

Section I Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Part A

Directions: Choose one word in each item that best keeps the meaning of the sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I with a single line through the center.

1.Hidden hotel costs can be a source of frustration to the frugal traveler.

A. careful B. clever C. ignorant D. economical

2.Thick with trees and sparse with homes, this tranquil area 50 miles north of Houston could be a slice of heaven.

A. molten B. serene C. isolated D. snobbish

3.Accommodations must be made for students with learning disabilities.

A. criminal B. pump C. psychology D. lodgings

4.History was being catalogued here, the missed opportunities, blunders, and outright mistakes.

A. attempts B. insults C. mistakes D. arguments

5.The press mocked his attempts to appeal to young voters.

A. ridiculed B. entertained C. ignored D. drew

6.he federal court has been putting pressure on the state to adhere to the population caps in the decree.

A. encounter B. stick to C. prepare D. anticipate

7.Widespread wage reductions were imposed during the recession of 1906-1909 and price inflation thereafter impeded the recovery of real wage levels.

A.convoluted B. belied C. encumbered D. stocked

8.Helplessly she blinked up at him, feeling a slow lethargy creep through her whole body.

A. provision B. cylinder C. contradiction D. exhaustion

9.The attack was meticulously planned and executed.

A. negligently B. slovenly C. fussily D. discreetly

10.At the same time, medical and social science research began to indicate that retirement itself had detrimental effects.

A. damaging B. magnificent C. useful D. relevant

Part B

Directions: Decide which of the four choices given in each statement will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I with a single line through the center.

11.The clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being as the match of the season.

A. harbingered B. allured C. congested D. lodged

12.What he told me was a of downright lies.

A. load B. mob C. pack D. flock

13.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are

A.out of work B. out of stock C. out of reach D. out of practice

14.I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved.

A. Even if B. Had C. As long as D. If

15.They managed to the sound on TV every time the alleges victim’s name was spoken.

A. deaden B. deprive C. punctuate D. rebuff

16.He had been to appear in court on charges of incitement of lawbreaking.

A. illuminated B. summoned C. prevailed D. trailed

17.The computer doesn’t human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means.

A. flunk B. renew C. succumb D. mimic

18.How about a glass of orange juice to your thirst?

A. quench B. quell C. quash D. quieten

19.The rain looked as if it had for the night.

A. set off B. set up C. set out D. set in

20.My aunt lost her cat last summer, but it a week later at a home in the next village.

A. turned up B. turned in C. turned on D. turned out

21.As is known to all, a vague law is always to different interpretations.

A. invulnerable B. immune C. resistant D. susceptible

22.The manager facts and figures to make it seem that company was prosperous.

A. beguiled B. besmirched C. juxtaposed D. juggled

23.To our great delight, yesterday we received a(n) donation from a benefactor.

A. handsome B. awesome C. miserly D. prodigal

24.Students who get very high marks will be from the final examination.

A. expelled B. banished C. absolved D. ousted

25.It me that the man was not telling the truth.

A. affects B. pokes C. hits D. stirs

26.John glanced at Mary to see what she thought, but she remained .

A. manifest B. obnoxious C. inscrutable D. obscene

27.My neighbor tended to react in a heat and way.

A. impetuous B. impertinent C. imperative D. imperceptible

28.This morning when she was walking in the street, a black car beside her.

A. drew out B. drew off C. drew down D. drew up

29.She decided to keep reticent about the unpleasant past and it to memory.

A. attribute B. allude C. commit D. credit

30.It did not take long for the central bank to their fears.

A. soothe B. snub C. smear D. sanctify


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