


(2)修改回调地址(editor.jsp - сonnectEditor - config )

"callbackUrl":""+"fileName=<%= Model.document.title %>",


检查url是否正确(editor.jsp - сonnectEditor - url)


1. 页面嵌入OnlyOffice

  • 创建一个空的html文件。
  • 添加div元素,如下所示。
<div id="placeholder"></div>
  • 使用将用于网页的JavaScript API,指向OnlyOffice文档服务器链接。
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  • 添加脚本初始化文件编辑器的DIV与您要打开的文档的配置元素。
new DocsAPI.DocEditor("placeholder", {"document": {"fileType": "docx","key": "Khirz6zTPdfd7","title": "Example Document Title.docx","url": "https://example.com/url-to-example-document.docx"},"documentType": "text"

2. 打开文档数据交互格式

{type: 'desktop or mobile',width: '100% by default',height: '100% by default',documentType: 'text' | 'spreadsheet' | 'presentation',document: {title: 'document title',url: 'document url'fileType: 'document file type',options: <advanced options>,key: 'key',vkey: 'vkey',info: {author: 'author name', // must be deprecated, use owner insteadowner: 'owner name',folder: 'path to document',created: '<creation date>', // must be deprecated, use uploaded insteaduploaded: '<uploaded date>',sharingSettings: [{user: 'user name',permissions: '<permissions>',isLink: false},...]},permissions: {edit: <can edit>, // default = truedownload: <can download>, // default = truereader: <can view in readable mode>,review: <can review>, // default = editprint: <can print>, // default = truerename: <can rename>, // default = falsechangeHistory: <can change history>, // default = false // must be deprecated, check onRequestRestore event insteadcomment: <can comment in view mode> // default = edit,modifyFilter: <can add, remove and save filter in the spreadsheet> // default = truemodifyContentControl: <can modify content controls in documenteditor> // default = truefillForms:  <can edit forms in view mode> // default = edit || review}},editorConfig: {mode: 'view or edit',lang: <language code>,location: <location>,canCoAuthoring: <can coauthoring documents>,canBackToFolder: <can return to folder> - deprecated. use "customization.goback" parameter,createUrl: 'create document url',sharingSettingsUrl: 'document sharing settings url',fileChoiceUrl: 'source url', // for mail merge or image from storagecallbackUrl: <url for connection between sdk and portal>,mergeFolderUrl: 'folder for saving merged file', // must be deprecated, use saveAsUrl insteadsaveAsUrl: 'folder for saving files'licenseUrl: <url for license>,customerId: <customer id>,region: <regional settings> // can be 'en-us' or lang codeuser: {id: 'user id',name: 'user name'},recent: [{title: 'document title',url: 'document url',folder: 'path to document'},...],templates: [{name: 'template name',icon: 'template icon url',url: 'http://...'},...],customization: {logo: {image: url,imageEmbedded: url,url: http://...},customer: {name: 'SuperPuper',address: 'New-York, 125f-25',mail: 'support@gmail.com',www: 'www.superpuper.com',info: 'Some info',logo: ''},about: true,feedback: {visible: false,url: http://...},goback: {url: 'http://...',text: 'Go to London',blank: true,requestClose: false // if true - goback send onRequestClose event instead opening url},chat: true,comments: true,zoom: 100,compactToolbar: false,leftMenu: true,rightMenu: true,hideRightMenu: false, // hide or show right panel on first loadingtoolbar: true,statusBar: true,autosave: true,forcesave: false,commentAuthorOnly: false,showReviewChanges: false,help: true,compactHeader: false,toolbarNoTabs: false,toolbarHideFileName: false,reviewDisplay: 'original',spellcheck: true,compatibleFeatures: false,unit: 'cm' // cm, pt, inch,mentionShare : true // customize tooltip for mention},plugins: {autostart: ['asc.{FFE1F462-1EA2-4391-990D-4CC84940B754}'],pluginsData: ["helloworld/config.json","chess/config.json","speech/config.json","clipart/config.json",]}},events: {'onAppReady': <application ready callback>,'onBack': <back to folder callback>,'onDocumentStateChange': <document state changed callback>'onDocumentReady': <document ready callback>}
项目 Value
电脑 $1600
手机 $12
导管 $1
Column 1 Column 2
centered 文本居中 right-aligned 文本居右
字段名 类型 取值 描述 其他
type string desktop、mobile、embedded 标记文档打开的样式类型。 desktop:桌面mobile:移动端embedded:嵌入网页
height string 100% 文档高度
width string 100% 文档宽度
documentType string text、spreadsheet、presentation text: .doc, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, .epub, .fodt, .htm, .html, .mht, .odt, .ott, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .djvu, .xpsspreadsheet:.csv, .fods, .ods, .ots, .xls, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltm, .xltxpresentation:.fodp, .odp, .otp, .pot, .potm, .potx, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx)
document Object 文档
fileType string docx、xlsx、pptx等(文件扩展名) docx、xlsx、pptx等
key string 定义服务用于文档识别的唯一文档标识符。如果发送已知密钥,则文档将从缓存中获取。每次编辑和保存文档时,都必须重新生成密钥。文档url可以用作密钥,但没有特殊字符,长度限制为20个符号。
title string 为已查看或编辑的文档定义所需的文件名,该文件名在下载文档时也将用作文件名。
url string 文档地址, 用于onlyoffice获取文档
document-info Object 包含文档的其他参数(文档作者,存储文档的文件夹,创建日期,共享设置);
document-permissions Object 定义是否可以编辑和下载文档;
editorConfig Object 定义与编辑器界面有关的参数:打开模式(查看器或编辑器),界面语言,附加按钮等)
callbackUrl string 应用服务的回调地址, 处理onlyoffice编辑服务返回的数据及事件
mode string 界面是编辑还是预览 view、edit
createUrl string 定义文档创建保存的绝对URL,文档将在其中创建并在创建后可用。 如果未指定,则不会有创建按钮。
lang string 界面语言配置 zh-CN简体中文;en英文
editorConfig-customization Object 自定义编辑器
editorConfig-user Object 定义当前正在查看或编辑文档的用户:


{"document": {"fileType": "docx","key": "Khirz6zTPdfd7","title": "Example Document Title.docx","url": "https://example.com/url-to-example-document.docx"},"documentType": "text"


1 - document is being edited,

2 - document is ready for saving,

3 - document saving error has occurred,

4 - document is closed with no changes,

6 - document is being edited, but the current document state is saved,

7 - error has occurred while force saving the document.

Status 1 is received every user connection to or disconnection from
document co-editing. His callbackUrl is used.

Status 2 (3) is received 10 seconds after the document is closed for
editing with the identifier of the user who was the last to send the
changes to the document editing service. The callbackUrl from the user
who made the last changes to the file is used.

Status 4 is received after the document is closed for editing with no
changes by the last user. His callbackUrl is used.

Status 6 (7) is received when the force saving request is performed.
The callbackUrl from the user who made the last changes to the file is

The link is present when the status value is equal to 2 or 3only.



{"key": "-1266895302","status": 6,"url": "","changesurl": "","history": {"serverVersion": "5.5.0","changes": [{"created": "2020-03-30 05:17:47","user": {"id": "78ele841","name": "John Smith"}}]},"users": ["78ele841"],"lastsave": "2020-03-30T05:17:47.446Z","forcesavetype": 1


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