
Disclaimer: Many of my tips have crashed cars, broken lights, and caused lawnmowers to go mad. If anything here seems out of your skill level or at all scary, run screaming away from here, hold your families and friends close; squeeze them tight and never let go. It's not NDA, but it's absolutely FriendDA.

免责声明:我的许多技巧都使汽车撞坏,灯光坏了,并使割草机发疯了。 如果这里的任何事情似乎超出您的技能水平或完全令人恐惧,请远离这里尖叫,让家人和朋友保持亲密; 紧紧挤压它们,永不松手。 不是NDA,而是绝对FriendDA

Chris Sells told me at lunch once that he refused to upgrade to Windows 7 because a single feature was remove. His entire workflow, nay, his whole existence, revolved around the "Search the Internet" menu item in the Start Menu. Without this, he would be rendered helpless. This feature was the Red Sun of Krypton and would sap him of all his superpowers.

克里斯·塞尔斯在午餐时告诉我,他拒绝升级到Windows 7,因为删除了一个功能。 不,他的整个工作流程都围绕着“开始”菜单中的“搜索Internet”菜单项。 没有这个,他将变得无助。 此功能是K红太阳,它将削弱他所有的超能力。

He would hit the Windows-Key to bring up the Start Menu, type a search term, the click "Search the Internet."


Instead, Windows 7 has "See more results" and shows the search results of his hard drive, then he has to click "Internet" from there.

相反,Windows 7具有“查看更多结果”并显示其硬盘驱动器的搜索结果,然后他必须从此处单击“ Internet”。

Now, there's certainly ten-thousand ways from 3rd party launchers and Windows Gadgets to search the web from a textbox. You can right-click on the Windows Task Bar and select Toolbars | Address, then when you type in the address bar, just press the up-arrow, then enter...but that's just one way.

现在,肯定有来自第三方启动器和Windows小工具的一万种方法可以从文本框中搜索网络。 您可以右键单击Windows任务栏,然后选择“工具栏” |“工具栏”。 地址,然后在地址栏中键入内容时,只需按向上箭头,然后输入...,但这只是一种方式。

将“搜索Internet”添加回“开始”菜单 (Adding "Search The Internet" back to the Start Menu)

Personally, I like having more vertical room for local searches in my start menu, but you can put that item back with this Registry Key:



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Explorer] “ AddSearchInternetLinkInStartMenu” = dword:00000001

That'll make your Start Menu look like this when searching with "Search the Internet" put back. It'll use whatever your default browser is.

当放回“搜索Internet”进行搜索时,这将使您的“开始”菜单看起来像这样。 它将使用您的默认浏览器。

However, that's just a nit. The REALLY interesting stuff is when you add in custom connectors for search.

但是,这仅仅是个小问题。 真正有趣的是,当您添加自定义连接器进行搜索时。

OpenSearch和联合搜索连接器 (OpenSearch and Federated Search Connectors )

You can create you own Search Connectors using OpenSearch, just like Long Zheng's Flickr Connector. This lets you search basically anything, directly from Explorer. Here's a search of Flickr from Explorer.

您可以使用OpenSearch创建自己的搜索连接器,就像Long Zheng的Flickr Connector一样。 这使您基本上可以直接从资源管理器中搜索任何内容。 这是来自Explorer的Flickr搜索。

There's dozens of OpenSearch connectors already out there, many on 7Forums. Then can search for whatever you like, documents, pictures, videos, anything that can be returned in RSS or JSON.

已经有数十个OpenSearch连接器,其中许多在7Forums上。 然后可以搜索您喜欢的任何内容,文档,图片,视频以及可以以RSS或JSON返回的任何内容。

  • MSDN


  • Google (via a Proxy, as Google doesn't return RSS yet)

    Google (通过代理,因为Google尚未返回RSS)

  • YouTube


  • Channel9


  • eBay


  • Amazon


  • Twitter (via this small ZIP of Search Connectors)


制作自己的搜索连接器 (Make Your Own Search Connector)

I don't know anyone on the Bing! team and I'm too impatient to wait so I just wrote my own as an example. (Bing launches next week, I hear, so I'm ready.) You can make one today to search your own intranet.

我不认识Bing! 团队,我太耐烦了,等不及了,所以我只写自己的一个例子。 (我听说Bing将于下周启动,所以我已经准备好了。)您今天就可以搜索自己的Intranet。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns:ms-ose="http://schemas.microsoft.com/opensearchext/2009/"><ShortName>Bing!</ShortName><Description>Search Bing via Windows 7 Search.</Description><Url type="application/rss+xml" template="http://www.bing.com/search?q={searchTerms}&amp;format=rss"/><Url type="text/html" template="http://www.bing.com/search?q={searchTerms}"/></OpenSearchDescription> 

Just from this example, you can see how easy it is. I just saved this as a text file called "Bing.osdx" then double-clicked on it. I got this warning:

仅从此示例中,您可以看到它是多么容易。 我只是将其保存为名为“ Bing.osdx”的文本文件,然后双击它。 我收到此警告:

Then, I could search Bing from Explorer (or add it to my Start Menu as seen further down this post):

然后,我可以从资源管理器中搜索Bing (或将其添加到我的“开始”菜单中,如在本文后面进一步看到的那样):

But I want to make this even more prominent in my Start Menu.


将自定义搜索连接器固定到“开始”菜单 (Pinning Custom Search Connectors to the Start Menu)

I (or my admin) have to add a few registry keys. Expect that your Network/Company Administrator will send this to you automatically via Group Policy. Note also that these only work on the Pro SKUs (Pro/Ultimate/Enterprise) not the Home stuff.

我(或我的管理员)必须添加一些注册表项。 希望您的网络/公司管理员可以通过“组策略”将其自动发送给您。 还要注意,这些仅适用于Pro SKU(Pro / Ultimate / Enterprise),而不适用于Home。

I've added Library0 and Library1 to point to two .searchconnector-ms files. That's what an .osdx file gets renamed to when it's double-clicked on and installed into c:\users\yourname\searches. Then I added "TryHarderPinnedLibrary" as a DWORD with a value of "1".

我添加了Library0和Library1指向两个.searchconnector-ms文件。 这就是双击.osdx文件并将其安装到c:\ users \ yourname \ searches后的名称。 然后,我将“ TryHarderPinnedLibrary”添加为DWORD,其值为“ 1”。

Now I can "pin" up to 2 (from what I can tell) Search Connectors to my Start Menu, perhaps for an Intranet site, for example.


Of course, in this example, "Bing!" and "Search the Internet" are the same thing as one is my default. I may just put MSDN down there instead...hm...there we go...

当然,在此示例中,“必应”! 和“搜索Internet”是同一件事,因为这是我的默认设置。 我可能只是把MSDN放在那里...嗯...我们去了...

Enjoy! Again, no warranty, I don't know the Win7 team or the Bing team, I just figured this out on the tubes and by using Process Monitor. This may be all lies. Don't listen to me.

请享用! 再说一次,没有保修,我不认识Win7团队或Bing团队,我只是在试管上并使用Process Monitor弄清了这一点。 这可能全是谎言。 不要听我说

Related Links


  • MSDN Documentation on making your own Federated Search Services or an OpenSearch file


  • Adding OpenSearch to your Website or Blog


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/adding-custom-search-providers-to-windows-7-plus-advanced-search-tricks


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