场景:当pandas的DF转换成spark的DF的时候报错 ValueError: Some of types cannot be determined after inferring

报错原因是     存在字段spark无法推断它的类型


b['request_market'] = b['request_market'].astype(str)
b['request_vin'] = b['request_vin'].astype(str)
b['request_brandCode'] = b['request_brandCode'].astype(str)
b['request_token'] = b['request_token'].astype(str)
b['response_msg'] = b['response_msg'].astype(str)
b['response_brandCode'] = b['response_brandCode'].astype(str)
b['response_data_source'] = b['response_data_source'].astype(str)
b['response_title'] = b['response_title'].astype(str)
b['response_img'] = b['response_img'].astype(str)
b['result'] = b['result'].astype(str)
b['api_path'] = b['api_path'].astype(str)
b['response_code'] = b['response_code'].astype(str)
b['create_time'] = b['create_time'].astype(str)
b['takeup_time'] = b['takeup_time'].astype(str)
b['response_code'] = b['response_code'].astype(str)
b['response_length'] = b['response_length'].astype(str)
b['response_feedback'] = b['response_feedback'].astype(str)
b['response_carsmodel'] = b['response_carsmodel'].astype(str)
b['response_query_time'] = b['response_query_time'].astype(str)
b['response_data'] = b['response_data'].astype(str)

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