vue 单一页面

Vue Flash消息 (vue-flash-message)

The component to display single flash message to user. It has styles presets, but can be easily customized by passing style object as argument.

向用户显示单个Flash消息的组件。 它具有样式预设,但是可以通过将样式对象作为参数来轻松自定义。

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建立 (Setup)

npm i @smartweb/vue-flash-message

组态 (Configuration)

import Vue from 'vue';
import FlashMessage from '@smartweb/vue-flash-message';

You can pass configuration object as second argument


Vue.use(FlashMessage, config);

配置对象 (Configuration object)

Property Type Description Default
name String It is a name of the component and alias for the EventBus global property. 'flashMessage'
tag String Custom tag for the component to use in your application. 'FlashMesage'
time Number Duration (in ms) of the message display (can be customized during message call). 8000
icon Boolean If you would like to use icons as default. true
属性 类型 描述 默认
名称 它是组件的名称以及EventBus全局属性的别名。 “ flashMessage”
标签 在您的应用程序中使用的组件的自定义标签。 “ FlashMesage”
时间 消息显示的持续时间(以毫秒为单位)(可以在消息通话期间自定义)。 8000
图标 布尔型 如果您想使用图标作为默认值。 真正

用法 (Usage)

Put the component into your template



Now you can access it by using global EventBus alias (that is "flashMessage" by default) of your Vue instance

现在,您可以通过使用Vue实例的全局EventBus别名(默认为“ flashMessage”)来访问它{status: 'error', title: 'Error Message Title', message: 'Oh, you broke my heart! Shame on you!'})

方法 (Methods)

You also can use shorthands without status property.


this.flashMessage.error({title: 'Error Message Title', message: 'Oh, you broke my heart! Shame on you!'});
this.flashMessage.warning({title: 'Warning Message Title', message: 'Don\'t stop me nooooow....!'});{title: 'Info Message Title', message: 'Just want you to know, that Vue is so cool'});
this.flashMessage.success({title: 'Success Message Title', message: 'Hoorah, it is my fist npm package and it works!'});

数据对象 (Data Object)

The first argument - is data object.


Property Type Description
status String Status of component. Default presets: 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'success'
title String Title of your message
message String Text of your message
time Number Duration (in ms) of the single message display
icon Boolean If you would like to use icons for this single message
flashMessageStyle Object style Object for flashMessage block
iconStyle Object style Object for icon block. You can pass your own icon as 'backgroundImage'
contentStyle Object Style of content block
titleStyle Object Styles for title
textStyle Object Styles for text
属性 类型 描述
状态 组件的状态。 默认预设:“错误”,“警告”,“信息”,“成功”
标题 讯息标题
信息 您的留言文字
时间 单个消息显示的持续时间(以毫秒为单位)
图标 布尔型 如果您想对这条消息使用图标
flashMessageStyle 目的 flashMessage块的样式对象
iconStyle 目的 样式图标块的对象。 您可以将自己的图标作为“ backgroundImage”传递
contentStyle 目的 内容块样式
titleStyle 目的 标题样式
textStyle 目的 文字样式



methods: {deleteTrouble() {this.$axios.delete(`/delete/trouble/${}`).then( res => {let { status, data, error } =;if(status) {this.flashMessage.success({title: 'Don\'t Warry',message: 'Be Happy!',time: 5000,flashMessageStyle: {backgroundColor: 'linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5)'}});}else {this.flashMessage.error({title: || 'Error', message: error.message});}}).catch(e);}}

回呼 (Callbacks)

As second argument you can pass object with two properties: "mounted" and "destroyed".

作为第二个参数,您可以传递具有两个属性的对象:“ mount”和“ destroyed”。

Property Type Description
mounted Function Will be invoked, when flashMessage appears
destroyed Function Will be invoked, when flashMessage gone
属性 类型 描述
已安装 功能 出现flashMessage时将被调用
被毁 功能 当flashMessage消失时将被调用



<p>{{ text }}</p>
<button @click="clickHandler" type="button" name="button">Show Text!</button>
methods: {showText() {this.text = 'Hello from callback!'},clearText() {this.text = 'Bye... 1, ..2, ..3';setTimeout( () => this.text = '', 3000);},clickHandler() {{title: 'Ooooooops!',message: 'Do you see this text? Wtf?'},{mounted: showText,destroyed: clearText})}}


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