我正在测试内核异步io函数(而不是posix aio),并试图弄清楚它是如何工作的。下面的代码是一个完整的程序,我只需将一个数组重复写入使用O_DIRECT打开的文件。我在回调函数“write missed bytes expect 1024 got 0”中看到错误(请参阅work_done()中的fprintf语句)。linux内核aio功能







我在步骤5得到一个错误。如果我不使用O_DIRECT打开文件,事情工作正常,但它击败了异步写入的目的。 有人能告诉我我做错了什么吗?这是内核aio的正确用法,例如,我使用回调是否正确?对O_DIRECT的使用有任何限制吗?

我编译使用 'GCC -Wall test.c的-laio' 提前



* File: myaiocp.c

* Author: kmehta


* Created on July 11, 2011, 12:50 PM



* Testing kernel aio.

* Program creates a 2D matrix and writes it multiple times to create a file of desired size.

* Writes are performed using kernel aio functions (io_prep_pwrite, io_submit, etc.)


#define _GNU_SOURCE

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600















char ** buf;

long seg_size;

int seg_rows;

double total_size;

char * filename;

static int wait_count = 0;

void io_task();

void cleanup();

void allocate_2D_matrix(int[]);

int file_open(char *);

void wr_done(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb* iocb, long res, long res2);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

total_size = 1048576; //1MB

seg_size = 1024; //1kB

seg_rows = 1024;

filename = "aio.out";

int dims[] = {seg_rows, seg_size};

allocate_2D_matrix(dims); //Creates 2D matrix



return 0;



* Create a 2D matrix


void allocate_2D_matrix(int dims[2]) {

int i;

char *data;

//create the matrix

data = (char *) calloc(1, dims[0] * dims[1] * sizeof (char));

if (data == NULL) {

printf("\nCould not allocate memory for matrix.\n");



buf = (char **) malloc(dims[0] * sizeof (char *));

if (buf == NULL) {

printf("\nCould not allocate memory for matrix.\n");



for (i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {

buf[i] = &(data[i * dims[1]]);



static void io_error(const char *func, int rc)


if (rc == -ENOSYS)

fprintf(stderr, "AIO not in this kernel\n");

else if (rc < 0)

fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", func, strerror(-rc));


fprintf(stderr, "%s: error %d\n", func, rc);




* Callback function


static void work_done(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb *iocb, long res, long res2)


if (res2 != 0) {

io_error("aio write", res2);


if (res != iocb->u.c.nbytes) {

fprintf(stderr, "write missed bytes expect %lu got %ld\n",

iocb->u.c.nbytes, res2);



wait_count --;

printf("%d ", wait_count);



* Wait routine. Get events and call the callback function work_done()


int io_wait_run(io_context_t ctx, long iter)


struct io_event events[iter];

struct io_event *ep;

int ret, n;


* get up to aio_maxio events at a time.


ret = n = io_getevents(ctx, iter, iter, events, NULL);

printf("got %d events\n", n);


* Call the callback functions for each event.


for (ep = events ; n-- > 0 ; ep++) {

io_callback_t cb = (io_callback_t)ep->data ; struct iocb *iocb = ep->obj ; cb(ctx, iocb, ep->res, ep->res2);


return ret;


void io_task() {

long offset = 0;

int bufIndex = 0;

//Open file

int fd = file_open(filename);

//Initialize structures

long i;

long iter = total_size/seg_size; //No. of iterations to reach desired file size (total_size)

io_context_t myctx;

if(0 != io_queue_init(iter, &myctx))


perror("Could not initialize io queue");



struct iocb * ioq[iter];

//loop through iter times to reach desired file size

for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {

struct iocb *io = (struct iocb*) malloc(sizeof (struct iocb));

io_prep_pwrite(io, fd, buf[bufIndex], seg_size, offset);

io_set_callback(io, work_done);

ioq[i] = io;

offset += seg_size;

bufIndex ++;

if (bufIndex > seg_rows - 1) //If entire matrix written, start again from index 0

bufIndex = 0;


printf("done preparing. Now submitting..\n");

if(iter != io_submit(myctx, iter, ioq))


perror("Failure on submit");



printf("now awaiting completion..\n");

wait_count = iter;

int res;

while (wait_count) {

res = io_wait_run(myctx, iter);

if (res < 0)

io_error("io_wait_run", res);




void cleanup() {




int file_open(char *filename) {

int fd;

if (-1 == (fd = open(filename, O_DIRECT | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0666))) {

printf("\nError opening file. \n");



return fd;




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