
To see specific data in an Excel Table, you can select an item from the drop down filter in a column heading. Someone asked me if there was a way to scroll through the items, instead of opening the filter list each time. This technique uses a pivot table, which could be hidden on a different sheet, and a spin button, to go up or down in the list of items.

要在Excel表中查看特定数据,可以从列标题的下拉过滤器中选择一个项目。 有人问我是否有办法滚动这些项目,而不是每次都打开过滤器列表。 此技术使用可隐藏在不同工作表上的数据透视表和旋转按钮在项目列表中上移或下移。

滚动浏览过滤器项目演示 (Scroll Through Filter Items Demo)

This animated screen shot shows how the scrolling technique works.


  • Click the Up button, to filter by the next product in the list单击向上按钮,以按列表中的下一个产品过滤
  • Click the Down button, to filter by the previous product in the list单击向下按钮,以按列表中的上一个产品过滤
  • When you reach the beginning or end of the list, the next selection is "All"当您到达列表的开头或结尾时,下一个选择是“全部”

为什么要使用旋转按钮? (Why Use Spin Buttons?)

I wrote the original code for this technique long ago, to scroll through items in a pivot table report filter. Slicers hadn't been invented yet, and the spin button was a quick way to filter a pivot table.

我很早以前就编写了该技术的原始代码,以滚动查看数据透视表报表过滤器中的项目。 切片器尚未发明,旋转按钮是一种筛选数据透视表的快速方法。

Now you can use Slicers to filter a pivot table or Excel table, but they take up a lot of space on a worksheet. A Spin Button is a compact way to go through a list of items, in alphabetical order.

现在,您可以使用切片器来筛选数据透视表或Excel表,但是它们会占用工作表上的大量空间。 旋转按钮是一种紧凑的方式,可以按字母顺序浏览项目列表。

In this screen shot, you can see the size of the Spin Button, compared to a Slicer for the Product field.


如何设置旋转按钮 (How to Set Up the Spin Buttons)

First, I added an ActiveX Spin Button on the worksheet – there are detailed instructions on the Report Filter Macros page of my website.


Next, I added code to the Spin Button – right-click on it, and click View Code.


Select the SpinUp and SpinDown procedures, and add two macro names in each procedure.


创建数据透视表 (Create a Pivot Table)

The macros will change the selected item in a pivot table's report filter, and then change the selected item in the Excel Table's Product column filter.


Create a pivot table, based on the Excel table that you want to filter. You can put the pivot table on the same worksheet, or on a different sheet. In the sample file, the pivot table is on the same sheet, so it's easier to see how the technique works.

根据要过滤的Excel表创建数据透视表。 您可以将数据透视表放在相同的工作表或不同的工作表上。 在示例文件中,数据透视表在同一张纸上,因此更容易了解该技术的工作原理。

The only field in the pivot table is Product, in the Report Filter area. In the screen shot below, you can see all the items in the Product field.

数据透视表中唯一的字段是“报表过滤器”区域中的“产品”。 在下面的屏幕快照中,您可以在“产品”字段中查看所有项目。

添加数据透视表宏 (Add the Pivot Table Macros)

Next, you'll add two macros – PivotPageUp and PivotPageDown. The code is in the sample file (on the modPivot module), and on the Report Filter Macros page of my website. Store this code in a regular code module.

接下来,您将添加两个宏– PivotPageUp和PivotPageDown。 代码在示例文件中(在modPivot模块上)以及我网站的“报告过滤器宏”页面上。 将此代码存储在常规代码模块中。

  • The code gets the current item number, then adds or subtracts 1, to get the new item number.该代码获取当前商品编号,然后加或减1,以获取新商品编号。
  • It shows that item, or shows "All", if the previous item was at the beginning or end of the list.它显示该项目,或者如果上一个项目在列表的开头或结尾,则显示“全部”。

添加更改筛选器宏 (Add the Change Filter Macro)

The final macro is named ChangeFilter, and it  is stored on a regular code module. The code is in the sample file, on the modFilter module.

最后一个宏名为ChangeFilter,它存储在常规代码模块中。 该代码位于modFilter模块上的示例文件中。

  • This macro gets the name of the current page in the pivot table's Report Filter.此宏获取数据透视表的报表过滤器中当前页面的名称。
  • It selects that item in the Excel Table's Product column, or clears the filter, if "All" is selected.如果选择了“全部”,它将在Excel表的“产品”列中选择该项目,或者清除过滤器。

下载样本文件 (Download the Sample File)

To see how the macros scroll through filter items in an Excel Table, download the sample file from my website. In the Download section on the Report Filter Macros page, look for the download named Pivot Spinner Table Filter.

若要查看宏如何滚动浏览Excel表格中的筛选器项目,请从我的网站下载示例文件。 在“ 报表筛选器宏”页面上的“下载”部分中,查找名为“ 数据透视器微调器表格筛选器”的下载。

The zipped file is in xlsm format, and contains macros. To test the code, enable macros when you open the file.

压缩文件为xlsm格式,并包含宏。 要测试代码,请在打开文件时启用宏。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2018/01/04/scroll-through-filter-items-in-excel-table/




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