
Tumblr is a great service for sharing media and blog posts, but what if you don’t want to share your experiences with the world?  Here’s how to create a private, password-protected blog for your family or business.

Tumblr是共享媒体和博客文章的出色服务,但是如果您不想与世界分享您的经验怎么办? 这是为您的家庭或企业创建私人的,受密码保护的博客的方法。

By default, Tumblr blogs are available for all the world to see.  Your boss, the guy down the street, or a kid in Japan, all can see anything you post.  This is great for most blogs, as, after all, most of us blog to get our ideas out to the world.  We get excited when more people read our posts.  But there is still a time and place for privacy, especially in our hyperconnected world today where almost everything is public.  Luckily, Tumblr does have an option to create a private, password protected blog, so even if you only want to post pictures to share with Grandma, you can still use Tumblr to do it quickly, stylishly, and privately.

默认情况下,Tumblr博客可供世界各地使用。 您的老板,街上的家伙或日本的孩子都可以看到您发布的任何内容。 这对大多数博客来说都是很棒的,毕竟,我们大多数人都会将我们的想法传播给全世界。 当更多的人阅读我们的帖子时,我们会感到兴奋。 但是,仍然存在隐私的时间和地点,尤其是在当今我们高度连接的世界中,几乎所有内容都是公开的。 幸运的是,Tumblr确实可以选择创建一个受密码保护的私人博客,因此,即使您只想发布图片以与祖母共享,您仍然可以使用Tumblr快速,时尚私密地进行操作。

Create a Password Protected Tumblr


As strange as it may seem, if you only want a private Tumblr, you’ll first need to create a standard, public Tumblr.  They don’t allow your default blog to be password protected and private, but you can always add a second, password protected blog for free.  If you don’t already have a Tumblr blog, check out our article on how to quickly get a Tumblr blog setup.  If you only want a private blog, you can just leave the first, public site with the default theme and no content, or otherwise use it as you wish.

看起来似乎很奇怪,如果您只想要一个私有的Tumblr,则首先需要创建一个标准的公共Tumblr。 他们不允许您的默认博客受密码保护和不公开,但您始终可以免费添加第二个受密码保护的博客。 如果您还没有Tumblr博客,请查看有关如何快速获取Tumblr博客设置的文章。 如果您只想要一个私人博客,则可以使用默认主题离开第一个公共网站,但不保留任何内容,也可以根据需要使用它。

Now, to make your private Tumblr blog, click the down arrow beside your blog’s name on the right side and click Create a new blog.


Enter a name and address for your new blog, and then check the box beside Password protect this blog and enter a password if you want to keep it secure.  Once you’re finished, click Create Private Blog.

输入新博客的名称和地址,然后选中“密码保护此博客”旁边的框,并输入密码以保护其安全。 完成后,点击创建私人博客

That’s all, folks!  As soon as you’ve created the new private blog, you’ll be presented with a new dashboard.  Now you can post pictures, text, quotes, links, and more, and they’re all hidden behind your password firewall.

就是这样,伙计们! 创建新的私人博客后,将为您提供一个新的仪表板。 现在,您可以发布图片,文本,引号,链接等,并且它们都隐藏在您的密码防火墙后面。

The only people that will be able to visit your site are those you give your password to.  When you browse to your_new_private_tumblr.tumblr.com, you’ll see a password box.  Enter the password you created, and click Confirm to see the content.  You can now give this password out to family, friends, coworkers, or whoever you want to see it.

只有您输入密码的人才能访问您的网站。 当您浏览到your_new_private_tumblr .tumblr.com时,您会看到一个密码框。 输入您创建的密码,然后单击“确认”以查看内容。 您现在可以将此密码提供给家人,朋友,同事或任何您想看到的人。

Your Tumblr dashboard, by default, will go to the first, public blog you setup.  To access your private blog’s dashboard, you’ll have to click the down arrow beside your blog’s name as before.  This time, select your new Tumblr from the list, and you’ll be presented with your private blog’s dashboard as above.

默认情况下,您的Tumblr仪表板将转到您设置的第一个公共博客。 要访问私人博客的仪表板,您必须像以前一样单击博客名称旁边的向下箭头。 这次,从列表中选择新的Tumblr,上面将显示私人博客的信息中心。

Turn an Existing Second Tumblr Into a Private Blog


If you already have a second Tumblr blog on your account and would like to make it private, open your second blog’s dashboard as above.  Now click Customize under the second blog’s name.

如果您的帐户上已有第二个Tumblr博客,并且想将其设为不公开,请如上所述打开您第二个博客的仪表板。 现在,单击第二个博客名称下的“自定义”。

Now, on the Customize page, click the Advanced tab.  Check the Password protect this blog box, and enter the password of your choice.  You may also wish to uncheck the next two boxes, which will prevent search engines from seeing your blog and not let your blog get promoted by Tumblr.

现在,在“自定义”页面上,单击“高级”选项卡。 选中密码保护此博客框,然后输入您选择的密码。 您可能还希望取消选中接下来的两个复选框,这将阻止搜索引擎查看您的博客,而不是让Tumblr提升您的博客。

Once you’re done, click Save + Close.


Now your blog will be hidden behind a password, too!




No matter what you’re blogging about, sometimes you just might want to keep it a bit private.  Tumblr makes it slightly complicated to have a private blog, but once you have one, it works great.  Since your visitors will only have to enter a password, it’s much easier for them to use than many other systems that would require them to first have an account.  Now you can post away, and not worry about what other’s think!

不管您在写什么博客,有时您可能只想对它保密。 Tumblr使得拥有一个私人博客稍微有些复杂,但是一旦拥有一个私人博客,它就会很好用。 由于您的访客只需输入密码,因此与许多其他要求他们首先拥有一个帐户的系统相比,他们的使用更加容易。 现在您可以发帖了,不用担心别人的想法!

If you don’t already have a Tumblr blog, check out our article on how to Create a Tumblr Blog.  Don’t forget; even though your new blog is private, you can still make it look as nice as you want!

如果您还没有Tumblr博客,请查看有关如何创建Tumblr博客的文章。 不要忘记即使您的新博客是私人博客,您仍然可以根据需要使它看起来不错!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22806/how-to-make-a-private-tumblr-blog/



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