There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things (计算科学中只有两件事最难:命名和缓存失效)    —— Phil Karlton





task |tɑːsk, American tæsk|.noun
任务 rènwu
to perform or carry out a task执行任务
a thankless task费力不讨好的差事
a Herculean task艰苦卓绝的任务
to take or hold [somebody] to task (about or for or over [something])(因某事)训斥某人


job |dʒɒb|A.noun
①(post)工作 gōngzuò
to have a job 有工作
②(piece of work)活儿 huórto have a job for [somebody] (to do) 有活儿给某人(做)
③(matter)事情 shìqing
the job in hand 手头的事情
④(assignment)任务 rènwu to have the job of doing [something]
⑤(result of work)成果 chéngguǒ
a good/poor/lovely job干得不错/干得很糟/招人喜欢的活儿
⑥(duty)职责 zhízé
it's [somebody's] job to do [something] 该由某人负责做某事
⑦(function)作用 zuòyòng
to have the job of doing [something] 具有做某事的作用
⑧colloquial (situation)情况 qíngkuàng
it's a good job (that) ... especially British 幸好…
⑨(difficult activity)难做的事 nán zuò de shì
a real job 很费力的事情
⑩colloquial (object)东西 dōngxi
the car was a fast-looking job 那辆车看上去跑得很快
⑪colloquial (crime)犯罪行为 fànzuì xíngwéi [尤指盗窃或抢劫]
to do a job 行窃
⑫Computing [作为单元处理的] 作业 zuòyè
you need to cancel all pending print jobs 你得取消所有待打印任务


任务 rènwù
名 受委派担负的工作或责任。

任务=工作/责任 ???




In computing, a task is a unit of execution or a unit of work. The term is ambiguous; precise alternative terms include process, light-weight process, thread (for execution), step, request, or query (for work). In the adjacent diagram, there are queues of incoming work to do and outgoing completed work, and a thread pool of threads to perform this work. Either the work units themselves or the threads that perform the work can be referred to as “tasks”, and these can be referred to respectively as requests/responses/threads, incoming tasks/completed tasks/threads (as illustrated), or requests/responses/tasks.



In computing, a job is a unit of work or unit of execution (that performs said work). A component of a job (as a unit of work) is called a task or a step (if sequential, as in a job stream). As a unit of execution, a job may be concretely identified with a single process, which may in turn have subprocesses (child processes; the process corresponding to the job being the parent process) which perform the tasks or steps that comprise the work of the job; or with a process group; or with an abstract reference to a process or process group, as in Unix job control.

Jobs can be started interactively, such as from a command line, or scheduled for non-interactive execution by a job scheduler, and then controlled via automatic or manual job control. Jobs that have finite input can complete, successfully or unsuccessfully, or fail to complete and eventually be terminated. By contrast, online processing such as by servers has open-ended input (they service requests as long as they run), and thus never complete, only stopping when terminated (sometimes called “canceled”): a server’s job is never done.






In computer programming, a task is a basic unit of programming that an operating system controls. Depending on how the operating system defines a task in its design, this unit of programming may be an entire program or each successive invocation of a program. Since one program may make requests of other utility programs, the utility programs may also be considered tasks (or subtasks). All of today’s widely-used operating systems support multitasking , which allows multiple tasks to run concurrently, taking turns using the resources of the computer.



In certain computer operating systems, a job is the unit of work that a computer operator (or a program called a job scheduler) gives to the operating system. For example, a job could be the running of an application program such as a weekly payroll program. A job is usually said to be run in batch (rather than interactive) mode. The operator or job scheduler gives the operating system a “batch” of jobs to do (payroll, cost analysis, employee file updating, and so forth) and these are performed in the background when time-sensitive interactive work is not being done. In IBM mainframe operating systems (MVS, OS/390, and successors) a job is described with job control language (JCL). Jobs are broken down into job steps. An example of a job step might be to make sure that a particular data set or database needed in the job is made accessible.


A similar term is task, a concept usually applied to interactive work. A multitasking operating system serving one or more interactive users can at the same time perform batch jobs in the background.








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