
Discord is the most popular gaming chatroom service on the internet. Here are a few ways you can customize your account to make your experience even better.

Discord是Internet上最受欢迎的游戏聊天室服务。 您可以通过以下几种方法自定义帐户,以改善您的体验。

用户名和服务器昵称 (Username and Server Nickname)

When you first register for Discord, you are asked to create a username. However, you can change your username at any time after registration.

首次注册Discord时,系统会要求您创建一个用户名。 但是,您可以在注册后随时更改用户名。

To change your username, click the gear icon next to your name and profile picture to access the Settings menu.


Under User Settings > My Account, click “Edit,” and you’ll be asked to input your new username.


Also, you can edit your nickname on each server that you’re a part of. Go to one of the servers that you belong to, and click the downward arrow next to the server name on the top left. Select “Change Nickname” to set your custom display name.

另外,您可以在所属的每台服务器上编辑昵称。 转到您所属的服务器之一,然后单击左上角服务器名称旁边的向下箭头。 选择“更改昵称”以设置您的自定义显示名称。

This nickname will be how other members see you for that particular server.


不和谐头像 (Discord Avatars)

To set your avatar on Discord, go back to “My Account,” and click the circle with your current profile picture.


You will then be asked to select the file on your device;. Next, you’ll crop it with a preview to see what it looks like inside the circle. Discord Nitro subscribers can set their avatars as animated GIFs instead of static images.

然后将要求您选择设备上的文件; 接下来,您将使用预览对其进行裁剪,以查看圆圈内的外观。 Discord Nitro订户可以将其头像设置为动画GIF而不是静态图像。

不和谐整合 (Discord Integrations)

You can link various accounts you have on websites and services to your Discord account. Each app will give you unique integrations on your account. For example, linking your Steam, Xbox, or Battle.net account will allow you to display what game you’re currently playing whenever anyone looks at your profile card.

您可以将网站和服务上的各种帐户链接到Discord帐户。 每个应用程序都会为您的帐户提供独特的集成。 例如,关联您的Steam,Xbox或Battle.net帐户将使您可以在任何人查看您的个人资料卡时显示您当前正在玩的游戏。

You can also link your accounts on streaming services like Twitch and YouTube, so people know when you’re live-streaming on Twitch, or on your Spotify account to show what you’re currently playing.


To set up integrations, go to User Settings > Connections, and click the icon for the app you want to connect. You can then customize each integration individually.

要设置集成,请转到“用户设置”>“连接”,然后单击要连接的应用程序的图标。 然后,您可以分别自定义每个集成。

自定义号码标签 (Custom Number Tag)

Each Discord username has a four-digit number at the end, which allows multiple people to hold the same username. If you’re on a free account, there’s no way to customize this.

每个Discord用户名的末尾都有一个四位数的数字,它允许多个人持有相同的用户名。 如果您使用的是免费帐户,则无法自定义此帐户。

However, if you’re on Discord Nitro, simply go to the “My Account” tab and click “Edit.” You’ll be able to set your custom number tag here, as long as it’s not already taken.

但是,如果您使用的是Discord Nitro ,只需转到“我的帐户”标签,然后单击“编辑”。 只要尚未使用,您就可以在此处设置自定义数字标签。

不和谐的界面 (The Discord Interface)

There are a few things you can customize with Discord’s UI. To see them, go to App Settings > Appearance.

您可以使用Discord的UI进行一些自定义。 要查看它们,请转到“应用程序设置”>“外观”。

From here, you can select between two themes: light and dark. You can also change the way messages are displayed. Cozy makes messages more spread out, while compact puts all the text close together and hides the avatars.

在这里,您可以在两个主题之间选择:浅色和深色。 您还可以更改消息的显示方式。 舒适使消息更容易散开,而紧凑可使所有文本紧密结合在一起并隐藏化身。

You also have several accessibility options, such as changing the font size scaling and the size of spaces between messages.


Any customizations you make to the interface will apply across all apps you’re logged in to, whether it’s mobile, desktop, or the web app.


文字和图像设置 (Text and Image Settings)

You can also customize the way text and images appear in chat by going to App Settings > Text & Images.


Here are some of the changes you can make to the way certain types of content are displayed:


  • Display Images, Videos, and Lolcats: This allows you to set whether or not images and videos are shown in the message feed.


  • Link Preview: This allows you to determine if links in messages will have a corresponding link preview.


  • Emojis: This enables visibility of emoji reactions to messages, and whether or not you can see animated emojis.


常规通知设置 (General Notification Settings)

By default, you will receive notifications across all the servers you belong to while you’re on mobile. On the other hand, desktop notifications are disabled.

默认情况下,您将在移动设备上收到所有属于您的服务器的通知。 另一方面,桌面通知被禁用。

Under App Settings > Notifications, you’ll be able to enable Desktop Notifications and disable mobile notifications when you’re on your computer. You also have the option to turn off any of Discord’s sound effects, such as those for new messages, new members in voice chat, and more.

在“应用程序设置”>“通知”下,当您在计算机上时,将能够启用桌面通知并禁用移动通知。 您还可以选择关闭Discord的任何声音效果,例如新消息的声音效果,语音聊天的新成员等等。

服务器通知设置 (Server Notification Settings)

Each server has its own notification settings. Go to the desired server, and click on the arrow next to the server name. From here, go to Notification Settings.

每个服务器都有自己的通知设置。 转到所需的服务器,然后单击服务器名称旁边的箭头。 从这里转到通知设置。

There are three options for notification settings:


  • All Messages: You’ll receive a notification every time a new message is sent on the server. This is ideal for small private servers with just a handful of members. This option is not available for large public servers with thousands of members.

    所有邮件:每次在服务器上发送新邮件时,您都会收到一条通知。 对于只有少量成员的小型私人服务器,这是理想的选择。 此选项不适用于具有数千名成员的大型公共服务器。

  • Only @mentions: You’ll receive a notification every time a message is sent that directly mentions your username.


  • Note: You will not receive any notifications from this server.


You can temporarily mute any server by clicking the “Mute” button.


Additionally, you can set the notifications per channel in a server. Simply right-click on the server and click “Notification Settings.” If there’s a particular channel that you want to keep track of, simply select “All Messages.”

此外,您可以设置服务器中每个通道的通知。 只需右键单击服务器,然后单击“通知设置”。 如果您要跟踪某个特定频道,只需选择“所有消息”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/675809/8-ways-to-personalize-your-discord-account/


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