目 录

  • Blog Links
  • 一、前言
    • 1.1 Sesam/GeniE
    • 1.2 GeniE分析流程
    • 1.3 图形用户界面
    • 1.4 视图/选择
    • 1.5 帮助文档
  • 二、几何、结构与网格
    • 2.1 Guiding Geometry
    • 2.2 Structure
      • 2.2.1 直线梁
      • 2.2.2 平板
      • 2.2.3 圆柱/锥板
      • 2.2.4 Free Form Shells
    • 2.3 Mesh
      • 2.3.1 网格尺寸
      • 2.3.2 创建网格
      • 2.3.3 网格细化
      • 2.3.4 网格锁定
  • 三、属性
    • 3.1 材料属性
    • 3.2 截面属性
      • 3.2.1 梁截面
      • 3.2.2 板壳截面
    • 3.3 局部轴
      • 3.3.1 梁的局部轴
      • 3.3.1 板壳的法向
    • 3.4 截面偏置
      • 3.4.1 梁的偏置
      • 3.4.2 板壳偏置
    • 3.5 湿表面
    • 3.6 水动力参数
  • 四、约束
    • 4.1 点-面连接
    • 4.2 点-面连接
    • 4.3 点-面连接
  • 五、边界条件
  • 六、荷载
    • 4.1 荷载工况
    • 4.2 结构自重
    • 4.3 设备荷载
    • 4.4 显式荷载
    • 4.5 水箱负载
    • 4.6 环境荷载
      • 4.6.1 点位信息/Location
      • 4.6.2 波浪数据
        • 规则波数据
        • 一般波数据
      • 4.6.3 水流廓线/Current Profile
      • 4.6.4 风轮廓线/Wind Profile
      • 4.6.5 风潮荷载条件
      • 4.6.6 土层参数
    • 4.7 荷载组合
    • 4.8 荷载显示
  • 七、集合
  • 八、命令行和日志
  • 九、尾声
  • 十、参考文献

Blog Links

  • DalNur | 博客总目录

  • AQWA | 水动力分析 实用教程

  • ANSYS 参数化建模 实用教程

  • Abaqus 二次开发/建模 教程

  • nCodeDL 疲劳分析 实用教程

  • Python 二次开发 SAP2000 教程

  • Python 二次开发 AutoCAD 教程

  • Python 二次开发 HyperMesh 教程

  • Python 二次开发 Office 教程

  • 水动力分析 实用教程


1.1 Sesam/GeniE

  GeniE 是 Sesam 系统中的结构设计分析工具,它的开发由终端用户对快速建模与强度评估紧密结合的需求所推动。GeniE 支持概念设计、详细设计和迭代分析。GeniE 能进行水动力分析、桩-土分析和结构分析。GeniE 可作为独立的分析工具,也可以与其他 Sesam 程序一起在 Sesam Manager(Sesam 的主控制程序)的控制下运行,例如:GeniE 可以为超单元分析创建超单元;GeniE 可以创建固定或浮动结构的板壳模型,以便在 HydroD 中进行后续的稳定性或水动力分析。此外,GeniE 支持自动化建模技术,自动建模的脚本文件基于 JScript 语言创建,JScript 是微软的一种专门设计用于 Web 页面中的脚本语言。

Screen dump from GeniE

  在 GeniE 中创建有限元模型,主要用于:结构分析、基于板壳模型的水动力分析、基于 Morison 模型的水动力分析以及基于质量模型的水动力分析。

Sesam Overview

1.2 GeniE分析流程

  在 GeniE 中进行设计分析通常包括以下几个步骤,如下所示:

序号 操作 描述
1 确定设计前提 通常是单位制、截面库、网格规则、间隙计算、公差和名称设置。
2 创建结构模型 通过从其他系统导入或使用向导或从头开始建模。根据结构的复杂性,这通常是最耗时的任务。
3 创建分析工况 定义基本工况和荷载组合
For wave load analysis using Wajac relevant attributes should be added to the model.

  若计算分析在 GeniE 之外进行,如在 HydroD 中分析海上漂浮物/船舶的水动力,则需创建并导出有限元和/或板壳模型。GeniE 会话到此结束,分析工作可以在 Sesam Manager 中继续进行。对于如导管架等海上固定结构,计算分析可在 GeniE 中进行,分析可能包括波浪载荷和桩土分析。

  For all steps, from modelling through analysis to results viewing and code checking, document your work by saving graphics and tabulated data to MS Word, MS Excel or in html format.

1.3 图形用户界面

  GUI 由 6 个主要部分组成:菜单栏、工具栏、浏览区、命令行窗口、信息提示区和图形显示窗口,如下图所示。

GeniE 图形用户界面


1.4 视图/选择

  鼠标左键 (LMB) 用于选择对象(梁、板、支撑点、载荷等),鼠标右键 (RMB) 用于旋转、缩放和平移显示的模型。

功能 快捷键
平移视图 Ctrl + 鼠标右键
旋转视图 鼠标右键
缩放视图 鼠标中键


Alt + S (仅显示选中)

Alt + minus (去除选中)


1.5 帮助文档

  GeniE 使用教程与建模示例可在文件夹 xxx\GeniE Vx.x-xx\Help\Tutorials 中找到,其中,xxx 为软件的安装目录,x.x-xx 为软件的版本号。双击 TutorialsBasicAndCodechecking.html ,则在浏览器中打开基础建模教程,如下图所示。双击TutorialsAdvancedModelling.html ,则会在浏览器中打开高级建模教程。


  在 GeniE 中,Guiding Geometry 用于创建几何,如点、线、面等,Structure 用于创建结构,如梁/桩、板、壳等;Mesh 用于创建有限元模型,执行网格划分等。;数值模型能进行分析:网格模型、属性,非特征值分析还需要荷载。


2.1 Guiding Geometry

  引导几何是点、线、曲线和平面,目的是帮助创建结构几何,也称为概念模型。引导几何在 GeniE 内部使用,不会转移到其他程序,如 Sesam 中的分析程序和后处理器。在大多数情况下,引导几何会简化结构几何(概念)建模,尤其是对于大型复杂结构,但也可能会被省略。


  Guiding Geometry 类似于 ANSYS 中的 Workplane,Abaqus 中的 Sketch,它在 GeniE 中用于辅助定位。结构对象的创建必须依赖于已有的几何对象,如若创建结构直梁对象,那么,必须存在两个几何点,用于定位梁的起点和终点。



  • JS Command Example
Point1 = Point(1,2,3);

2.2 Structure

  结构几何体,也被称为概念模型,由梁、板、壳、支撑、节点和质量点组成。有限元网格划分将为结构几何体创建有限元模型。有限元模型(FE model)存储在 Sesam 接口文件中,它的文件名称通常为 T#.FEM,其中,# 为数字,默认情况下为 1。这个文件被称作 FEM 文件,它可被其他 Sesam 程序调用,如波浪载荷计算程序(HydroD)和结构分析程序。在大多数情况下,引导几何有助于创建结构几何,但不是必需的。 The structure geometry is augmented with Properties and Loads to make it a complete representation of the structure to be analysed. (The file name is T#.FEM where # is the superelement number. The file is often referred to as a FEM file.)


2.2.1 直线梁


  • JS Command Example
Bm1 = StraightBeam(Point(0,0,0), Point(0,10,0));

2.2.2 平板

  1. 由角点坐标创建平板


  • JS Command Example
Pl1 = Plate(Point(0,0,0),Point(10,0,0),Point(5,8,0),Point(0,8,0));
  1. 由闭合曲线创建平板

  CoverCurves 命令创建一个由共面曲线包围的平板。曲线必须有共同的端点。按顺序单击曲线,然后双击最后一条曲线。


  • JS Command Example
Pl1 = CoverCurves(Array(Curve3,Curve1,Curve2));
Pl2 = CoverCurves(Array(Curve4,Curve1));

2.2.3 圆柱/锥板

  Circular Cone/Cylinder 命令创建一个圆锥体形式的外壳。在现有几何图形中单击以定位圆锥的轴。对于每个轴端,在弹出的对话框中给出半径。给出相等的半径来创建一个圆柱体。


  • JS Command Example
Pl1 = CreateShellCircularConeCylinder(Point(2.5,2.5,0), 1, Point(7.5,7.5,0), 2, 0, 360);
Pl2 = CreateShellCircularConeCylinder(Point(2.5,2.5,0), 1, Point(7.5,7.5,0), 2, 90, 270);

2.2.4 Free Form Shells


Create a shell by selecting guide curves, double-click the last

2.3 Mesh



2.3.1 网格尺寸

The Create/Edit Mesh property dialog with its Mesh Density and Number of elements tabs


2.3.2 创建网格

划分网格(Alt + M)


2.3.3 网格细化

  双击网格划分较差的板,此时板的各边高亮显示,选择一条边,右键 >> Create Feature Edge,激活特征边选择模式,选择创建的特征边对象,将按数目划分网格的属性赋予此特征边,而后重新划分网格,如此便能调整网格的精细程度。


2.3.4 网格锁定


  属性设置与荷载指定是结构能进行结构分析或流体动力学分析的前提之一。属性通常指梁的横截面、板壳厚度、材料属性以及梁的局部轴方向等。此外,根据分析的不同,可能还需要赋予一些特殊的属性,例如,导管架分析需要 Hydro 属性(Morison coefficients and Marine Growth)。


3.1 材料属性


  • JS Command Example
Mat1 = MaterialLinear(235, 7850 kg/m^3, 2.1e+11 Pa, 0.3, 1.2e-05 delC^-1, 0.03 N*s/m);
Mat2 = MaterialLinear(355, 7850 kg/m^3, 2.1e+11 Pa, 0.3, 1.2e-05 delC^-1, 0.03 N*s/m);

3.2 截面属性


  • JS Command Example
Bm1.section = Sct1;

3.2.1 梁截面

  在 GeniE 中,可用的梁截面类型有:Pipe、Bar、Box、I、L、Channel、I-Unsymmetrical、General 和 Cone 。


General Section Properties

序号 参数 英文 中文
1 Area Beam cross sectional area 梁的横截面积
2 Ix/IP Torsional moment of inertia about shear centre 截面对剪切中心的扭转惯性矩/截面对剪心极惯性矩
3 Iy Moment of inertia (2nd moment of area) about y-axis 截面对 y 轴的惯性矩(面积的二阶矩)
4 Iz Moment of inertia (2nd moment of area) about Z-axis 截面对 Z 轴的惯性矩(面积的二阶矩)
5 Iyz Product of inertia about y- and z-axes 截面对 y 轴和 z 轴的惯性积
6 Wx min Minimum torsional sectional modulus about shear centre 截面对剪切中心的最小扭转截面模量/抗扭截面模量
7 Wy min Minimum sectional modulus about y-axis 截面对 y 轴的最小截面模量/抗弯截面模量
8 Wz min Minimum sectional modulus about z-axis 截面对 z 轴的最小截面模量/抗弯截面模量
9 Shary Shear area in the direction of y-axis y 轴方向的剪切面积
10 Sharz Shear area in the direction of z-axis z 轴方向的剪切面积
11 Shceny Shear centre location y-component 剪切中心位置 y 分量
12 Shcenz Shear centre location z-component 剪切中心位置 z 分量
13 Sy Static area moment about y-axis 截面对 y 轴的静矩/面积矩
14 Sz Static area moment about z-axis 截面对 z 轴的静矩/面积矩
15 Wy Static area moment about y-axis 截面对 y 轴的塑性截面模量/塑性抗弯截面模量
16 Wz Static area moment about z-axis 截面对 z 轴的塑性截面模量/塑性抗弯截面模量
  • JS Command Example
MyBar = BarSection(.2, .05);
MyBox = BoxSection(.8, .5, .04, .04, .04);
MyI = ISection(1.2, .7, .04, .06);
MyL = LSection(.4, .03, .2, .03);
MyChannel = ChannelSection(.5, .2, .02, .04, 0 m);
MyIUnsymmetrical = UnsymISection(1.2, .04, .6, .2, .06, .7, .5, .06);
MyGeneral = GeneralSection(0.1212, 0.000128304, 0.0294681, 0.00404561, -0.00556681, 0.0021384, 0.0469075, 0.00846853, 0.062287, 0.0421075, -0.0194624, -0.117854, 0.0279933, 0.00779413);
MyGeneral.wpy = 0.05;
MyGeneral.wpz = 0.01;
MyCone = ConeSection(0.5, true);
// Log from importing sections from library:
HFRHS400X200X10 = BoxSection(400mm,200mm,10mm,10mm,10mm);
HFRHS400X200X10.description = "NVS lib : 400x200x10 NS-EN 10210";
HFRHS400X200X12 = BoxSection(400mm,200mm,12mm,12mm,12mm);
HFRHS400X200X12.description = "NVS lib : 400x200x12 NS-EN 10210";
HFRHS400X200X12_5 = BoxSection(400mm,200mm,12.5mm,12.5mm,12.5mm);
HFRHS400X200X12_5.description = "NVS lib : 400x200x12,5 NS-EN 10210";

3.2.2 板壳截面

3.3 局部轴

3.3.1 梁的局部轴

The Local System tab is found in both Properties and Edit Beams dialogs 选择梁 >> 右键 >> Edit Beam

  梁的轴线即梁的局部 x 轴为梁的起点指向梁的端点,默认情况下,梁横截面的局部 z 轴由下列规定确定:对于轴线与整体 Z 轴相平行的梁,局部 z 轴指向整体 Y 轴正方向。对于轴线与整体 Z 轴不平行的梁,局部 z 轴朝上,局部 xoz 平面与整体 XOY 平面垂直。局部 y 轴由右手定则确定,如下图所示。

Default beam axis system



3.3.1 板壳的法向

  板/壳(plate/shell)局部 z 轴由右手定则根据创建板/壳时角点的顺序确定,创建多边形平板(plate)时,上述定义是明确的,当通过蒙皮、扫掠和其他方法创建复杂的壳(plate)时,这个定义并不那么容易预测。 在这种情况下,与其对壳局部 z 轴的定义进行冗长的讨论,不如仅观察结果并根据需要时翻转 z 轴。

局部 z 轴的翻转

板壳局部 z 轴的显示

3.4 截面偏置

3.4.1 梁的偏置

3.4.2 板壳偏置

3.5 湿表面

  Wet Surface is available through the Top Dropdown Menu Edit | Properties, from the Browser and from the Context Sensitive Menu under Properties.

  Wet Surface is normally used in connection with Dummy Hydro Pressure, see Load Case, and hydrodynamic pressure loads computed by HydroD.

  湿表面承受水动力(wet surfaces shall receive hydrodynamic loads.)湿表面的法向必须朝向外。

  • JS Command Example
WS1 = WetSurface();

3.6 水动力参数

  Hydro Property 对话框可由顶部菜单 Edit ->> Properties 访问,So-called ‘hydro’ properties are relevant for wave load analysis of frame structures, i.e. running Wajac. The ‘hydro’ properties are tabulated below. Each must be assigned to a part of or the complete structure to take effect.

Hydro properties

Type of property Category Mandatory or optional Number of specifications
Morison - Constant A Mandatory for the wet part [1] Arbitrary
Morison - Global Direction A Mandatory for the wet part Arbitrary
Morison - f(Rn; Rough) B Mandatory for the wet part 1
Morison - f(KC; Rough) B Mandatory for the wet part 1
Morison - f(Diameter) B Mandatory for the wet part 1
Morison By Rule B Mandatory for the wet part 1
Air Drag - Constant A Mandatory for the dry part when calculating wind loads Arbitrary
Air Drag - f(Rn) B Mandatory for the dry part when calculating wind loads 1
Hydrodynamic Diameter Optional Arbitrary
Flooding Optional Arbitrary
Marine Growth - Constant A Optional Arbitrary
Marine Growth - f(Z) B Optional Arbitrary
Element Refinement Optional Arbitrary
Buoyancy Area Optional Arbitrary
Conductor Shielding Optional Arbitrary

  [1]. Strictly, definition of Morison coefficients may be skipped in which case Wajac sets Cd=0.7 and Cm=2. But as several warnings are printed by Wajac in such case it is normally better to assign the coefficients in GeniE.

  The properties Morison, Air Drag and Marine Growth may all be functions of one or more of the parameters: Reynolds number, Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) number, roughness height, member diameter (including any marine growth) and Z level.

  These methods of definition are categorised as A and B in the table above. One or both of these categories may be used for specifying a certain property but not two specifications of the same category. For example, Morison properties can be specified as both constant and function of diameter but not as functions of both Reynolds number (Rn) and diameter.

  As indicated in the table above, for some properties only one specification is allowed. E.g., two specifications of Morison coefficients as functions of diameter and assigned to different parts of the model is not allowed.

  For the optional properties, see the table above, Wajac will use default data if not specified in GeniE. For example, if no Flooding property is given all members will be non-flooded, i.e. air-filled. And if no Element Refinement property has been assigned a refinement coefficient of 1.0 will be used.



4.1 点-面连接

4.2 点-面连接

4.3 点-面连接


Step 1 - Create a support point with all six dofs fixed, the support symbol is a solid cube

Step 2 - Adjust boundary conditions by selecting it and opening the Properties dialog

Step 3 - Adjust boundary conditions further, the support symbol changes

  • JS Command Example
Sp1 = SupportPoint(Point(28 m,22 m,-2 m));
Sp1.boundary = BoundaryCondition(Free, Fixed, Fixed, Free, Free, Free);
Sp1.boundary = BoundaryCondition(Free, Fixed, Stiffness(100 kN/m), Free, Free, Free);




4.1 荷载工况

  Sesam 水动力学分析程序 Wajac 和 HydroD 可能会在 GeniE 运行之后的运行中创建流体动力学载荷,这种情况下,GeniE 中需要某些建模来为此做准备。


4.2 结构自重



4.3 设备荷载

  设备用于在静态分析中对结构施加载荷或在动态分析中对结构添加质量的对象。设备不会增加结构的刚度。创建两个设备自重工况 LC_eqpm 和 LC_list,其中,LC_eqpm 上施加的设备自重由 GUI 创建,LC_list 上施加的设备自重由外部导入的 xml 文件创建。

创建名称为Generator的设备自重荷载 在LC_eqpm上施加Generator荷载

  除了以 GUI 方式添加设备自重外,还可采用导入 xml 文件的方式批量创建设备重量列表(weight list),如下图所示。

weight list xml file

4.4 显式荷载

  在 GeniE 中,显式荷载/直接荷载(explicit loads)主要有三种类型:点荷载(Point load)、线荷载(Line load)和面荷载(Surface load)。


4.5 水箱负载

  Compartments are closed volumes with additional information such as content causing internal normal pressure loads and Wet Surface property that identifies surfaces exposed to hydrodynamic loads as computed by HydroD.

4.6 环境荷载

  环境数据描述了风浪流载荷分析时结构所处的环境情况,例如风、海流、波浪和水深,以及重力和水密度等常数。(风-浪-流)环境数据的定义主要包括以下几个部分:Location、Current profile、Wind profile、Regular wave set 和 Wave load condition。

4.6.1 点位信息/Location

  The location includes:

    (1). In the Air tab: Density and Kinematic viscosity.

    (2). In the Water tab: Density, Kinematic viscosity and Waterline Z (that subtracted by Seabed Z (mudline) gives water depth).

    (3). In the Soil tab: Seabed Z (mudline), Seabed delta (Seabed Scour),

      soil layers (composed of Soil Clay, Soil Sand, Soil Curves and Soil Data) and

      Sublayers (subdivision of soil layers for more accurate calculations).

The location dialog


  • JS Command Example
Location1 = Location(124 m, 0m);
Location1.gravity = 9.80665 m/s^2;
Location1.air.density = 1.226 kg/m^3;
Location1.air.kinematicViscosity = 1.462e-05 m^2/s;
Location1.water.density = 1025 kg/m^3;
Location1.water.kinematicViscosity = 1.19e-06 m^2/s;
Location1.seabed.normaldirection = Vector3d(0 m,0 m,1 m);
Location1.relativeSoilLayers = false;
Location1.seabed.seabedDelta = Scour1;

4.6.2 波浪数据 规则波数据

  规则波浪集主要各成份的正/余弦波构成,每个成份的波由周期、高度、相位角和方向角等数据唯一确定。规则波浪集为正/余弦波集合,它定义了结构在使用期间内可能承受的波浪的全部形态(傅里叶级数)。创建规则波浪集后,不需要再指定 Wave Frequencies、Wave Heights、Wave Phases 或 Wave Directions,因为这些数据直接在 “ Regular Wave Set” 对话框中指定。A Regular Wave Set is used for defining a Wave Load Condition.

The Regular Wave Set dialog

  • JS Command Example
WaveSet1.getWave(1).phase = 60;
WaveSet1.getWave(1).direction = 270;
WaveSet1.getWave(2).phase = 60;
WaveSet1.getWave(2).direction = 180;
WaveSet1.getWave(3).phase = 60;
WaveSet1.getWave(3).direction = 90;
WaveSet1.getWave(4).phase = 60; 一般波数据


The Frequency Set dialog

The tabs of the Create/Edit Wave Height dialog

The Phase Angles Set dialog

The Create/Edit Direction dialog

4.6.3 水流廓线/Current Profile

定义水流(流速-深度曲线)/The Create/Edit Current Profile dialog

  • JS Command Example
CurrentProfile1_Elevations = Array(30,0,-44,-124);
CurrentProfile1_Directions = Array(0 deg,0 deg,0 deg,0 deg);
CurrentProfile1_Velocities = Array(1.1,1.1,0.5,0);
CurrentProfile1 = CurrentProfileRelDir(CurrentProfile1_Elevations,CurrentProfile1_Directions,CurrentProfile1_Velocities,dtAlongHeading);

4.6.4 风轮廓线/Wind Profile

  New Wind Profile is available by right-clicking the Environment | Air folder in the Browser.

The Create/Edit Wind Profile dialog(风速-高度曲线)

  在 GeniE 中,主要有 5 种 wind profile 计算公式可供选择,如下:ABS、Extreme、Extreme API 21、General 和 Normal。

4.6.5 风潮荷载条件

  Location 定义了点位的重力加速度、空气密度、水深等基本信息,波浪数据给出了波浪的基本情况,水流廓线(Current Profile)定义了水深与流速间的关系,风轮廓线(Wind Profile)给出了高度和风速间的关系。以上信息将在风浪荷载条件(Wave Load Condition)中组合起来,用于最终的结构分析。此外,Wave Model,即波浪理论,必须在下表中选择。

理论 描述
Airy linear harmonic wave theory
Cnoidal cnoidal wave theory
Stokes5 Stokes’ 5th order wave theory
StreamFunction Dean’s stream function wave theory, in this case Order must also be set, the maximum value is 24

基于规则波数据的新建 Wave Load Condition 对话框

  在 New Wave Load Condition 对话框中选取先前定义的规则波集(波浪数据),并辅以洋流、风和波浪理论,如上图所示。除了波浪理论之外,还有一个选项 CalmSea ,它通常作为浮力载荷工况作为表中的最后一行添加。除了采用规则波集,新建的 Wave Load Condition 还可基于一般波数据,如下图所示。所有的波浪方向、波浪频率和波浪高度都可参与组合。

基于一般波数据的新建 Wave Load Condition 对话框

4.6.6 土层参数

4.7 荷载组合

4.8 荷载显示





  The Command Line tab is found at the bottom of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Introduction. All commands appear here and are also logged in a journal file. This is true whether the commands are given graphically, from the browser, from the dropdown menu, read into GeniE or typed/pasted in the Command Line.

  The scripting language (command lines) is based on the JScript language and enhanced with GeniE commands. The commands are documented in the on-line Help (F1).

  A journal file, optionally with some editing, can be stored and used as an input file in future sessions. This can be a complete input file for creating and analysing a model or merely commands creating part of a model. Company libraries of beam cross sections, equipments, etc. may be established this way and distributed for internal use.

  There are alternative ways of reading a journal file or parts thereof into GeniE:

    - Use File | Read Command File (or File | Recent Command Files)

    - Drag and drop the file anywhere in the GeniE window

    - Copy and paste commands into the Command Line area

  When typing in the Command Line command-line completion (tab completion) is available. Start typing a few characters of a command and hit the Tab key for guidance. In the figure below is shown three stages of typing a command for creating a new beam plus the final command.

Typing a command and getting help by command-line completion

  A command always ends with semicolon ( ; ) and is executed by hitting Enter. Comments may be added after double forward slash (//). Such comments may be added to the same line as a command. Several comment lines may be given in-between slash+asterisk and asterisk+slash. An example of input commands with comments is given below.

// Create beams
Bm1 = StraightBeam(Point(10,12,20),Point(10,12,25));
Bm2 = StraightBeam(Point(10,15,20),Point(10,15,25));  // This is beam Bm2
Next to do is create beam Bm3.
This is the third beam.
Bm3 = StraightBeam(Point(10,20,20),Point(10,20,25));



  以上,便是 Sesam/GeniE 的简单介绍,因篇幅有限,某些功能未做说明。

  如有疑问,欢迎邮件交流,Email: liyang@alu.hit.edu.cn 。




  胸藏文墨怀若谷,腹有诗书气自华,希望各位都能在知识的 pāo 子里快乐徜徉。






[1]. GeniE User Documentation

[2]. GeniE/Tutorials in Basics and Code Checking

[3]. GeniE/Tutorials Advanced Modelling

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