
  • CICD已经成为业界主流,Tekton作为Google亲自drive的项目,重要性不言而喻
  • 要做吃螃蟹的人,长江后浪推前浪,把前浪拍死在沙滩上
  • 开坑Tekton,第一阶段主要focus在Tekton官方手册上,了解基本用法
  • Tekton与k8s息息相关,间或穿插k8s相关
  • Tekton的定位一言以蔽之:next generation engine
    • 应用场景实例:push代码到GitHub上,自动trigger以下operation:build source code,然后将image push到remote hub上

Tekton tutorial


  • Create a Task
  • Create a Pipeline containing your Tasks
  • Use a TaskRun to instantiate and execute a Task outside of a Pipeline
  • Use a PipelineRun to instantiate and run a Pipeline containing your Tasks

Creating and running a Task

  • A Task defines a series of steps that run in a desired order and complete a set amount of build work. Every Task runs as a Pod on your Kubernetes cluster with each step as its own container. For example, the following Task outputs “Hello World”:
  • kind:Task etc




  • collection of steps as part of CI flow
  • A task executes as a Pod on Kubernates cluster
  • task available within a specific ns/clusterTask available across the entire cluster


  • 学习Kubernetes-style resources for declaring CI/CD style pipelines
  • The pipelines run on Kubernetes like any other process.
  • Each step runs as an independent container.
  • Tekon run on k8s
Tekton Pipelines is a Kubernetes extension that installs and runs on your Kubernetes cluster. It defines a set of Kubernetes Custom Resources that act as building blocks from which you can assemble CI/CD pipelines. Once installed, Tekton Pipelines becomes available via the Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) and API calls, just like pods and other resources.
  • You will learn:

    • How to install a private registry with a UI
    • How to install the Tekton controller and optional CLI tool
    • How to declare resources specific to defining a CI/CD pipeline
    • About various Tekton resources like Resources, Tasks, and Pipelines
    • How to kick off a pipeline and inspect its progress



  1. a k8s cluster + helm + prepare k8s dashboard
  2. install registry+ registry proxies as Node Daemons+ install registry UI
    1. Build container ->deploy them to registry
  3. clone JS app
  4. install tekon
  5. install tekon dashboard
  6. install tkn(manage tekon resource)
  7. Apply ppresource
  8. Apply two task
  9. apply pipeline
  10. need account access private resource


  • cluster
  • node
  • component
  • K8s workflow
  • Container registries
  • stable helm chart for docker registry
  • stable chart
  • docker engine on each node
  • Tekton is a Kubernetes Operator
  • it can be completely administered using the standard Kubernetes manifests using the defined custom resources that have been associated with the Tekton controllers.
  • apply命令
  • A task will run inside a Pod on your cluster.
  • Each Tekton task runs as a Kubernetes Pod. Each step in the task runs as a separate container in the task’s Pod.
  • a task is a Pod


  • a k8s cluster
  • Helm:包manager用于在K8S上安装应用
  • kubectl用于管理cluster

step by step

  • The Docker engine will pull from a “localhost” registry without triggering its security precautions.
  • run a kube-registry-proxy on each node in the cluster, exposing a port on the node (via the hostPort value), which Docker accepts since it is accessed by localhost.
  • Internal to all the container engines in the cluster, the registry is now available as a service for pushing and pulling container images. Pods can pull images from the registry at http://localhost:5000 and the proxies resolve the requests to https://registry-docker-registry.kube-system:5000.
Pipeline RunPipelineTasksStepsResources
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PipelineResource
metadata:name: git
spec:type: gitparams:- name: revisionvalue: master- name: urlvalue: https://github.com/javajon/node-js-tekton
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Task
metadata:name: build-image-from-source
spec:inputs:resources:- name: git-sourcetype: gitparams:- name: pathToContextdescription: The path to the build context, used by Kaniko - within the workspacedefault: .- name: pathToDockerfiledescription: The path to the Dockerfile to builddefault: Dockerfile- name: imageUrldescription: value should be like - us.icr.io/test_namespace/builtImageApp- name: imageTagdescription: Tag to apply to the built imagesteps:- name: list-srcimage: alpinecommand:- "ls"args:- "$(inputs.resources.git-source.path)"- name: build-and-pushimage: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executorcommand:- /kaniko/executorargs:- "--dockerfile=$(inputs.params.pathToDockerfile)"- "--destination=$(inputs.params.imageUrl):$(inputs.params.imageTag)"- "--context=$(inputs.resources.git-source.path)/$(inputs.params.pathToContext)/"- "--insecure"- "--insecure-pull"- "--skip-tls-verify"- "--skip-tls-verify-pull"

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Task
metadata:name: deploy-application
spec:inputs:resources:- name: git-sourcetype: gitparams:- name: pathToContextdescription: The path to the build context, used by Kaniko - within the workspacedefault: .- name: pathToYamlFiledescription: The path to the yaml file to deploy within the git sourcedefault: deploy.yaml- name: imageUrldescription: Url of image repositorydefault: url- name: imageTagdescription: Tag of the images to be used.default: "latest"steps:- name: update-yamlimage: alpinecommand: ["sed"]args:- "-i"- "-e"- "s;IMAGE;$(inputs.params.imageUrl):$(inputs.params.imageTag);g"- "$(inputs.resources.git-source.path)/$(inputs.params.pathToContext)/$(inputs.params.pathToYamlFile)"- name: deploy-appimage: lachlanevenson/k8s-kubectlcommand: ["kubectl"]args:- "apply"- "-f"- "$(inputs.resources.git-source.path)/$(inputs.params.pathToContext)/$(inputs.params.pathToYamlFile)"



kubectl apply -f task-test.yaml
kubectl apply -f pipelineresource.yaml
kubectl apply -f taskrun.yaml查看 TaskRun 资源对象的状态来查看构建状态
kubectl get taskrun查看pods状态
kubectl get pods来查看任务运行的过程
kubectl describe pod testrun-pod-mw9bt查看容器的日志信息来了解任务的执行结果信息
kubectl logs testrun-pod-mw9bt --all-containers


  • 一款功能强大而灵活的 CI/CD 开源的云原生框架

  • Tekton 的前身是 Knative 项目的 build-pipeline 项目,这个项目是为了给 build 模块增加 pipeline 的功能,但是随着不同的功能加入到 Knative build 模块中,build 模块越来越变得像一个通用的 CI/CD 系统,于是,索性将 build-pipeline 剥离出 Knative,就变成了现在的 Tekton,而 Tekton 也从此致力于提供全功能、标准化的云原生 CI/CD 解决方案

  • 创建一个构建流水线,在流水线中将运行应用程序的单元测试、构建 Docker 镜像然后推送到 Docker Hub

  • 准备:可用的K8S集群,tekton安装


    kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.14.2/release.yamlbrew install tektoncd-clikubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/knative-releases/serving/latest/istio.yamlkubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabledkubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/triggers/latest/release.yaml


  • Task

    • 任务执行模板
    • 包含step(负责基于镜像启动container来执行操作,每个step由一个pod执行)
  • TaskRun
    • 运行task,创建taskrun则运行task
    • 传入task所需参数
  • Pipeline
    • 编排task
  • PipelineRun
    • 运行PP,创建即运行
  • PipelineResource
    • 用于task间共享资源
    • 可以把GIT仓库信息放在resource中
  • Tekton 本身是 Kubernetes 原生的编排系统。所以可以直接使用 Kubernetes 的 ServiceAccount 机制实现鉴权

这五个概念每一个都是以 CRD 的形式提供服务的


  • Tekton 作为 Knative Build 模块的升级版,提供了更丰富的功能,可以适用更多的场景

Docker Hub配置

  • 为了能够build Docker 镜像,一般需要使用 Docker 来进行,我们这里是容器,所以可以使用 Docker In Docker 模式,但是这种模式安全性不高
  • 除了这种方式之外,我们还可以使用 Google 推出的 Kaniko 工具来进行构建,该工具可以在 Kubernetes 集群中构建 Docker 镜像而无需依赖 Docker 守护进程。
  • 使用 Kaniko 构建镜像和 Docker 命令基本上一致,所以我们可以提前设置下 Docker Hub 的登录凭证,方便后续将镜像推送到镜像仓库。登录凭证可以保存到 Kubernetes 的 Secret 资源对象中,创建一个名为 secret.yaml 的文件
    • 注解信息是用来告诉 Tekton 这些认证信息所属的 Docker 镜像仓库


  • icepanel,可以用来快速创建和可视化我们的 Kubernetes 微服务应用程序




  • 存储输入和/或输出
  • 在task之间共享数据
  • secret认证的挂载点
  • ConfigMap中保存的配置的挂载点
  • 组织共享的常用工具的挂载点
  • 高速缓存的构建工件可加快工作速度,简而言之,用于缓存构建时的包,例如作为Maven仓库存储




  • k8s custome resource
  • process incoming HTTP based events with JSON payloads
  • EventListeners expose an addressable “Sink” to which incoming events are directed. (?)
  • Users can declare TriggerBindings to extract fields from events, and apply them to TriggerTemplates in order to create Tekton resources.
  • In addition, EventListeners allow lightweight event processing using Event Interceptors.


  • define a configuration file for an EventListener resource

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