m_ppData; //数据


#endif //__MATRIX_DOT_H__








#include "matrix.h"

double CMatrix::ZERO = 1e-10;

CMatrix::CMatrix(int row/*=3*/, int col/*=3*/)


m_ppData = NULL;

Resize(row, col);



CMatrix::CMatrix(const CMatrix& right)


m_ppData = NULL;//一定要加这句初始化(一个对象不会同时调用构造函数和拷贝构造函数)

Resize(right.GetRow(), right.GetCol());

for(int i = 0; i < right.GetRow(); i++)


for(int j = 0; j < right.GetCol(); j++)

m_ppData[i][j] = right[i][j];







void CMatrix::Free()


if(m_ppData != NULL){

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


if(m_ppData[i] != NULL)

delete[] m_ppData[i];

m_ppData[i] = NULL;


m_ppData = NULL;



int CMatrix::Resize(int row, int col)


assert(row > 0 && col > 0);




m_iRow = row;

m_iCol = col;

m_ppData = new double*[m_iRow];

assert(m_ppData != NULL);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


m_ppData[i] = new double[m_iCol];

assert(m_ppData[i] != NULL);



for(i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

m_ppData[i][j] = 0;


return 1;



void CMatrix::SetZero(double z)


double zero = fabs(z);

if(zero > 1.0f) return;

ZERO = zero;



void CMatrix::Show(const char* pre/*=NULL*/)const


int i, j;

#ifdef _WINDOWS

if(m_iRow > 10 || m_iCol > 10)

MessageBox(NULL, "矩阵数据量太大,不能输出", "警告", MB_OK);

char buf[4096];

char temp[256];

strcpy(buf, "");

if(pre != NULL)


strcpy(buf, pre);

strcat(buf, "\n");


for(i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)


sprintf(temp, "%.3f\t", m_ppData[i][j]);

strcat(buf, temp);


strcat(buf, "\n");


MessageBox(NULL, buf, "提示信息", MB_OK);


if(pre != NULL)


for(i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

printf("%f\t", m_ppData[i][j]);



#endif //_WINDOWS




int CMatrix::RowSwap(int x, int y)


if(x < 0 || x >= m_iRow || y < 0 || y >= m_iRow)

return 0;

if(x == y)

return 1;

for(int i = 0; i < m_iCol; i++)


Swap(m_ppData[x][i], m_ppData[y][i]);


return 1;



int CMatrix::ColSwap(int x, int y)


if(x < 0 || x >= m_iCol || y < 0 || y >= m_iCol)

return 0;

if(x == y)

return 1;

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


Swap(m_ppData[i][x], m_ppData[i][y]);


return 1;



const CMatrix CMatrix::Transpose()const


CMatrix tr(m_iCol, m_iRow);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

tr[j][i] = m_ppData[i][j];


return tr;



double CMatrix::Determinant()const


assert(m_iRow == m_iCol);

CMatrix temp = *this;

int i,j,m,n,s,t,k=1;

double f=1,c,x,sn;

for (i=0,j=0; i


if (temp[i][j]==0)


for (m = i;m < m_iRow; m++)


if(fabs(temp[m][j]) > ZERO)//0



if (m == m_iRow)


return 0;



for (n = j; n < m_iRow; n++)


c = temp[i][n];

temp[i][n] = temp[m][n];

temp[m][n] = c;


k *= (-1);


for (s = m_iRow-1; s>i; s--)


x = temp[s][j];

for (t = j; t < m_iRow; t++)

temp[s][t] -= temp[i][t] * (x/temp[i][j]);



for (i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)

f *= temp[i][i];

sn = k * f;

return sn;



double CMatrix::Det_Recursion()const


assert(m_iRow == m_iCol);

CMatrix temp;

double ans = 0;

if(m_iRow == 1)


return m_ppData[0][0];


else if(m_iRow == 2)


return m_ppData[0][0]*m_ppData[1][1] - m_ppData[1][0]*m_ppData[0][1];




for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


temp = Residue(i, 0);//this->Residue(i, 0)

ans += temp.Det_Recursion()*m_ppData[i][0]*pow(-1, i);



return ans;



const CMatrix CMatrix::Residue(int row, int col)const


CMatrix re;

int index = 0;

assert(m_iRow == m_iCol);

assert(m_iRow >= 2);

assert(row < m_iRow && col < m_iCol);

assert(row >= 0 && col >= 0);

double* pData = NULL;

pData = new double[(m_iRow-1)*(m_iCol-1)];

assert(pData != NULL);

re.Resize(m_iRow-1, m_iCol-1);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

if(i != row && j != col)

pData[index++] = m_ppData[i][j];


re = pData;

delete[] pData;

pData = NULL;

return re;



double CMatrix::Residue_a(int row, int col)const


return (Residue(row, col)).Det_Recursion()*pow(-1, row+col);



const CMatrix CMatrix::Adjoint()const


CMatrix ad(m_iRow, m_iCol);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

ad[j][i] = Residue_a(i, j);


return ad;



const CMatrix CMatrix::Contrary()const



CMatrix co(m_iRow, m_iCol);

co = Adjoint();//this

co /= Det_Recursion();//this

return co;


//高斯-约旦法求逆矩阵(全选主元), pDet为原方阵的行列式

const CMatrix CMatrix::Gauss_Jordan(double* pDet/*=NULL*/)const



double fDet = 1.0f;

int flag = 1;

int k = 0, i = 0, j = 0;

CMatrix out(m_iRow, m_iCol);//逆

CMatrix m = *this;//原

CMatrix rhs(2, m_iRow);//保存主元素位置,0 i, 1 j;

for(k = 0; k < m_iRow; k++)



double fMax = 0.0f;

for(i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)


const double f = fabs(m[i][j]);

if(f > fMax)


fMax = f;

rhs[0][k] = i;

rhs[1][k] = j;




//if(fMax < 0.00001)//元素全为0


// fDet = 0.0f;

// return out;


if((int)rhs[0][k] != k)


flag = -flag;

m.RowSwap((int)rhs[0][k], k);


if((int)rhs[1][k] != k)


flag = -flag;

m.ColSwap((int)rhs[1][k], k);



fDet *= m[k][k];



m[k][k] = 1.0f/m[k][k];


for(j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)


if(j != k)

m[k][j] *= m[k][k];



for(i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


if(i != k)


for(j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)


if(j != k)

m[i][j] = m[i][j] - m[i][k]*m[k][j];





for(i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


if(i != k)


m[i][k] *= -m[k][k];



}//end for(k);

for(k = m_iRow-1; k >= 0; k--)


if((int)rhs[1][k] != k)


m.RowSwap((int)rhs[1][k], k);


if((int)rhs[0][k] != k)


m.ColSwap((int)rhs[0][k], k);



fDet *= flag;

if(pDet != NULL)

*pDet = fDet;

return m;




int CMatrix::IsZero()const


for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

if(fabs(m_ppData[i][j]) > ZERO)

return 0;


return 1;



int CMatrix::IsPhalanx()const


return (m_iRow == m_iCol);



int CMatrix::IsNonfunnyPhalanx()const


return (IsPhalanx() && fabs(Det_Recursion()) > ZERO);



int CMatrix::IsReverse()const


return IsNonfunnyPhalanx();



// []

double* CMatrix::operator [](int i)const


assert(i >= 0 && i < m_iRow);

return m_ppData[i];


// =

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator =(const CMatrix& right)


if(this == &right) return *this;

if((m_iRow != right.GetRow())

|| (m_iCol != right.GetCol()))// 添加于 2005-11-09


Resize(right.GetRow(), right.GetCol());


for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

m_ppData[i][j] = right[i][j];


return *this;


// =

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator =(const double* pRight)


assert(pRight != NULL);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

m_ppData[i][j] = pRight[m_iCol*i + j];


return *this;


// =

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator =(const double** ppRight)


assert(ppRight != NULL);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

m_ppData[i][j] = ppRight[i][j];


return *this;


// 一元操作符+

const CMatrix& CMatrix::operator +()const


return *this;


// 一元操作符-

const CMatrix CMatrix::operator -()const


CMatrix temp(m_iRow, m_iCol);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

temp[i][j] = -m_ppData[i][j];


return temp;


// +

const CMatrix CMatrix::operator +(const CMatrix& right)const


CMatrix temp(m_iRow, m_iCol);

if(m_iRow == right.GetRow()

&& m_iCol == right.GetCol())


for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

temp[i][j] = m_ppData[i][j] + right[i][j];



return temp;


// -

const CMatrix CMatrix::operator -(const CMatrix& right)const


CMatrix m_temp(m_iRow, m_iCol);

if(m_iRow == right.GetRow()

&& m_iCol == right.GetCol())


for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

m_temp[i][j] = m_ppData[i][j] - right[i][j];



return m_temp;


// *

const CMatrix CMatrix::operator *(const CMatrix& right)const


double temp = 0;

CMatrix m_temp(m_iRow, right.GetCol());

if(m_iCol != right.GetRow())

return m_temp;

for(int i = 0; i < m_temp.GetRow(); i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_temp.GetCol(); j++)


temp = 0;

for(int k = 0; k < right.GetRow(); k++)

temp += m_ppData[i][k] * right[k][j];

m_temp[i][j] = temp;



return m_temp;


// *

const CMatrix CMatrix::operator *(const double& right)const


CMatrix m_temp(m_iRow, m_iCol);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

m_temp[i][j] = m_ppData[i][j] * right;


return m_temp;


// /

const CMatrix CMatrix::operator /(const double& right)const


CMatrix m_temp(m_iRow, m_iCol);

for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

m_temp[i][j] = m_ppData[i][j] / right;


return m_temp;


// +=

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator +=(const CMatrix& right)


*this = (*this) + right;

return *this;


// -=

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator -=(const CMatrix& right)


*this = (*this) - right;

return *this;


// *=

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator *=(const CMatrix& right)


*this = (*this) * right;

return *this;


// *=

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator *=(const double& right)


*this = (*this) * right;

return *this;


// /=

CMatrix& CMatrix::operator /=(const double& right)


*this = (*this) / right;

return *this;


// ==

int CMatrix::operator ==(const CMatrix& right)const


if(this == &right) return 1;

if((m_iRow != right.GetRow())

|| (m_iCol != right.GetCol()))


return 0;


for(int i = 0; i < m_iRow; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < m_iCol; j++)

if(fabs(m_ppData[i][j] - right[i][j]) > ZERO)//0

return 0;


return 1;


// !=

int CMatrix::operator !=(const CMatrix& right)const


return !(*this == right);




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