
添加代码:-dontwarn com.*.connection.


  1. Android签名打包报错:Conversion to Dalvik fromat failed with error 1

    今天测试Quick-Cocos2dx-Community 最新版本,ndk对应版本是ndk-r10e.从编译到ADT中debug调试都没有问题,但是在最终签名打包时报了一个错:Conversion t ...

  2. 打包报错:Generate Signed APK: Errors while building APK. You can find the errors in the ‘Messages‘ view.

    AndroidStudio打包报错:Generate Signed Ao打包报错 can find the errors in the 'Messages' view. AndroidStudio打包 ...

  3. 【Vue3】vite打包报错:块的大小超过限制,Some chunks are larger than 500kb after minification

    问题描述 vite打包报错:块的大小超过限制,Some chunks are larger than 500kb after minification: 解决方法 1.加大限制的大小将500kb改成1 ...

  4. vite打包报错:块的大小超过限制,Some chunks are larger than 500kb after minification

    vite打包报错:块的大小超过限制,Some chunks are larger than 500kb after minification 解决办法1:加大限制的大小将500kb改成1000kb或者 ...

  5. Maven 新版本 3.8.1 打包报错 maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories

    Maven 新版本 3.8.1 打包报错 maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories [ ...

  6. linux安装python库报错pywin32_完美解决pyinstaller打包报错找不到依赖pypiwin32或pywin32-ctypes的错误...

    报错信息 最近闲来无事,用python的tkinter库开发了一款带日程提醒的万年历桌面程序.在程序开发结束开始打包时,却发现一直报错 PyInstaller cannot check for ass ...

  7. maven打包报错You have to use a classifier to attach supplemental artifacts to the project instead of rep

    maven打包报错You have to use a classifier to attach supplemental artifacts to the project instead of rep ...

  8. maven 打包报错 surefire-reports for the individual test results.

    Eclipse Maven打包报错 [ERROR] [ERROR] Please refer to D:\File\workspace\izh-common-util\target\surefire- ...

  9. python的moviepy库 打包 报错: ‘moviepy.audio.fx.all‘ has no attribute ‘audio_fade 的解决办法

    本篇文章主要讲解python的moviepy库 打包 报错: 'moviepy.audio.fx.all' has no attribute 'audio_fade 的解决办法 日期:2022年3月9 ...


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  5. 【Linux】一步一步学Linux——curl命令(193)
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  7. .net core百万设备连接服务和硬件需求测试
  8. idea如何打开pom引用依赖_idea 怎么引入在pom.xml的jar
  9. Bailian4147 汉诺塔问题(Hanoi)
  10. pycharm:There is not enough memory to perform the requested operation
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