
docker run -it bigdata_cases /bin/bash

报:the input device is not a TTY.  If you are using mintty, try prefixing the command


mintty docker run -it bigdata_cases /bin/bash

报:C:/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin/docker.exe: Error response from dae
mon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container proce
ss caused "exec: \"C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/bash.exe\": stat C:/Program File
s/Git/usr/bbin//baae==".2e0x200-077-o1 6T13:34:3s8u088:0hh   iileev eolr= dirroc
ttooms"g: "nnrrrroorr .waiting for contai
nC:/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin/docker.exe: Error response from da
emon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container proc
ess caused "exec: \"C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/bash.exe\": stat C:/Program Fil
es/Git/usr/bbin//baae==".2e0x200-077-o1 6T13:34:3s8u088:0hh   iileev eolr= dirro
cttooms"g: "nnrrrroorr .waiting for contai
ner: context canceled"



mintty docker run -it bigdata_cases bash

在windows下启动容器时,报 the input device is not a TTY. If you are using mintty, try prefixing the command相关推荐

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