raspberry pi

How can you not love a tiny computer? I posted about Top 10 Raspberry Pi Myths and Truths and since then I'm up to four Raspberry Pi devices. The most recent is the new Raspberry Pi "Model B" that includes 512 megs of RAM.

您怎么能不爱一台小型计算机? 我发布了关于树莓派十大神话和真相的信息,从那时起我最多拥有四个树莓派设备。 最新的是新的Raspberry Pi“ Model B ”,其中包含512兆RAM。

Sure, Raspberry Pis aren't fast, but what they lack in performance they make up for with chutzpah. They have a nice GPU as well which will decode 1080p MP4 video in hardware and play it just fine. Even better, for about $4 you can get a license to unlock MPEG-2 or VC-1 decoding in hardware.

当然,Raspberry Pi的速度并不快,但是它们在性能上的不足是chutzpah所能弥补的。 他们还有一个不错的GPU,可以在硬件中解码1080p MP4视频并正常播放。 甚至更好的是,只需花费约4美元,您就可以获得在硬件中解锁MPEG-2或VC-1解码的许可证。

I also have a Netduino and Netduino Plus as well as an Arduino that I use with the greatest FPS Controller in history, the SpaceTec SpaceOrb along with a custom OrbShield that provides a bridge between the RS-232 Serial Port and the Arduino.

我还拥有一个Netduino和Netduino Plus ,以及一个与历史上最伟大的FPS控制器一起使用的Arduino , SpaceTec SpaceOrb和一个自定义的OrbShield,后者在RS-232串行端口和Arduino之间提供了桥梁。

All these devices are very reasonably priced and a great fun for kids or adults.  Next I'm looking at the PIX-6T4 "game console" that lets you write tiny games in C# on a Netduino Mini or perhaps a Netduino Go.

所有这些设备的价格都非常合理,对于孩子或成人来说,这都是一个很大的乐趣。 接下来,我看一下PIX-6T4“游戏机” ,它使您可以在Netduino Mini或Netduino Go上用C#编写小型游戏。

Don't listen to the folks who write negative headlines about the Raspberry Pi. Sure, it's the wild west but with a little patience you'll do fine. There's an amazing community around the Raspberry Pi.

不要听那些为Raspberry Pi撰写负面新闻的人。 当然,这是狂野的西部,但稍稍耐心就可以了。 Raspberry Pi周围有一个了不起的社区。

The amount of excitement around these tiny machines is amazing. There's even a Kickstarter for a "Picade" tiny arcade cabinet.

这些微小的机器周围令人兴奋的数量是惊人的。 甚至还有一个用于“ Picade ”小型街机柜的Kickstarter。

To make things easier once you get your Pi, I do recommend the Adafruit Raspberry Pi Budget Pack if you don't want to go hunting for parts. This kit includes a great little clear case, a 4 gig SD Card (actually a mini with an adapter, which is great since the Netduino Plus has a mini SD slot), cables and power, but best of all, a breadboard, wires and a lovely little ribbon cable and "cobbler" that makes it super easy to keep things tidy while still messing with the Raspberry Pi's GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) connections.

为了使您的Pi变得更轻松,如果您不想寻找零件,我建议您使用Adafruit Raspberry Pi Budget Pack 。 该套件包括一个很小的透明盒,一个4 gig SD卡(实际上是一个带适配器的迷你卡,因为Netduino Plus带有一个迷你SD插槽,所以很棒),电缆和电源,但最重要的是,面包板,电线和电源漂亮的小带状电缆和“补鞋匠”,使它在保持Raspberry Pi的GPIO(通用输入输出)连接混乱的同时,使事情保持整洁非常容易。

您可能喜欢的相关帖子 (Related posts you might like)

  • Top 10 Raspberry Pi Myths and Truths

    十大Raspberry Pi神话与真相

  • Adding AirPlay to a Receiver without an Apple TV - Raspbmc and the Raspberry Pi

    在没有Apple TV的情况下将AirPlay添加到接收器-Raspbmc和Raspberry Pi

What's great about the Raspberry Pi and small devices like it isn't the price -although that's great - it's that the Raspberry Pi has a GPIO and HDMI. This means it's the easiest and cheapest little PC that can talk to the outside world's many hardware devices. Having the combination of  HDMI out (for your TV) and GPIO (for everything else) means it's extremely accessible to the beginner.

Raspberry Pi和小型设备的最大优点不是价格-尽管这很棒-Raspberry Pi具有GPIOHDMI。 这意味着它是可以与外界的许多硬件设备进行通讯的最简单,最便宜的小型PC HDMI输出(用于电视)和GPIO(用于其他所有功能)的组合意味着初学者非常容易使用它。

That GPIO port along with its ease of programming gives rise to such fun as as the RetroPie GPIO Adapter that let you hook up your old Super Nintendo (SNES) controllers to a Pi! You can order a RetroPie GPIO Adapter here. Here is Video of the RetroPie in action. I am not affiliated with this creative person at all, I just dig the idea.

该GPIO端口及其易于编程带来了诸如RetroPie GPIO适配器之类的乐趣,它使您可以将旧的Super Nintendo(SNES)控制器连接到Pi! 您可以在此处订购RetroPie GPIO适配器。 这是正在运行的RetroPie的视频。 我根本不隶属于这个富有创造力的人,我只是想出主意。

So I've got four now. Some friends have tweeted me saying that they bought one Raspberry Pi and haven't gotten around to doing antyhing with it, usually because they aren't sure WHAT to use it for.

所以我现在有四个。 一些朋友在推特上说我买了一个Raspberry Pi,但还没有开始使用它进行Antyhing,通常是因为他们不确定该用什么。

Here's what my Pi's are currently doing:


  • My first Pi is running as an XBMC machine in my living room. I put Raspbmc on it and while I've got my Synology NAS hooked up and serving media to it, I ended up using this Raspberry Pi mostly as an Airplay "catcher" that I throw video at from my iPad.

    我的第一个Pi在我的客厅中作为XBMC机器运行。 我把Raspbmc放在上面,当我连接好Synology NAS并为其提供媒体时,我最终还是将此Raspberry Pi用作Airplay“麦田守望者”,并从iPad上向其投放视频。

  • My second Pi was for the kids. They built a LEGO Raspberry Pi Case and it's their primary PC. They think they are playing SCUMMVM games but they are actually learning how to read. ;)

    我的第二个Pi是给孩子们的。 他们制造了一个LEGO Raspberry Pi Case ,这是他们的主要PC 。 他们认为自己正在玩SCUMMVM游戏,但实际上他们正在学习如何阅读。 ;)

  • I gave my third Pi to my 13 year old nephew. He is loading games on it as fast as he can, checking out SNES Emulators while I try to convince him to write his own game.

    我给了我13岁的侄子第三只Pi。 他正在尽可能快地在游戏上加载游戏,并在我试图说服他编写自己的游戏时签出SNES模拟器。

  • My new fourth Pi is going to be my GPIO playground. I want to learn more about hardware and now that folks are actively hacking things like Monogame onto it, it's becoming even more attractive to me. I like learning Python but Mono on a Raspberry Pi seems like great fun.

    我的新第四代Pi将成为我的GPIO运动场。 我想了解有关硬件的更多信息,现在人们正在积极地将诸如Monogame之类的东西入侵其上,它对我来说变得越来越有吸引力。 我喜欢学习Python,但是在Raspberry Pi上使用Mono似乎很有趣。

I'm sure there are more reasons to buy more Raspberry Pis. Here's a few.

我确信还有更多理由购买更多的Raspberry Pi。 这是一些。

十七个令人敬畏的Raspberry Pi项目 (Seventeen Awesome Raspberry Pi Projects)

These are some exciting and fun projects for you to explore with Raspberry Pi that might make your Pi feel more useful and get you playing today!

这些是一些令人兴奋且有趣的项目,可让您使用Raspberry Pi探索,这可能会使您的Pi感觉更有用,并让您今天玩!

  • BerryTerminal - Your Pi as a thin client


  • RaspBMC - An amazing auto-updating Media Center front end

    RaspBMC-出色的自动更新Media Center前端

  • Screenly - Digital Signage for your Pi!


  • Super Nintendo and RaspberryPI with RetroPie - Pull out those old SNES controllers and hook them up to an emulator!

    Super Nintendo和带有RetroPie的RaspberryPI-拉出那些旧的SNES控制器,并将其连接到仿真器!

  • PiCade:  Mame + Tiny Arcade = Crazy Delicious. How tiny an arcade could you have? Or perhaps a Coffee Table Pi? Folks have NeoGeo working too!

    PiCade : Mame + Tiny Arcade =疯狂美味。 您可以拥有多少个拱廊? 还是咖啡桌Pi ? 人们也可以使用NeoGeo !

  • C64 Emulator - Because it has to be done.


  • Even better, put a Raspberry Pi INSIDE a C64

    更好的是,将Raspberry Pi放在C64内

  • Automate your Home - Hookup a Pi to a ZigBee自动化您的家庭-将Pi连接到ZigBee
  • Internet Radio - Create a tiny internet radio


  • Robots! - A device this small is great for driving a robot

    机器人! -这么小的设备非常适合驱动机器人

  • Run Quake. In 3D. - Because that's insane.

    运行Quake。 在3D中。 -因为那太疯狂了。

  • Security Penetration Testing - Raspberry Pwn. Yes, that's Pwn.安全渗透测试-Raspberry Pwn。 是的,那是Pwn。
  • Speech Recognition - I think you're getting the idea.


  • Give it a Camera - Any external thing can be made to work. Here's a Camera module.

    给它一个相机-任何外部事物都可以正常工作。 这是相机模块。

  • One Button Audiobook Player - For Grandma.


  • Arduino Adapter for Raspberry Pi - Reuse is cool

    用于Raspberry Pi的Arduino适配器-重用很酷

Be sure to check out the Element 14 Community Site for Raspberry Pi. I also love AdaFruit and their Pi-related products like the Adafruit Pi Box (I have 2) or the Budget Pack (I have 1).

确保检查出Raspberry Pi的Element 14社区站点。 我也喜欢AdaFruit及其与Pi相关的产品,例如Adafruit Pi Box (我有2个)或Budget Pack (我有1个)。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/many-raspberry-pi-projects-how-can-you-not-love-a-tiny-computer

raspberry pi

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