use J190802



id int primary key 自动增长

r1 int

r2 int

r3 int

r4 int

r5 int

r6 int

b7 int

qs varchar(7)

create table tbfact(

id int primary key auto_increment,

r1 int,

r2 int,

r3 int,

r4 int,

r5 int,

r6 int,

b7 int,

qs varchar(7)



INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('1', '1', '9', '10', '16', '22', '24', '11', '2004009');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('111', '6', '9', '18', '20', '25', '33', '6', '2004119');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('112', '7', '8', '18', '21', '27', '32', '10', '2004120');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('113', '7', '13', '16', '18', '30', '32', '10', '2004121');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('266', '1', '5', '12', '14', '21', '27', '3', '2005152');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('267', '4', '5', '7', '21', '26', '29', '1', '2005153');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('268', '1', '12', '15', '19', '21', '28', '3', '2005154');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('419', '1', '14', '20', '25', '27', '31', '15', '2006152');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('420', '1', '7', '11', '20', '30', '33', '10', '2006153');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('421', '7', '14', '18', '20', '30', '33', '13', '2006154');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('573', '11', '17', '21', '29', '30', '33', '8', '2007152');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('574', '1', '4', '19', '20', '25', '31', '15', '2007153');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('575', '2', '4', '7', '9', '14', '29', '3', '2007154');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('722', '3', '5', '9', '22', '26', '28', '9', '2008148');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('723', '10', '14', '22', '28', '29', '33', '2', '2008149');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('724', '4', '19', '22', '24', '29', '32', '2', '2008150');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('725', '6', '8', '10', '14', '17', '19', '6', '2008151');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('726', '1', '4', '6', '22', '26', '30', '8', '2008152');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('727', '1', '4', '18', '21', '24', '30', '16', '2008153');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('728', '2', '5', '7', '21', '22', '26', '8', '2008154');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('729', '4', '21', '23', '24', '30', '31', '4', '2009001');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('730', '10', '14', '17', '25', '29', '33', '14', '2009002');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('879', '6', '8', '10', '16', '25', '30', '14', '2009151');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('880', '3', '4', '19', '21', '27', '28', '5', '2009152');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('881', '6', '7', '8', '20', '21', '25', '10', '2009153');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('882', '1', '7', '12', '14', '18', '25', '16', '2009154');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('1185', '8', '10', '12', '15', '22', '27', '13', '2011150');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('1186', '7', '11', '16', '19', '31', '33', '10', '2011151');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('1187', '4', '10', '11', '12', '21', '26', '13', '2011152');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('1329', '3', '5', '8', '19', '20', '27', '9', '2012141');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('1330', '5', '18', '22', '28', '29', '31', '6', '2012142');

INSERT INTO tbfact VALUES ('1331', '7', '8', '18', '25', '30', '32', '6', '2012143');


select * from tbfact where  qs  like '2010%'


select b7 from tbfact where  qs like  '2005%' or qs like  '2006%' or qs like  '2007%'


select b7 , count(b7) from tbfact   group by b7


select (r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6) , qs  from tbfact


select r4 , count(r4) from tbfact   group by r4


select  max(r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6) from tbfact


select  (r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6)  ,count(r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6) from tbfact   where  qs like  '2012%' group by (r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6)


select  * from tbfact   where  ((r1-r2)=-1 and  (r2-r3)=-1 and (r3-r4)=-1)  or((r2-r3)=-1 and (r3-r4)=-1  and (r4-r5)=-1) or ((r3-r4)=-1  and  (r4-r5)=-1 and (r5-r6)=-1)


select  avg(r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6) from tbfact   where  qs like  '2009%' group by (r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6)


select  (select count(b7) from  tbfact  where b7=7)/ (select count(b7) from  tbfact)


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