


ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[parseJSON](@JSON NVARCHAR(MAX))RETURNS @hierarchy TABLE(element_id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, /* internal surrogate primary key gives the order of parsing and the list order */sequenceNo [int] NULL, /* the place in the sequence for the element */parent_ID INT,/* if the element has a parent then it is in this column. The document is the ultimate parent, so you can get the structure from recursing from the document */Object_ID INT,/* each list or object has an object id. This ties all elements to a parent. Lists are treated as objects here */NAME NVARCHAR(2000),/* the name of the object */StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,/*the string representation of the value of the element. */ValueType VARCHAR(10) NOT null /* the declared type of the value represented as a string in StringValue*/)ASBEGINDECLARE@FirstObject INT, --the index of the first open bracket found in the JSON string@OpenDelimiter INT,--the index of the next open bracket found in the JSON string@NextOpenDelimiter INT,--the index of subsequent open bracket found in the JSON string@NextCloseDelimiter INT,--the index of subsequent close bracket found in the JSON string@Type NVARCHAR(10),--whether it denotes an object or an array@NextCloseDelimiterChar CHAR(1),--either a '}' or a ']'@Contents NVARCHAR(MAX), --the unparsed contents of the bracketed expression@Start INT, --index of the start of the token that you are parsing@end INT,--index of the end of the token that you are parsing@param INT,--the parameter at the end of the next Object/Array token@EndOfName INT,--the index of the start of the parameter at end of Object/Array token@token NVARCHAR(200),--either a string or object@value NVARCHAR(MAX), -- the value as a string@SequenceNo int, -- the sequence number within a list@name NVARCHAR(200), --the name as a string@parent_ID INT,--the next parent ID to allocate@lenJSON INT,--the current length of the JSON String@characters NCHAR(36),--used to convert hex to decimal@result BIGINT,--the value of the hex symbol being parsed@index SMALLINT,--used for parsing the hex value@Escape INT --the index of the next escape characterDECLARE @Strings TABLE /* in this temporary table we keep all strings, even the names of the elements, since they are 'escaped' in a different way, and may contain, unescaped, brackets denoting objects or lists. These are replaced in the JSON string by tokens representing the string */(String_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1),StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX))SELECT--initialise the characters to convert hex to ascii@characters='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',@SequenceNo=0, --set the sequence no. to something sensible./* firstly we process all strings. This is done because [{} and ] aren't escaped in strings, which complicates an iterative parse. */@parent_ID=0;WHILE 1=1 --forever until there is nothing more to doBEGINSELECT@start=PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z]["]%', @json collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin);--next delimited stringIF @start=0 BREAK --no more so drop through the WHILE loopIF SUBSTRING(@json, @start+1, 1)='"'BEGIN --Delimited NameSET @start=@Start+1;SET @end=PATINDEX('%[^\]["]%', RIGHT(@json, LEN(@json+'|')-@start) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin);ENDIF @end=0 --no end delimiter to last stringBREAK --no moreSELECT @token=SUBSTRING(@json, @start+1, @end-1)--now put in the escaped control charactersSELECT @token=REPLACE(@token, FROMString, TOString)FROM(SELECT'\"' AS FromString, '"' AS ToStringUNION ALL SELECT '\\', '\'UNION ALL SELECT '\/', '/'UNION ALL SELECT '\b', CHAR(08)UNION ALL SELECT '\f', CHAR(12)UNION ALL SELECT '\n', CHAR(10)UNION ALL SELECT '\r', CHAR(13)UNION ALL SELECT '\t', CHAR(09)) substitutionsSELECT @result=0, @escape=1--Begin to take out any hex escape codesWHILE @escape>0BEGINSELECT @index=0,--find the next hex escape sequence@escape=PATINDEX('%\x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]%', @token collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)IF @escape>0 --if there is oneBEGINWHILE @index<4 --there are always four digits to a \x sequence  BEGINSELECT --determine its value@result=@result+POWER(16, @index)*(CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@token, @escape+2+3-@index, 1),@characters)-1), @index=@index+1 ;END-- and replace the hex sequence by its unicode valueSELECT @token=STUFF(@token, @escape, 6, NCHAR(@result))ENDEND--now store the string awayINSERT INTO @Strings (StringValue) SELECT @token-- and replace the string with a tokenSELECT @JSON=STUFF(@json, @start, @end+1,'@string'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), @@identity))END-- all strings are now removed. Now we find the first leaf. WHILE 1=1  --forever until there is nothing more to doBEGINSELECT @parent_ID=@parent_ID+1--find the first object or list by looking for the open bracketSELECT @FirstObject=PATINDEX('%[{[[]%', @json collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)--object or arrayIF @FirstObject = 0 BREAKIF (SUBSTRING(@json, @FirstObject, 1)='{')SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar='}', @type='object'ELSESELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar=']', @type='array'SELECT @OpenDelimiter=@firstObjectWHILE 1=1 --find the innermost object or list...BEGINSELECT@lenJSON=LEN(@JSON+'|')-1--find the matching close-delimiter proceeding after the open-delimiterSELECT@NextCloseDelimiter=CHARINDEX(@NextCloseDelimiterChar, @json,@OpenDelimiter+1)--is there an intervening open-delimiter of either typeSELECT @NextOpenDelimiter=PATINDEX('%[{[[]%',RIGHT(@json, @lenJSON-@OpenDelimiter)collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)--objectIF @NextOpenDelimiter=0BREAKSELECT @NextOpenDelimiter=@NextOpenDelimiter+@OpenDelimiterIF @NextCloseDelimiter<@NextOpenDelimiterBREAKIF SUBSTRING(@json, @NextOpenDelimiter, 1)='{'SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar='}', @type='object'ELSESELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar=']', @type='array'SELECT @OpenDelimiter=@NextOpenDelimiterEND---and parse out the list or name/value pairsSELECT@contents=SUBSTRING(@json, @OpenDelimiter+1,@NextCloseDelimiter-@OpenDelimiter-1)SELECT@JSON=STUFF(@json, @OpenDelimiter,@NextCloseDelimiter-@OpenDelimiter+1,'@'+@type+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), @parent_ID))WHILE (PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', @contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin))<>0BEGINIF @Type='Object' --it will be a 0-n list containing a string followed by a string, number,boolean, or nullBEGINSELECT@SequenceNo=0,@end=CHARINDEX(':', ' '+@contents)--if there is anything, it will be a string-based name.SELECT  @start=PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z@][@]%', ' '+@contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)--AAAAAAAASELECT @token=SUBSTRING(' '+@contents, @start+1, @End-@Start-1),@endofname=PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @token collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin),@param=RIGHT(@token, LEN(@token)-@endofname+1)SELECT@token=LEFT(@token, @endofname-1),@Contents=RIGHT(' '+@contents, LEN(' '+@contents+'|')-@end-1)SELECT  @name=stringvalue FROM @stringsWHERE string_id=@param --fetch the nameENDELSESELECT @Name=null,@SequenceNo=@SequenceNo+1SELECT@end=CHARINDEX(',', @contents)-- a string-token, object-token, list-token, number,boolean, or nullIF @end=0SELECT  @end=PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e][^A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', @Contents+' ' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)+1SELECT@start=PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z0-9@+.e][A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', ' '+@contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)--select @start,@end, LEN(@contents+'|'), @contents SELECT@Value=RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@contents, @start, @End-@Start)),@Contents=RIGHT(@contents+' ', LEN(@contents+'|')-@end)IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7)='@object'INSERT INTO @hierarchy(NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, Object_ID, ValueType)SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5),SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5), 'object'ELSEIF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 6)='@array'INSERT INTO @hierarchy(NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, Object_ID, ValueType)SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5),SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5), 'array'ELSEIF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7)='@string'INSERT INTO @hierarchy(NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, stringvalue, 'string'FROM @stringsWHERE string_id=SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5)ELSEIF @value IN ('true', 'false')INSERT INTO @hierarchy(NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'boolean'ELSEIF @value='null'INSERT INTO @hierarchy(NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'null'ELSEIF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @value collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)>0INSERT INTO @hierarchy(NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'real'ELSEINSERT INTO @hierarchy(NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'int'if @Contents=' ' Select @SequenceNo=0ENDENDINSERT INTO @hierarchy (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, Object_ID, ValueType)SELECT '-',1, NULL, '', @parent_id-1, @type--


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[P_CallparseJSONTest]
(@sSenJsonInfo nvarchar(MAX)    --json字符串,@nBackInfo INT OUTPUT         --存储过程标识, 1-成功;-1-失败
BEGINDECLARE @parent_ID INTDECLARE @hierarchy TABLE(element_id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, /* internal surrogate primary key gives the order of parsing and the list order */sequenceNo [int] NULL, /* the place in the sequence for the element */parent_ID INT,/* if the element has a parent then it is in this column. The document is the ultimate parent, so you can get the structure from recursing from the document */Object_ID INT,/* each list or object has an object id. This ties all elements to a parent. Lists are treated as objects here */NAME NVARCHAR(2000),/* the name of the object */StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,/*the string representation of the value of the element. */ValueType VARCHAR(10) NOT null /* the declared type of the value represented as a string in StringValue*/)BEGIN TRANBEGIN tryIF @sSenJsonInfo!=''BEGININSERT INTO @hierarchy(sequenceNo,parent_ID,Object_ID,NAME,StringValue,ValueType) SELECT sequenceNo,parent_ID,Object_ID,NAME,StringValue,ValueType FROM dbo.parseJSON(@sSenJsonInfo)IF @@error<>0BEGINROLLBACK TRANRETURN 0ENDENDELSEBEGINSET @nBackInfo = 0    RETURNENDSET @nBackInfo = 1    --成功END tryBEGIN catchSET @nBackInfo = -1        --失败END catchIF @@error<>0BEGINROLLBACK TRANRETURN 0ENDELSEBEGINCOMMIT TRANRETURN 1END




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