进到源码搜索这句「discard long time none received connection.」报错,在「com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidAbstractDataSource#testConnectionInternal(com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidConnectionHolder, java.sql.Connection)」找到如下代码:if (valid && isMySql) { // unexcepted branchlong lastPacketReceivedTimeMs = MySqlUtils.getLastPacketReceivedTimeMs(conn);if (lastPacketReceivedTimeMs > 0) {long mysqlIdleMillis = currentTimeMillis - lastPacketReceivedTimeMs;if (lastPacketReceivedTimeMs > 0 //&& mysqlIdleMillis >= timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis) {discardConnection(holder);String errorMsg = "discard long time none received connection. "+ ", jdbcUrl : " + jdbcUrl+ ", version : " + VERSION.getVersionNumber()+ ", lastPacketReceivedIdleMillis : " + mysqlIdleMillis;LOG.warn(errorMsg);return false;}}
我来解释一下,MySqlUtils.getLastPacketReceivedTimeMs(conn) 是获取上一次使用的时间,mysqlIdleMillis 就是计算出来空闲的时间,timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis 是个写死的值 60秒,if (lastPacketReceivedTimeMs > 0 && mysqlIdleMillis >= timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis) 就是如果连接空闲了 60秒以上,那就 discardConnection(holder) 丢弃这个旧连接并顺带打印了一个日志 LOG.warn(errorMsg)。
【转】Alibaba 的 druid 报错 discard long time none received connection. 问题
static {System.setProperty("druid.mysql.usePingMethod", "false");

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