
1.先下载一种免费的 code39条码字体   点击这里也可下载

2.建个类 为 code39 并写入以下代码


publicsealedclass Code39
#region private variables
/// The Space Between each of Title, BarCode, BarCodeString
privateconstint SPACE_HEIGHT =3;
SizeF _sizeLabel = SizeF.Empty;
SizeF _sizeBarCodeValue = SizeF.Empty;
SizeF _sizeBarCodeString = SizeF.Empty;


#region Label
privatestring _label =null;
private Font _labelFont =null;
/// BarCode Title (条码标签)
publicstring Label
set { _label = value; }
/// BarCode Title Font (条码标签使用的字体)
public Font LabelFont
if (_labelFont ==null)
returnnew Font("Arial", 10);
return _labelFont;
set { _labelFont = value; }

privatestring _additionalInfo =null;
private Font _addtionalInfoFont =null;
/// Additional Info Font (附加信息字体)
public Font AdditionalInfoFont
set { _addtionalInfoFont = value; }
if (_addtionalInfoFont ==null) returnnew Font("Arial", 10);
return _addtionalInfoFont;
/// Additional Info Content, if "ShowBarCodeValue" is true, the info is unvisible
/// 附加信息,如果设置ShowBarCodeValue为true,则此项不显示
publicstring AdditionalInfo
set { _additionalInfo = value; }

#region BarCode Value and Font
privatestring _barCodeValue =null;
/// BarCode Value (条码值)
publicstring BarCodeValue
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_barCodeValue))
thrownew NullReferenceException("The BarCodeValue has not been set yet!");
return _barCodeValue;
set { _barCodeValue = value.StartsWith("*") && value.EndsWith("*") ? value : "*"+ value +"*"; }

privatebool _showBarCodeValue =false;
/// whether to show the original string of barcode value bellow the barcode
/// 是否在条码下方显示条码值,默认为false
publicbool ShowBarCodeValue
set { _showBarCodeValue = value; }

private Font _barCodeValueFont =null;
/// the font of the codestring to show
/// 条码下方显示的条码值的字体
public Font BarCodeValueFont
if (_barCodeValueFont ==null)
returnnew Font("Arial", 10);
return _barCodeValueFont;
set { _barCodeValueFont = value; }

privateint _barCodeFontSize =50;
/// the font size of the barcode value to draw
/// 条码绘制的大小,默认50
publicint BarCodeFontSzie
set { _barCodeFontSize = value; }

#region generate the barcode image
private Bitmap BlankBackImage
int barCodeWidth =0, barCodeHeight =0;
using (Bitmap bmp =new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_label))
_sizeLabel = g.MeasureString(_label, LabelFont);
barCodeWidth = (int)_sizeLabel.Width;
barCodeHeight = (int)_sizeLabel.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;

_sizeBarCodeValue = g.MeasureString(BarCodeValue, new Font("Free 3 of 9 Extended", _barCodeFontSize));
barCodeWidth = Math.Max(barCodeWidth, (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Width);
barCodeHeight += (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height;

if (_showBarCodeValue)
_sizeBarCodeString = g.MeasureString(_barCodeValue, BarCodeValueFont);
barCodeWidth = Math.Max(barCodeWidth, (int)_sizeBarCodeString.Width);
barCodeHeight += (int)_sizeBarCodeString.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_additionalInfo))
// {
// _sizeAdditionalInfo = g.MeasureString(_additionalInfo, AdditionalInfoFont);
// barCodeWidth = Math.Max(barCodeWidth, (int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Width);
// barCodeHeight += (int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
// }

returnnew Bitmap(barCodeWidth, barCodeHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

/// Draw the barcode value to the blank back image and output it to the browser
/// 绘制WebForm形式的条码
///<param name="ms">Recommand the "Response.OutputStream" 使用 Response.OutputStream</param>
///<param name="imageFormat">The Image format to the Browser 输出到浏览器到图片格式,建议GIF</param>
public Bitmap CreateWebForm(Stream ms, ImageFormat imageFormat)
int barCodeWidth, barCodeHeight;
using (Bitmap bmp =this.BlankBackImage)
barCodeHeight = bmp.Height;
barCodeWidth = bmp.Width;
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
int vPos =0;
////Draw Label String
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_label))
g.DrawString(_label, LabelFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
XCenter((int)_sizeLabel.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
vPos += (int)_sizeLabel.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
else { vPos = SPACE_HEIGHT; }

////Draw The Bar Value
g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, new Font("Free 3 of 9 Extended", _barCodeFontSize), new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
////Draw the BarValue String
if (_showBarCodeValue)
g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, BarCodeValueFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeString.Width, barCodeWidth),
vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_additionalInfo))
// {
// g.DrawString(_additionalInfo, AdditionalInfoFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
// XCenter((int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Width, barCodeWidth),
// vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);
// }

bmp.Save(ms, imageFormat);
return bmp;
/// 生成winform格式的条码
///<param name="imageFormat">图片格式,建议GIF</param>
public Stream CreateWinForm(ImageFormat imageFormat)
int barCodeWidth, barCodeHeight;
using (Bitmap bmp =this.BlankBackImage)
barCodeHeight = bmp.Height;
barCodeWidth = bmp.Width;
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
int vPos =0;
////Draw Label String
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_label))
g.DrawString(_label, LabelFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
XCenter((int)_sizeLabel.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
vPos += (int)_sizeLabel.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
else { vPos = SPACE_HEIGHT; }

////Draw The Bar Value
g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, new Font("Free 3 of 9 Extended", _barCodeFontSize), new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
////Draw the BarValue String
if (_showBarCodeValue)
g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, BarCodeValueFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeString.Width, barCodeWidth),
vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);
////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_additionalInfo))
//// g.DrawString(_additionalInfo, AdditionalInfoFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
//////XCenter((int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Width, barCodeWidth),
//// vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);

Stream ms =new MemoryStream();
bmp.Save(ms, imageFormat);
return ms;

privatestaticint XCenter(int subWidth, int globalWidth)
return (globalWidth - subWidth) /2;


3.如果是web程序 请调用 CreateWebForm 如果是cs程序 则使用CreateWinForm



protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Code39 code39 =new Code39();
code39.BarCodeValue ="LDSO-001";
code39.BarCodeFontSzie =60;
// code39.Label = "39码,底部显示码值";
code39.ShowBarCodeValue =true;
Response.Write(code39.CreateWebForm(Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif));
code39 =null;


作者:chenhuzi   出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/chenhuzi
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个人淘宝站:http://chenhuzi.taobao.com 个人网站:http://chenhuzi.gicp.net


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