在用 LaTeX 写作的过程中,少不了引用一些参考文献。这就涉及到 bibtex 制作、生成参考文献。参考文献的引用在网上有许多格式,很多是为一些文献管理软件定制好的 metadata,比如 EndNote、RefMan、RefWorks 、Mendeley、NoteExpress 等。而 latex 编译需要的是最原始的 bibtex 引用数据,比如

@article{bibkey, author={A and B}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, title={Title .... }, year={2017}, volume={XXX}, number={xx}, pages={XXX--XXX}, keywords={......}, doi={xx.xxxx/xxxxxxxx}, ISSN={XXXX--XXXX}, month={Feb},

每一个数据段表示一个参考文献(期刊论文、会议论文、书籍、专利、学位论文等)。将这些数据段都放入一个扩展为 *.bib 的文件中,和 *.tex 文件放在同一目录下。

在 *.tex 文件中的最后加上如下语句

\balance    % 平衡最后一页的左右栏
\bibliographystyle{ieeetr} % 多种格式:plain, alpha, abbrv, acm, siam, apalike, etc.


\cite{bibkey} 或 \citep{bibkey}  % 不用格式要求不一致

重点介绍:自定义参考文献生成模板 *.bst

假设你已经安装好了 CTeX 或 MikTeX,在电脑的任意文件夹中,打开命令行 cmd,输入以下语句

$ tex makebst  % makebst.tex 已经安装在系统目录中
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (MiKTeX 2.9)
* This is Make Bibliography Style *
It makes up a docstrip batch job to produce
a customized .bst file for running with BibTeX


Do you want a description of the usage? (NO)\yn=yes
In the interactive dialogue that follows,
you will be presented with a series of menus.
In each case, one answer is the default, marked as (*),
and a mere carriage-return is sufficient to select it.
(If there is no * choice, then the default is the last choice.)
For the other choices, a letter is indicated
in brackets for selecting that option. If you select
a letter not in the list, default is taken.

默认的选项用 * 标记,如果没有 * 标记,那么默认选择最后一个选项。另外,选项用字母表示,置于 [ ] 中,如果选择未出现的字母,即认为是默认选项。

The final output is a file containing a batch job
which may be (La)TeXed to produce the desired BibTeX
bibliography style file. The batch job may be edited
to make minor changes, rather than running this program
once again.Enter the name of the MASTER file (default=merlin.mbs)\mfile=


Name of the final OUTPUT .bst file? (default extension=bst)\ofile=myRefStyle


Give a comment line to include in the style file.
Something like for which journals it is applicable.\ans=This is a bst file created by XXX for journal xxx on 10 July, 2017
Do you want verbose comments? (NO)\yn=


EXTERNAL FILES:Name of language definition file (default=merlin.mbs)\cfile=Name of language file: \cfile=.Include file(s) for extra journal names? (NO)\yn=No included files.


INTERNAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT (if no external language file)
(*) English words used explicitly
(b) Babel (words replaced by commands defined in babelbst.tex)Select:\ans=You have selected: English


(*) Numerical as in standard LaTeX  % 数字 [1], [2]
(a) Author-year with some non-standard interface % 作者 年份,其他格式
(b) Alpha style, Jon90 or JWB90 for single or multiple authors
(o) Alpha style, Jon90 even for multiple authors
(f) Alpha style, Jones90 (full name of first author)
(c) Cite key (special for listing contents of bib file)Select:\ans=aYou have selected: Author-year

选择正文中出现的引用的格式,选择 (a) 还需要详细设置,

AUTHOR--YEAR SUPPORT SYSTEM (if author-year citations)
(*) Natbib for use with natbib v5.3 or later
(o) Older Natbib without full authors citations
(l) Apalike for use with apalike.sty
(h) Harvard system with harvard.sty
(a) Astronomy system with astron.sty
(c) Chicago system with chicago.sty
(n) Named system with named.sty
(d) Author-date system with authordate1-4.stySelect:\ans=You have selected: Natbib

这里使用现有的 natbib 包的格式,也可以选择其他类型,

(*) No language field
(l) Add language field to switch hyphenation patterns temporarilySelect:\ans=You have selected: No language field


(*) No annotations will be recognized
(a) Annotations in annote field or in .tex file of citekey nameSelect:\ans=You have selected: No annotations


(*) Do not add presentation type for conference talks
(p) Add presentation, speaker not highlighted
(b) Presentation, speaker bold face
(i) Presentaion, speaker italic
(c) Presentaion, speaker in small capsSelect:\ans=You have selected: Do not add presentation type

Presentation 不当作参考文献的一种格式,

ORDERING OF REFERENCES (if author-year citations)
(*) Alphabetical by all authors % 按字母表排序
(l) By label (Jones before Jones and James before Jones et al) % 也按字母表排序,作者少的先排
(m) By label and cite order (like above but all Jones et al ordered as cited)
(k) By label and cite key instead of label and title, as above
(d) Year ordered and then by authors (for publication lists)    % 先按年份,再按作者顺序
(r) Reverse year ordered and then by authors (most recent first)
(c) Citation order (unsorted, only meaningful for numericals) % 按正文引用出现顺序排列Select:\ans=lYou have selected: By label


ORDER ON VON PART (if not citation order)
(*) Sort on von part (de la Maire before Defoe)
(x) Sort without von part (de la Maire after Mahone)Select:\ans=You have selected: Sort on von part

一些特殊的姓氏也要考虑到:de, van, la 等,

IGNORE FIRST NAMES (if author-year citations)
(*) Respect first names or initials, treat as different authors
(x) Sort on surname only and treat all Smiths as oneSelect:\ans=You have selected: Respect first names


(*) Full, surname last (John Frederick Smith)   % 全名:名 姓
(f) Full, surname first (Smith, John Frederick) % 全名:姓,名
(i) Initials + surname (J. F. Smith)    % 名缩写 姓
(r) Surname + initials (Smith, J. F.)   % 姓,名缩写
(s) Surname + dotless initials (Smith J F) % 姓 名缩写(无点)
(w) Surname + comma + spaceless initials (Smith, J.F.)  % 姓,名缩写(加点)
(x) Surname + pure initials (Smith JF)
(y) Surname + comma + pure initials (Smith, JF)
(z) Surname + spaceless initials (Smith J.F.)
(a) Only first name reversed, initials (AGU style: Smith, J. F., H. K. Jones)
(b) First name reversed, with full names (Smith, John Fred, Harry Kab Jones)Select:\ans=wYou have selected: Surname + comma + spaceless initials


JUNIOR PART IN THE CITATION (if author-year citations)
(*) No `junior' part in the citations but in the ref listing
(j) `Junior' in citations as well as in ref listingSelect:\ans=You have selected: No `junior' part in the citations

不出现 junior 格式

(*) Author names separated by commas
(s) Names separated by semi-colon
(h) Names separated by slash /Select:\ans=You have selected: Author names separated by commas


(*) Author/editor names always present
(d) Repeated author/editor names replaced by dash
(2) Repeated author/editor names replaced by 2 dashes
(3) Repeated author/editor names replaced by 3 dashesSelect:\ans=You have selected: Author/editor names always present

名字默认不用 dash 代替,(具体作用不明确)

(*) All authors included in listing
(l) Limited authors (et al replaces missing names)Select:\ans=lYou have selected: Limited authors
Maximum number of authors (1-99)\num=3You have selected maximum 3 authors
Minimum number (before et al given) (1-3)\num=3You have selected minimum 3 authors

参考文献中可以选择只列出部分作者(默认全部作者列出),这里选择只列出前 3 个作者,即 3 个作者以上时,后面的人名用 et al. 代替,1 个或 2 个作者时不变。

(*) One author et al for three or more authors
(m) Some other truncation schemeSelect:\ans=You have selected: One author et al


(*) Normal font for author names
(s) Small caps authors (\sc)
(i) Italic authors (\it or \em)
(b) Bold authors (\bf)
(u) User defined author font (\bibnamefont)Select:\ans=You have selected: Normal font for author namesFONT OF CITATION LABELS IN TEXT (if author-year citations)
(*) Cited authors plain as result of \cite command
(i) Cited authors italic
(s) Cited authors small caps
(b) Cited authors bold
(u) User defined citation font (\citenamefont)Select:\ans=You have selected: Cited authors plainFONT OF EXTRA LABEL (The extra letter on the year)
(*) Extra label plain
(i) Extra label italicSelect:\ans=You have selected: Extra label plain


LABEL WHEN AUTHORS MISSING (if author-year citations)
(*) Year blank when KEY replaces missing author (for natbib 7.0)
(y) Year included when KEY replaces missing authorSelect:\ans=You have selected: Year blank when KEY replaces missing authorMISSING DATE (if author-year citations)
(*) Missing date set to ???? in label and text
(b) Missing date left blankSelect:\ans=You have selected: Missing date set to ????


(*) Date at end         % 参考文献最后
(b) Date after authors  % 作者之后
(j) Date part of journal spec. (as 1994;45:34-40) else at end % 期刊名之后
(e) Date at very end after any notesSelect:\ans=bYou have selected: Date after authors


DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
(*) Year plain without any brackets
(p) Year in parentheses as (1993)
(b) Year in brackets as [1993]
(c) Year preceded by colon as `: 1993'
(d) Year preceded by period as `. 1993'
(m) Date preceded by comma as `, 1993'
(s) Year preceded by space only, as ` 1993'Select:\ans=mYou have selected: Date preceded by comma


(*) Date is year only without the month
(m) Include month in dateSelect:\ans=You have selected: Date is year only


DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
(*) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
(c) Colon after date as 1994:
(s) Semi-colon after date as 1994;
(p) Period after date even when blocks use commas
(x) No punct. after dateSelect:\ans=You have selected: Date with standard block punctuation


(*) Space after date and punctuation
(x) No space after date as 1994:45Select:\ans=You have selected: Space after dateDATE FONT:
(*) Date in normal font
(b) Date in bold faceSelect:\ans=You have selected: Date in normal fontTRUNCATE YEAR (if author-year citations)
(*) Year text full as 1990--1993 or `in press'
(t) Year truncated to last 4 digitsSelect:\ans=You have selected: Year text full


(*) Title plain with no special font
(i) Title italic (\em)
(q) Title and punctuation in single quotes (`Title,' ..)
(d) Title and punctuation in double quotes (``Title,'' ..)
(g) Title and punctuation in guillemets (<<Title,>> ..)
(x) Title in single quotes (`Title', ..)
(y) Title in double quotes (``Title'', ..)
(z) Title in guillemets (<<Title>>, ..)Select:\ans=You have selected: Title plainCAPITALIZATION OF ARTICLE TITLE:
(*) Sentence style (capitalize first word and those in braces)
(t) Title style (just as in bib entry)Select:\ans=You have selected: Sentence styleARTICLE TITLE PRESENT:
(*) Article title present in journals and proceedings
(x) No article titleSelect:\ans=You have selected: Article title present


(*) Periods in journal names are retained, as `Phys. Rev.'
(x) Dotless journal names as `Phys Rev'Select:\ans=You have selected: Periods in journal namesJOURNAL NAME FONT:
(*) Journal name italics
(r) Journal name normal fontSelect:\ans=You have selected: Journal name italics


(*) Thesis titles like books
(a) Thesis title like article
(x) No thesis titleSelect:\ans=You have selected: Thesis titles like booksTECHNICAL REPORT TITLE:
(*) Tech. report title like articles
(b) Tech. report title like booksSelect:\ans=bYou have selected: Tech. report title like booksTECHNICAL REPORT NUMBER:
(*) Tech. report and number plain as `Tech. Rep. 123'
(i) Tech. report and number italic as `{\it Tech. Rep. 123'}Select:\ans=You have selected: Tech. report and number plain


(*) Volume plain as vol(num)
(i) Volume italic as {\em vol}(num)
(b) Volume bold as {\bf vol}(num)
(d) Volume and number bold as {\bf vol(num)}Select:\ans=bYou have selected: Volume boldJOURNAL VOL AND NUMBER:
(*) Journal vol(num) as 34(2)
(s) Journal vol (num) as 34 (2)
(c) Journal vol, num as 34, 2
(n) Journal vol, no. num as 34, no. 2
(h) Journal vol, \# number as 34, \#2
(b) Journal vol number as 34 2
(x) Journal vol, without number as 34Select:\ans=You have selected: Journal vol(num)VOLUME PUNCTUATION:
(*) Volume with colon as vol(num):ppp
(s) Volume with colon and space as vol(num): ppp
(h) Volume with semi-colon as vol(num); ppp
(c) Volume with comma as vol(num), ppp
(b) Volume with blank as vol(num) pppSelect:\ans=You have selected: Volume with colonYEAR IN JOURNAL SPECIFICATION:
(*) Journal year like others as given by date position
(v) Journal vol(year) as 34(1995)
(s) Journal vol (year) as 34 (1995)
(p) Year with pages as 34(2), (1995) 1345--1387
(c) Year, comma, pages as 34(2), (1995), 1345--1387Select:\ans=You have selected: Journal year like others

期刊的卷号加粗,页码紧跟再冒号之后,即 23(2):1–9,年份的位置按照之前的设置来,

(*) Start and stop page numbers given
(f) Only start page numberSelect:\ans=You have selected: Start and stop page numbersLARGE PAGE NUMBERS:
(*) No separators for large page numbers
(c) Comma inserted over 9999 as 11,234
(s) Thin space inserted over 9999 as 11 234
(p) Period inserted over 9999 as 11.234Select:\ans=You have selected: No separators for large page numbersWORD `PAGE' IN ARTICLES:
(*) Article pages numbers only as 234-256
(p) Include `page' in articles as pp. 234--256Select:\ans=You have selected: Article pages numbers onlyPOSITION OF PAGES:
(*) Pages given mid text as is normal
(e) Pages at end but before any notesSelect:\ans=You have selected: Pages given mid text

页码的格式就按 bib 给出的信息,不修改,

(*) Article volume as number only as 21
(p) Include `volume' in articles as vol. 21Select:\ans=You have selected: Article volume as number onlyNUMBER AND SERIES FOR COLLECTIONS:
(*) Allows number without series and suppresses word "number"
(s) Standard BibTeX as: "number 123 in Total Works"; error if number and no ser
iesSelect:\ans=You have selected: Allows number without seriesPOSITION OF NUMBER AND SERIES:
(*) After chapter and pages as in standard BibTeX
(t) Just before publisher or organizationSelect:\ans=You have selected: After chapter and pagesVOLUME AND SERIES FOR BOOKS/COLLECTIONS:
(*) Vol. 23 of Series as in standard BibTeX
(s) Series, vol. 23Select:\ans=You have selected: Vol. 23 of SeriesPOSITION OF VOLUME AND SERIES FOR INCOLLECTIONS:
(*) Series and volume after the editors
(e) Series and volume after booktitle and before editorsSelect:\ans=You have selected: Series and volume after the editors

这里全都默认设置,不显示额外的 volume、number 信息,

(*) Comma after journal name
(x) Space after journal name
\ans=You have selected: Comma after journal


(*) Book title italic (\em)
(p) Book title plain (no font command)Select:\ans=pYou have selected: Book title plainPAGES IN BOOKS:
(*) Pages in book plain as pp. 50-55
(p) Pages in book in parentheses as (pp. 50-55)
(x) Pages in book bare as 50-55Select:\ans=You have selected: Pages in book plainTOTAL PAGES OF A BOOK:
(*) Total book pages not printed
(p) For book: 345 pages or pp.
(a) Total book pages before publisherSelect:\ans=You have selected: Total book pages not printedPUBLISHER ADDRESS:
(*) Publisher, address as Harcourt, New York
(a) Address: Publisher as New York: HarcourtSelect:\ans=You have selected: Publisher, addressPUBLISHER IN PARENTHESES:
(*) Publisher as normal block without parentheses
(p) Publisher in parentheses
(d) Publisher and date in parentheses (Oxford, 1994)
(c) Publisher and date in parentheses, no comma (Oxford 1994)
(f) Publisher and date without parentheses Oxford, 1994
(k) Publisher and date, no parentheses, no comma Oxford 1994Select:\ans=You have selected: Publisher as normal blockPUBLISHER POSITION:
(*) Publisher after chapter, pages
(p) Publisher before chapter, pages
(e) Publisher after editionSelect:\ans=You have selected: Publisher after chapter, pages


(*) Include ISBN for books, booklets, etc.
(x) No ISBNSelect:\ans=xYou have selected: No ISBNISSN NUMBER:
(*) Include ISSN for periodicals
(x) No ISSNSelect:\ans=xYou have selected: No ISSNDOI NUMBER:
(*) Include DOI as "doi: number"
(u) Format DOI as URL //dx.doi.org/doi (must give url options!)
(a) Insert DOI AGU style as part of page number
(x) No DOISelect:\ans=uYou have selected: Format DOI as URL //dx.doi.org/doi

不需要输出 ISSN 和 ISBN 信息,需要以 url 格式给出 DOI 信息,

(*) Word `editor' after name
(a) `Name (editor),' in parentheses, after name, comma after
(b) `Name (Editor),' as above, editor upper case
(c) `Name, (editor)' in parentheses, after name, comma between
(d) `Name, (Editor)' as above, editor upper case
(e) `Name (editor)' in parentheses, after name, no commas
(f) `Name (Editor)' as above, editor upper caseSelect:\ans=bYou have selected: `Name (Editor),'EDITOR IN COLLECTIONS:
(*) Same as for edited book (names before booktitle)
(b) In booktitle, edited by ..  (where .. is names)
(p) In booktitle (edited by ..)
(c) In booktitle, (edited by ..)
(e) In booktitle, editor ..
(f) In booktitle, (editor) ..
(k) In booktitle (editor..)
(g) In booktitle, (editor..)
(j) In booktitle, .., editor
(m) In booktitle (.., editor)Select:\ans=You have selected: Same as for edited book


(*) \newblock after blocks (periods or new lines with openbib option)
(c) Comma between blocks
(s) Semi-colon between blocks
(b) Blanks between blocks
(t) Period after titles of articles, books, etc else commas
(u) Colon after titles of articles, books, etc else commas
(a) Period after titles of articles else commas
(d) Colon after titles of articles else commasSelect:\ans=You have selected: \newblock after blocks

\newblock 将多个字段区分开,

(*) Author block normal with regular block punctuation
(c) Author block with colonSelect:\ans=You have selected: Author block normal


(*) Space after `in' for incollection or inproceedings
(c) Colon after `in' (as `In: ...')
(i) Italic `in' and space
(d) Italic `in' and colon
(x) No word `in' for edited worksSelect:\ans=iYou have selected: Italic `in' and colon`IN' WITH JOURNAL NAMES (if using 'in' with collections)
(*) No `in' before journal name
(i) Add `in' before journal name in style for incollectionSelect:\ans=You have selected: No `in' before journal name

斜体的 In : ,但不用于期刊名之前,

(*) Period at very end of the listed reference
(x) No period at endSelect:\ans=You have selected: Period at very end


ABBREVIATE WORD `PAGES' (if not using external language file)
(*) `Page(s)' (no abbreviation)
(a) `Page' abbreviated as p. or pp.
(x) `Page' omittedSelect:\ans=aYou have selected: `Page' abbreviatedABBREVIATE WORD `EDITORS':
(*) `Editor(s)' (no abbreviation)
(a) `Editor' abbreviated as ed. or eds.Select:\ans=You have selected: `Editor(s)'OTHER ABBREVIATIONS:
(*) No abbreviations of volume, edition, chapter, etc
(a) Abbreviations of such wordsSelect:\ans=You have selected: No abbreviationsEDITION NUMBERS:
(*) Editions as in database saving much processing memory
(w) Write out editions as first, second, third, etc
(n) Numerical editions as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etcSelect:\ans=You have selected: Editions as in databaseReading external language file \cfile=STORED JOURNAL NAMES:
(*) Full journal names for prestored journals
(a) Abbreviated journal names
(s) Abbreviated with astronomy shorthands like ApJ and AJSelect:\ans=You have selected: Full journal names

Page 缩写,Editor 不缩写,其他都不缩写;期刊名不缩写

(*) Use word `and' in author lists
(a) Use ampersand in place of `and'
(v) Use \BIBand in place of `and'Select:\ans=You have selected: Use word `and'COMMA BEFORE `AND':
(*) Comma before `and' as `Tom, Dick, and Harry'
(n) No comma before `and' as `Tom, Dick and Harry'
(c) Comma even with 2 authors as `Tom, and Harry'Select:\ans=You have selected: Comma before `and'NO `AND' IN REFERENCE LIST:
(*) With `and' before last author in reference list
(x) No `and' as `Tom, Dick, Harry'Select:\ans=xYou have selected: No `and'

在正文的作者列表中,使用 and 分隔,如果有三个作者,前两个需要用逗号;但是在参考文献列表中,不需要 and,

(*) Comma before `et al' in reference list
(x) No comma before `et al'Select:\ans=You have selected: Comma before `et al'FONT OF `ET AL':
(*) Plain et al
(i) Italic et al
(r) Roman et al even when authors something elseSelect:\ans=iYou have selected: Italic et al

在参考文献列表中, et al. 之前需要加逗号,

(*) No additional fields for REVTeX
(r) Include REVTeX data fields collaboration, eid, eprint, archive, numpages, u
rlSelect:\ans=You have selected: No additional fields


E-PRINT DATA FIELD: (without REVTeX fields)
(*) Do not include eprint field
(e) Include eprint and archive fields for electronic publicationsSelect:\ans=You have selected: Do not include eprint fieldURL ADDRESS: (without REVTeX fields)
(*) No URL for electronic (Internet) documents
(u) Include URL as regular item block
(n) URL as note
(l) URL on new line after rest of referenceSelect:\ans=uYou have selected: Include URL

电子书不包括,加入 URL 字段,

(*) No reference component tags in the \bibitem entries
(b) Reference component tags like \bibinfo in the content of \bibitemSelect:\ans=You have selected: No reference component tagsEMPHASIS: (affects all so-called italics)
(*) Use emphasis ie, \em, allows font switching
(i) Use true italics ie, \it, absolute italics
(x) No italics at all
(u) Underlining in place of italics, best with ulem packageSelect:\ans=You have selected: Use emphasisCOMPATIBILITY WITH PLAIN TEX:
(*) Use LaTeX commands which may not work with Plain TeX
(t) Use only Plain TeX commands for fonts and testingSelect:\ans=You have selected: Use LaTeX commands

最后一点设置,斜体用 \em 表示

Batch job written to file `myRefStyle.dbj'
Shall I now run this batch job? (NO)\yn=yes
Utility: `docstrip' 2.5d <2005/07/29>
English documentation    <1999/03/31>**********************************************************
* This program converts documented macro-files into fast *
* loadable files by stripping off (nearly) all comments! *
* No Configuration file found, using default settings. *
********************************************************)Generating file(s) myRefStyle.bstProcessing file merlin.mbs (ay,nat,seq-lab,nm-rvvc,nmlm,x3,m3,keyxyr,dt-beg,yr-
pp,xedn,xand,etal-it,url,url-blk,nfss,) -> myRefStyle.bst
Lines  processed: 9446
Comments removed: 3867
Comments  passed: 1
Codelines passed: 3732) )
No pages of output.
Transcript written on makebst.log.

最后完成,yes 直接编译生成一个 ***.bst 文件,在当前目录下。

当所有的问题回答完之后,当前目录下会生成 ***.dbj 文件,其内容是之前所有问题和选择的答案,在这里也可以进行手动再修改:各问题选项前的注释符“%”即可。

在命令行中,继续编译 ***.dbj 文件

tex ***.dbj

就可以得到最终的参考文献模板文件 ***.bst 。如需使用它,只需要在 tex 源文件中使用语句


即可。LaTeX 会按照你之前设计的参考文献格式编译,并生成 References 列表。

\bibitem[\protect\astroncite{Xue and Jin}{2017}]{XueJin-246}
Xue, S., Jin, X., 2017.
\newblock Robust classwise and projective low-rank representation for
image classification.
\newblock {\em Signal Image Video Process.}, {\bf 1}(1):1--9. \\http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11760-017-1136-1

Xue, S., Jin, X., 2017. Robust classwise and projective low-rank representation for image classification. Signal Image Video Process., 1(1):1–9.

Bishop, C.M., 2006.
\newblock Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
\newblock Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

Bishop, C.M., 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

\bibitem[\protect\astroncite{Cand\`{e}s \emph{et~al.}}{2011}]{Cand-E-SLi-234}
Cand\`{e}s, E.J., Li, X., Ma, Y., \emph{et~al.}, 2011.
\newblock Robust principal component analysis?
\newblock {\em Journal of the ACM}, {\bf 58}(3):11:1--11:37. \\http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1970392.1970395

Candès, E.J., Li, X., Ma, Y., et al., 2011. Robust principal component analysis? Journal of the ACM, 58(3):11:1–11:37.

\bibitem[\protect\astroncite{Liu \emph{et~al.}}{2016}]{LiuLai-231}
Liu, Q., Lai, Z., Zhou, Z., \emph{et~al.}, 2016.
\newblock A truncated nuclear norm regularization method based on weighted
residual error for matrix completion.
\newblock {\em IEEE Trans. Image Process.}, {\bf 25}(1):316--330. \\http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TIP.2015.2503238

Liu, Q., Lai, Z., Zhou, Z., et al., 2016. A truncated nuclear norm regularization method based on weighted residual error for matrix completion. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 25(1):316–330.

BibTeX 生成自定义的参考文献相关推荐

  1. 如何利用BibTex生成论文参考文献列表

    如何利用BibTex生成论文参考文献列表 Step1:先在Google Scholar上找到BibTeX条目信息导出来:如下: <html><body><p>@ar ...

  2. 使用Google学术自动生成标准的参考文献格式(Word版+LaTex版)

    记住是Google学术哦~ 超赞!不过现在百度学术.微软学术.搜狗学术.360学术等网站也都加了这个功能~ 在谷歌学术搜索中输入你想要放在[参考文献]中的书名或文章名,搜索结果中找到对应的条目(通常就 ...

  3. 【Overleaf】网页版LaTex速成:插图片,在线公式表格生成,引用参考文献。

    准备投论文,然后官网下载了word模板改的巨无敌辛苦,后来听说overleaf好用. overleaf是latex的网页版,可以直接网页使用.很妙的是,最近发现它可以关联ORCID,还可以用插件检查语 ...

  4. Endnote导出Bibtex格式自定义文献的“@article{ 后的标签

    Endnote导出Bibtex格式自定义文献的"@article{ 后的标签 将文献从Endnote导出Bibtex格式时候,希望自己定义自定义一个唯一标识符,以便在用latex排版论文时候 ...

  5. spring mvc项目中利用freemarker生成自定义标签

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> spring mvc项目中利用freemarker生成自定义标签 博客分类: java spring mvc +freemar ...

  6. vs2008生成自定义dll,VS2008发布、生成网站时设置固定的dll文件名

    在用VS2008发布网站项目时,默认生成bin目录下的.dll文件名是随机命名的;   如果要固定生成文件名如何固定呢? 有以下两种方案: 一.每个页面的程序集分别生成对应的dll; 方法:在&quo ...

  7. python:继承日志模块生成自定义日志

    1 继承日志模块生成自定义日志 from __future__ import absolute_importimport os import sys import time import dateti ...

  8. html生成自定义表格,自定义js的表格插件

    场景:指定元素,生成自定义表格. 目的:了解js的插件开发. html代码: 自定义表格插件 var test = new MyTable({ elid:"mytable",//定 ...

  9. 白鹭引擎生成自定义整数随机数

    白鹭引擎 版本:5.2.8 描述:白鹭引擎生成自定义整数随机数 生成指定的随机数代码: /*** 生成指定的随机数*/private random_num(min:number,max:number) ...


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  8. C# datagridview绑定Liststring显示的是数据长度
  9. linq to sql取出随机记录/多表查询/将查询出的结果生成xml
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  9. 调查报告解读之国外数据库篇:MySQL国内使用率第一,多少企业有意替换国外产品?
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