00. 目录


  • 00. 目录
  • 01. modbus-private.h文件
  • 02. modbus.h文件
  • 03. modbus.c文件
  • 04. 预留
  • 05. 附录

01. modbus-private.h文件


/** Copyright © 2010-2012 Stéphane Raimbault <stephane.raimbault@gmail.com>** SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later*/#ifndef MODBUS_PRIVATE_H
#define MODBUS_PRIVATE_H#ifndef _MSC_VER
# include <stdint.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include "stdint.h"
# include <time.h>
typedef int ssize_t;
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <config.h>#include "modbus.h"MODBUS_BEGIN_DECLS/* It's not really the minimal length (the real one is report slave ID* in RTU (4 bytes)) but it's a convenient size to use in RTU or TCP* communications to read many values or write a single one.* Maximum between :* - HEADER_LENGTH_TCP (7) + function (1) + address (2) + number (2)* - HEADER_LENGTH_RTU (1) + function (1) + address (2) + number (2) + CRC (2)*/
#define _MIN_REQ_LENGTH 12#define _REPORT_SLAVE_ID 180#define _MODBUS_EXCEPTION_RSP_LENGTH 5/* Timeouts in microsecond (0.5 s) */
#define _RESPONSE_TIMEOUT    500000
} modbus_backend_type_t;/**  ---------- Request     Indication ----------*  | Client | ---------------------->| Server |*  ---------- Confirmation  Response ----------*/
typedef enum {/* Request message on the server side */MSG_INDICATION,/* Request message on the client side */MSG_CONFIRMATION
} msg_type_t;/* This structure reduces the number of params in functions and so* optimizes the speed of execution (~ 37%). */
typedef struct _sft {int slave;int function;int t_id;
} sft_t;typedef struct _modbus_backend {unsigned int backend_type;  //modbus_backend_type_t类型unsigned int header_length; //HBMP长度unsigned int checksum_length; //错误校验字段长度unsigned int max_adu_length; //ADU最大长度int (*set_slave) (modbus_t *ctx, int slave); //设置从站设备地址//构造查询报文的基本通信帧int (*build_request_basis) (modbus_t *ctx, int function, int addr,int nb, uint8_t *req);//构造响应报文的基本通信帧int (*build_response_basis) (sft_t *sft, uint8_t *rsp);//构造响应报文TID参数int (*prepare_response_tid) (const uint8_t *req, int *req_length);//发送报文前的预处理int (*send_msg_pre) (uint8_t *req, int req_length);//发送报文ssize_t (*send) (modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *req, int req_length);//接收报文int (*receive) (modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *req);//接收报文 该函数被receive函数调用ssize_t (*recv) (modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *rsp, int rsp_length);//用于数据完整性检查int (*check_integrity) (modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *msg,const int msg_length);//确认响应报文的帧头是否一致int (*pre_check_confirmation) (modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *req,const uint8_t *rsp, int rsp_length);//建立连接int (*connect) (modbus_t *ctx);//关闭连接void (*close) (modbus_t *ctx);//清空缓冲区int (*flush) (modbus_t *ctx);//用于设置超时并读取通信事件,以检测是否存在待接收数据int (*select) (modbus_t *ctx, fd_set *rset, struct timeval *tv, int msg_length);//释放内存void (*free) (modbus_t *ctx);
} modbus_backend_t;struct _modbus {/* Slave address */int slave;      //从站设备地址/* Socket or file descriptor */int s;  //TCP模式下为套接字 RTU模式下为串口句柄int debug;         //是否启用debug模式int error_recovery; //错误恢复模式struct timeval response_timeout;    //响应超时设置struct timeval byte_timeout;        //字节超时设置struct timeval indication_timeout;  //请求超时设置//包含一系列通用函数指针const modbus_backend_t *backend;void *backend_data; //TCP模式下特殊配置数据 RTU模式下特殊配置数据
};void _modbus_init_common(modbus_t *ctx);
void _error_print(modbus_t *ctx, const char *context);
int _modbus_receive_msg(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *msg, msg_type_t msg_type);#ifndef HAVE_STRLCPY
size_t strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t dest_size);

02. modbus.h文件


/** Copyright © 2001-2013 Stéphane Raimbault <stephane.raimbault@gmail.com>** SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later*/#ifndef MODBUS_H
#define MODBUS_H/* Add this for macros that defined unix flavor */
#if (defined(__unix__) || defined(unix)) && !defined(USG)
#include <sys/param.h>
#endif#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <stdint.h>
#include "stdint.h"
#endif#include "modbus-version.h"#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# if defined(DLLBUILD)
/* define DLLBUILD when building the DLL */
#  define MODBUS_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
#  define MODBUS_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# define MODBUS_API
#endif#ifdef  __cplusplus
# define MODBUS_BEGIN_DECLS  extern "C" {# define MODBUS_END_DECLS    }
#define FALSE 0
#endif#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#endif#ifndef OFF
#define OFF 0
#endif#ifndef ON
#define ON 1
#endif/* Modbus function codes */ //功能码
#define MODBUS_FC_READ_COILS                0x01
#define MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL         0x05
#define MODBUS_FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID           0x11
#define MODBUS_BROADCAST_ADDRESS    0/* Modbus_Application_Protocol_V1_1b.pdf (chapter 6 section 1 page 12)* Quantity of Coils to read (2 bytes): 1 to 2000 (0x7D0)* (chapter 6 section 11 page 29)* Quantity of Coils to write (2 bytes): 1 to 1968 (0x7B0)*/
#define MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS              2000
#define MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_BITS             1968/* Modbus_Application_Protocol_V1_1b.pdf (chapter 6 section 3 page 15)* Quantity of Registers to read (2 bytes): 1 to 125 (0x7D)* (chapter 6 section 12 page 31)* Quantity of Registers to write (2 bytes) 1 to 123 (0x7B)* (chapter 6 section 17 page 38)* Quantity of Registers to write in R/W registers (2 bytes) 1 to 121 (0x79)*/
#define MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS          125
#define MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS         123
#define MODBUS_MAX_WR_READ_REGISTERS       125/* The size of the MODBUS PDU is limited by the size constraint inherited from* the first MODBUS implementation on Serial Line network (max. RS485 ADU = 256* bytes). Therefore, MODBUS PDU for serial line communication = 256 - Server* address (1 byte) - CRC (2 bytes) = 253 bytes.*/
#define MODBUS_MAX_PDU_LENGTH              253/* Consequently:* - RTU MODBUS ADU = 253 bytes + Server address (1 byte) + CRC (2 bytes) = 256*   bytes.* - TCP MODBUS ADU = 253 bytes + MBAP (7 bytes) = 260 bytes.* so the maximum of both backend in 260 bytes. This size can used to allocate* an array of bytes to store responses and it will be compatible with the two* backends.*/
#define MODBUS_MAX_ADU_LENGTH              260/* Random number to avoid errno conflicts */
#define MODBUS_ENOBASE 112345678/* Protocol exceptions */
#define EMBXGTAR   (MODBUS_ENOBASE + MODBUS_EXCEPTION_GATEWAY_TARGET)/* Native libmodbus error codes */
#define EMBBADCRC  (EMBXGTAR + 1)   //无效的CRC
#define EMBBADDATA (EMBXGTAR + 2)   //无效的数据
#define EMBBADEXC  (EMBXGTAR + 3)   //无效的异常码
#define EMBUNKEXC  (EMBXGTAR + 4)   //保留 未使用
#define EMBMDATA   (EMBXGTAR + 5)   //数据过多
#define EMBBADSLAVE (EMBXGTAR + 6)  //响应与查询地址不匹配extern const unsigned int libmodbus_version_major;
extern const unsigned int libmodbus_version_minor;
extern const unsigned int libmodbus_version_micro;typedef struct _modbus modbus_t;typedef struct _modbus_mapping_t {int nb_bits;                    //线圈寄存器的数量int start_bits;                 //线圈寄存器的起始地址int nb_input_bits;              //离散输入寄存器的数量       int start_input_bits;           //离散输入寄存器的起始地址int nb_input_registers;         //输入寄存器的数量int start_input_registers;      //输入寄存器的起始地址int nb_registers;               //保持寄存器的数量int start_registers;            //保持寄存器的起始地址uint8_t *tab_bits;              //指向线圈寄存器的值uint8_t *tab_input_bits;        //指向离散输入寄存器的值uint16_t *tab_input_registers;  //指向输入寄存器的值uint16_t *tab_registers;        //指向保持寄存器的值
} modbus_mapping_t;typedef enum
{MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_NONE          = 0,        //不恢复MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_LINK          = (1<<1),   //链接层恢复MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_PROTOCOL      = (1<<2)    //协议层恢复
} modbus_error_recovery_mode;//设置从站地址
MODBUS_API int modbus_set_slave(modbus_t* ctx, int slave);
MODBUS_API int modbus_get_slave(modbus_t* ctx);
MODBUS_API int modbus_set_error_recovery(modbus_t *ctx, modbus_error_recovery_mode error_recovery);
MODBUS_API int modbus_set_socket(modbus_t *ctx, int s);
MODBUS_API int modbus_get_socket(modbus_t *ctx);//获取响应超时
MODBUS_API int modbus_get_response_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t *to_sec, uint32_t *to_usec);
MODBUS_API int modbus_set_response_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t to_sec, uint32_t to_usec);
MODBUS_API int modbus_get_byte_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t *to_sec, uint32_t *to_usec);
MODBUS_API int modbus_set_byte_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t to_sec, uint32_t to_usec);//获取服务端等待客户端请求超时时间
MODBUS_API int modbus_get_indication_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t *to_sec, uint32_t *to_usec);
MODBUS_API int modbus_set_indication_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t to_sec, uint32_t to_usec);
MODBUS_API int modbus_get_header_length(modbus_t *ctx);
MODBUS_API int modbus_connect(modbus_t *ctx);
MODBUS_API void modbus_close(modbus_t *ctx);
MODBUS_API void modbus_free(modbus_t *ctx);
MODBUS_API int modbus_flush(modbus_t *ctx);
MODBUS_API int modbus_set_debug(modbus_t *ctx, int flag);
MODBUS_API const char *modbus_strerror(int errnum);//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//读取线圈或者离散量输出状态(功能码 0x1)
MODBUS_API int modbus_read_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint8_t *dest);
//读取离散量输入值(功能码 0x2)
MODBUS_API int modbus_read_input_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint8_t *dest);
//读取保持寄存器(功能码 0x3)
MODBUS_API int modbus_read_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint16_t *dest);
//读取输入寄存器(功能码 0x4)
MODBUS_API int modbus_read_input_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint16_t *dest);
//写单个线圈或者单个离散量(功能码 0x5)
MODBUS_API int modbus_write_bit(modbus_t *ctx, int coil_addr, int status);
//写单个保持寄存器(功能码 0x6)
MODBUS_API int modbus_write_register(modbus_t *ctx, int reg_addr, const uint16_t value);
//写多个线圈(功能码 0xF)
MODBUS_API int modbus_write_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, const uint8_t *data);
//写多个保持寄存器(功能码 0x10)
MODBUS_API int modbus_write_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, const uint16_t *data);
MODBUS_API int modbus_mask_write_register(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, uint16_t and_mask, uint16_t or_mask);
MODBUS_API int modbus_write_and_read_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int write_addr, int write_nb,const uint16_t *src, int read_addr, int read_nb,uint16_t *dest);
//报告从站ID(功能码 0x11)
MODBUS_API int modbus_report_slave_id(modbus_t *ctx, int max_dest, uint8_t *dest);MODBUS_API modbus_mapping_t* modbus_mapping_new_start_address(unsigned int start_bits, unsigned int nb_bits,unsigned int start_input_bits, unsigned int nb_input_bits,unsigned int start_registers, unsigned int nb_registers,unsigned int start_input_registers, unsigned int nb_input_registers);MODBUS_API modbus_mapping_t* modbus_mapping_new(int nb_bits, int nb_input_bits,int nb_registers, int nb_input_registers);
MODBUS_API void modbus_mapping_free(modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping);MODBUS_API int modbus_send_raw_request(modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *raw_req, int raw_req_length);MODBUS_API int modbus_receive(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *req);MODBUS_API int modbus_receive_confirmation(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *rsp);MODBUS_API int modbus_reply(modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *req,int req_length, modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping);
MODBUS_API int modbus_reply_exception(modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *req,unsigned int exception_code);/*** UTILS FUNCTIONS**/
#define MODBUS_GET_HIGH_BYTE(data) (((data) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define MODBUS_GET_LOW_BYTE(data) ((data) & 0xFF)
#define MODBUS_GET_INT64_FROM_INT16(tab_int16, index) \(((int64_t)tab_int16[(index)    ] << 48) | \((int64_t)tab_int16[(index) + 1] << 32) | \((int64_t)tab_int16[(index) + 2] << 16) | \(int64_t)tab_int16[(index) + 3])
#define MODBUS_GET_INT32_FROM_INT16(tab_int16, index) \(((int32_t)tab_int16[(index)    ] << 16) | \(int32_t)tab_int16[(index) + 1])
#define MODBUS_GET_INT16_FROM_INT8(tab_int8, index) \(((int16_t)tab_int8[(index)    ] << 8) | \(int16_t)tab_int8[(index) + 1])
#define MODBUS_SET_INT16_TO_INT8(tab_int8, index, value) \do { \((int8_t*)(tab_int8))[(index)    ] = (int8_t)((value) >> 8);  \((int8_t*)(tab_int8))[(index) + 1] = (int8_t)(value); \} while (0)
#define MODBUS_SET_INT32_TO_INT16(tab_int16, index, value) \do { \((int16_t*)(tab_int16))[(index)    ] = (int16_t)((value) >> 16); \((int16_t*)(tab_int16))[(index) + 1] = (int16_t)(value); \} while (0)
#define MODBUS_SET_INT64_TO_INT16(tab_int16, index, value) \do { \((int16_t*)(tab_int16))[(index)    ] = (int16_t)((value) >> 48); \((int16_t*)(tab_int16))[(index) + 1] = (int16_t)((value) >> 32); \((int16_t*)(tab_int16))[(index) + 2] = (int16_t)((value) >> 16); \((int16_t*)(tab_int16))[(index) + 3] = (int16_t)(value); \} while (0)MODBUS_API void modbus_set_bits_from_byte(uint8_t *dest, int idx, const uint8_t value);
MODBUS_API void modbus_set_bits_from_bytes(uint8_t *dest, int idx, unsigned int nb_bits,const uint8_t *tab_byte);
MODBUS_API uint8_t modbus_get_byte_from_bits(const uint8_t *src, int idx, unsigned int nb_bits);
MODBUS_API float modbus_get_float(const uint16_t *src);
MODBUS_API float modbus_get_float_abcd(const uint16_t *src);
MODBUS_API float modbus_get_float_dcba(const uint16_t *src);
MODBUS_API float modbus_get_float_badc(const uint16_t *src);
MODBUS_API float modbus_get_float_cdab(const uint16_t *src);MODBUS_API void modbus_set_float(float f, uint16_t *dest);
MODBUS_API void modbus_set_float_abcd(float f, uint16_t *dest);
MODBUS_API void modbus_set_float_dcba(float f, uint16_t *dest);
MODBUS_API void modbus_set_float_badc(float f, uint16_t *dest);
MODBUS_API void modbus_set_float_cdab(float f, uint16_t *dest);#include "modbus-tcp.h"
#include "modbus-rtu.h"MODBUS_END_DECLS#endif  /* MODBUS_H */

03. modbus.c文件

modbus.c 核心文件,实现Modbus协议层,定义通用的Modbus消息发送和接收函数、各功能码对应的函数

/** Copyright © 2001-2011 Stéphane Raimbault <stephane.raimbault@gmail.com>** SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later** This library implements the Modbus protocol.* http://libmodbus.org/*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <unistd.h>
#endif#include <config.h>#include "modbus.h"
#include "modbus-private.h"/* Internal use */
#define MSG_LENGTH_UNDEFINED -1/* Exported version */
const unsigned int libmodbus_version_major = LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MAJOR;
const unsigned int libmodbus_version_minor = LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MINOR;
const unsigned int libmodbus_version_micro = LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MICRO;/* Max between RTU and TCP max adu length (so TCP) */
#define MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH 260/* 3 steps are used to parse the query */
} _step_t;//错误解析
const char *modbus_strerror(int errnum) {switch (errnum) {case EMBXILFUN:return "Illegal function";case EMBXILADD:return "Illegal data address";case EMBXILVAL:return "Illegal data value";case EMBXSFAIL:return "Slave device or server failure";case EMBXACK:return "Acknowledge";case EMBXSBUSY:return "Slave device or server is busy";case EMBXNACK:return "Negative acknowledge";case EMBXMEMPAR:return "Memory parity error";case EMBXGPATH:return "Gateway path unavailable";case EMBXGTAR:return "Target device failed to respond";case EMBBADCRC:return "Invalid CRC";case EMBBADDATA:return "Invalid data";case EMBBADEXC:return "Invalid exception code";case EMBMDATA:return "Too many data";case EMBBADSLAVE:return "Response not from requested slave";default:return strerror(errnum);}
void _error_print(modbus_t *ctx, const char *context)
{if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR %s", modbus_strerror(errno));if (context != NULL) {fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", context);} else {fprintf(stderr, "\n");}}
static void _sleep_response_timeout(modbus_t *ctx)
{/* Response timeout is always positive */
#ifdef _WIN32/* usleep doesn't exist on Windows */Sleep((ctx->response_timeout.tv_sec * 1000) +(ctx->response_timeout.tv_usec / 1000));
#else/* usleep source code */struct timespec request, remaining;request.tv_sec = ctx->response_timeout.tv_sec;request.tv_nsec = ((long int)ctx->response_timeout.tv_usec) * 1000;while (nanosleep(&request, &remaining) == -1 && errno == EINTR) {request = remaining;}
int modbus_flush(modbus_t *ctx)
{int rc;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}rc = ctx->backend->flush(ctx);if (rc != -1 && ctx->debug) {/* Not all backends are able to return the number of bytes flushed */printf("Bytes flushed (%d)\n", rc);}return rc;
}/* Computes the length of the expected response */
static unsigned int compute_response_length_from_request(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *req)
{int length;const int offset = ctx->backend->header_length;switch (req[offset]) {case MODBUS_FC_READ_COILS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS: {/* Header + nb values (code from write_bits) */int nb = (req[offset + 3] << 8) | req[offset + 4];length = 2 + (nb / 8) + ((nb % 8) ? 1 : 0);}break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_AND_READ_REGISTERS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS:/* Header + 2 * nb values */length = 2 + 2 * (req[offset + 3] << 8 | req[offset + 4]);break;case MODBUS_FC_READ_EXCEPTION_STATUS:length = 3;break;case MODBUS_FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID:/* The response is device specific (the header provides thelength) */return MSG_LENGTH_UNDEFINED;case MODBUS_FC_MASK_WRITE_REGISTER:length = 7;break;default:length = 5;}return offset + length + ctx->backend->checksum_length;
}/* Sends a request/response */
static int send_msg(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *msg, int msg_length)
{int rc;int i;//进行消息预处理msg_length = ctx->backend->send_msg_pre(msg, msg_length);if (ctx->debug) {for (i = 0; i < msg_length; i++)printf("[%.2X]", msg[i]);printf("\n");}/* In recovery mode, the write command will be issued until to besuccessful! Disabled by default. */do {rc = ctx->backend->send(ctx, msg, msg_length);if (rc == -1) {_error_print(ctx, NULL);if (ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_LINK) {int saved_errno = errno;if ((errno == EBADF || errno == ECONNRESET || errno == EPIPE)) {modbus_close(ctx);_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_connect(ctx);} else {_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_flush(ctx);}errno = saved_errno;}}} while ((ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_LINK) &&rc == -1);if (rc > 0 && rc != msg_length) {errno = EMBBADDATA;return -1;}return rc;
}int modbus_send_raw_request(modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *raw_req, int raw_req_length)
{sft_t sft;uint8_t req[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];int req_length;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (raw_req_length < 2 || raw_req_length > (MODBUS_MAX_PDU_LENGTH + 1)) {/* The raw request must contain function and slave at least andmust not be longer than the maximum pdu length plus the slaveaddress. */errno = EINVAL;return -1;}sft.slave = raw_req[0];sft.function = raw_req[1];/* The t_id is left to zero */sft.t_id = 0;/* This response function only set the header so it's convenient here */req_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, req);if (raw_req_length > 2) {/* Copy data after function code */memcpy(req + req_length, raw_req + 2, raw_req_length - 2);req_length += raw_req_length - 2;}return send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);
}/**  ---------- Request     Indication ----------*  | Client | ---------------------->| Server |*  ---------- Confirmation  Response ----------*//* Computes the length to read after the function received */
static uint8_t compute_meta_length_after_function(int function,msg_type_t msg_type)
{int length;if (msg_type == MSG_INDICATION) {if (function <= MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER) {length = 4;} else if (function == MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS ||function == MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS) {length = 5;} else if (function == MODBUS_FC_MASK_WRITE_REGISTER) {length = 6;} else if (function == MODBUS_FC_WRITE_AND_READ_REGISTERS) {length = 9;} else {/* MODBUS_FC_READ_EXCEPTION_STATUS, MODBUS_FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID */length = 0;}} else {/* MSG_CONFIRMATION */switch (function) {case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL:case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER:case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS:case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:length = 4;break;case MODBUS_FC_MASK_WRITE_REGISTER:length = 6;break;default:length = 1;}}return length;
}/* Computes the length to read after the meta information (address, count, etc) */
static int compute_data_length_after_meta(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *msg,msg_type_t msg_type)
{int function = msg[ctx->backend->header_length];int length;if (msg_type == MSG_INDICATION) {switch (function) {case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS:case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:length = msg[ctx->backend->header_length + 5];break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_AND_READ_REGISTERS:length = msg[ctx->backend->header_length + 9];break;default:length = 0;}} else {/* MSG_CONFIRMATION */if (function <= MODBUS_FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS ||function == MODBUS_FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID ||function == MODBUS_FC_WRITE_AND_READ_REGISTERS) {length = msg[ctx->backend->header_length + 1];} else {length = 0;}}length += ctx->backend->checksum_length;return length;
}/* Waits a response from a modbus server or a request from a modbus client.This function blocks if there is no replies (3 timeouts).The function shall return the number of received characters and the receivedmessage in an array of uint8_t if successful. Otherwise it shall return -1and errno is set to one of the values defined below:- ECONNRESET- EMBBADDATA- EMBUNKEXC- ETIMEDOUT- read() or recv() error codes
*/int _modbus_receive_msg(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *msg, msg_type_t msg_type)
{int rc;fd_set rset;struct timeval tv;struct timeval *p_tv;int length_to_read;int msg_length = 0;_step_t step;if (ctx->debug) {if (msg_type == MSG_INDICATION) {//表示正在等待查询报文printf("Waiting for an indication...\n");} else {//表示发送查询报文后等待接收响应printf("Waiting for a confirmation...\n");}}/* Add a file descriptor to the set */FD_ZERO(&rset);FD_SET(ctx->s, &rset);/* We need to analyse the message step by step.  At the first step, we want* to reach the function code because all packets contain this* information. */step = _STEP_FUNCTION;length_to_read = ctx->backend->header_length + 1;if (msg_type == MSG_INDICATION) {/* Wait for a message, we don't know when the message will be* received */if (ctx->indication_timeout.tv_sec == 0 && ctx->indication_timeout.tv_usec == 0) {/* By default, the indication timeout isn't set */p_tv = NULL;} else {/* Wait for an indication (name of a received request by a server, see schema) */tv.tv_sec = ctx->indication_timeout.tv_sec;tv.tv_usec = ctx->indication_timeout.tv_usec;p_tv = &tv;}} else {tv.tv_sec = ctx->response_timeout.tv_sec;tv.tv_usec = ctx->response_timeout.tv_usec;p_tv = &tv;}while (length_to_read != 0) {rc = ctx->backend->select(ctx, &rset, p_tv, length_to_read);if (rc == -1) {_error_print(ctx, "select");if (ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_LINK) {int saved_errno = errno;if (errno == ETIMEDOUT) {_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_flush(ctx);} else if (errno == EBADF) {modbus_close(ctx);modbus_connect(ctx);}errno = saved_errno;}return -1;}rc = ctx->backend->recv(ctx, msg + msg_length, length_to_read);if (rc == 0) {errno = ECONNRESET;rc = -1;}if (rc == -1) {_error_print(ctx, "read");if ((ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_LINK) &&(errno == ECONNRESET || errno == ECONNREFUSED ||errno == EBADF)) {int saved_errno = errno;modbus_close(ctx);modbus_connect(ctx);/* Could be removed by previous calls */errno = saved_errno;}return -1;}/* Display the hex code of each character received */if (ctx->debug) {int i;for (i=0; i < rc; i++)printf("<%.2X>", msg[msg_length + i]);}/* Sums bytes received */msg_length += rc;/* Computes remaining bytes */length_to_read -= rc;if (length_to_read == 0) {switch (step) {case _STEP_FUNCTION:/* Function code position */length_to_read = compute_meta_length_after_function(msg[ctx->backend->header_length],msg_type);if (length_to_read != 0) {step = _STEP_META;break;} /* else switches straight to the next step */case _STEP_META:length_to_read = compute_data_length_after_meta(ctx, msg, msg_type);if ((msg_length + length_to_read) > (int)ctx->backend->max_adu_length) {errno = EMBBADDATA;_error_print(ctx, "too many data");return -1;}step = _STEP_DATA;break;default:break;}}if (length_to_read > 0 &&(ctx->byte_timeout.tv_sec > 0 || ctx->byte_timeout.tv_usec > 0)) {/* If there is no character in the buffer, the allowed timeoutinterval between two consecutive bytes is defined bybyte_timeout */tv.tv_sec = ctx->byte_timeout.tv_sec;tv.tv_usec = ctx->byte_timeout.tv_usec;p_tv = &tv;}/* else timeout isn't set again, the full response must be read beforeexpiration of response timeout (for CONFIRMATION only) */}if (ctx->debug)printf("\n");return ctx->backend->check_integrity(ctx, msg, msg_length);
}/* Receive the request from a modbus master */
int modbus_receive(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *req)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return ctx->backend->receive(ctx, req);
}/* Receives the confirmation.The function shall store the read response in rsp and return the number ofvalues (bits or words). Otherwise, its shall return -1 and errno is set.The function doesn't check the confirmation is the expected response to theinitial request.
int modbus_receive_confirmation(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *rsp)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);
}static int check_confirmation(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *req,uint8_t *rsp, int rsp_length)
{int rc;int rsp_length_computed;const int offset = ctx->backend->header_length;const int function = rsp[offset];if (ctx->backend->pre_check_confirmation) {rc = ctx->backend->pre_check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rsp_length);if (rc == -1) {if (ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_PROTOCOL) {_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_flush(ctx);}return -1;}}rsp_length_computed = compute_response_length_from_request(ctx, req);/* Exception code */if (function >= 0x80) {if (rsp_length == (offset + 2 + (int)ctx->backend->checksum_length) &&req[offset] == (rsp[offset] - 0x80)) {/* Valid exception code received */int exception_code = rsp[offset + 1];if (exception_code < MODBUS_EXCEPTION_MAX) {errno = MODBUS_ENOBASE + exception_code;} else {errno = EMBBADEXC;}_error_print(ctx, NULL);return -1;} else {errno = EMBBADEXC;_error_print(ctx, NULL);return -1;}}/* Check length */if ((rsp_length == rsp_length_computed ||rsp_length_computed == MSG_LENGTH_UNDEFINED) &&function < 0x80) {int req_nb_value;int rsp_nb_value;/* Check function code */if (function != req[offset]) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"Received function not corresponding to the request (0x%X != 0x%X)\n",function, req[offset]);}if (ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_PROTOCOL) {_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_flush(ctx);}errno = EMBBADDATA;return -1;}/* Check the number of values is corresponding to the request */switch (function) {case MODBUS_FC_READ_COILS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS:/* Read functions, 8 values in a byte (nb* of values in the request and byte count in* the response. */req_nb_value = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];req_nb_value = (req_nb_value / 8) + ((req_nb_value % 8) ? 1 : 0);rsp_nb_value = rsp[offset + 1];break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_AND_READ_REGISTERS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS:/* Read functions 1 value = 2 bytes */req_nb_value = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];rsp_nb_value = (rsp[offset + 1] / 2);break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS:case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:/* N Write functions */req_nb_value = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];rsp_nb_value = (rsp[offset + 3] << 8) | rsp[offset + 4];break;case MODBUS_FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID:/* Report slave ID (bytes received) */req_nb_value = rsp_nb_value = rsp[offset + 1];break;default:/* 1 Write functions & others */req_nb_value = rsp_nb_value = 1;}if (req_nb_value == rsp_nb_value) {rc = rsp_nb_value;} else {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"Quantity not corresponding to the request (%d != %d)\n",rsp_nb_value, req_nb_value);}if (ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_PROTOCOL) {_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_flush(ctx);}errno = EMBBADDATA;rc = -1;}} else {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"Message length not corresponding to the computed length (%d != %d)\n",rsp_length, rsp_length_computed);}if (ctx->error_recovery & MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_PROTOCOL) {_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_flush(ctx);}errno = EMBBADDATA;rc = -1;}return rc;
}static int response_io_status(uint8_t *tab_io_status,int address, int nb,uint8_t *rsp, int offset)
{int shift = 0;/* Instead of byte (not allowed in Win32) */int one_byte = 0;int i;for (i = address; i < address + nb; i++) {one_byte |= tab_io_status[i] << shift;if (shift == 7) {/* Byte is full */rsp[offset++] = one_byte;one_byte = shift = 0;} else {shift++;}}if (shift != 0)rsp[offset++] = one_byte;return offset;
}/* Build the exception response */
static int response_exception(modbus_t *ctx, sft_t *sft,int exception_code, uint8_t *rsp,unsigned int to_flush,const char* template, ...)
{int rsp_length;/* Print debug message */if (ctx->debug) {va_list ap;va_start(ap, template);vfprintf(stderr, template, ap);va_end(ap);}/* Flush if required */if (to_flush) {_sleep_response_timeout(ctx);modbus_flush(ctx);}/* Build exception response */sft->function = sft->function + 0x80;rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(sft, rsp);rsp[rsp_length++] = exception_code;return rsp_length;
}/* Send a response to the received request.Analyses the request and constructs a response.If an error occurs, this function construct the responseaccordingly.
int modbus_reply(modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *req,int req_length, modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping)
{int offset;int slave;int function;uint16_t address;uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];int rsp_length = 0;sft_t sft;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}offset = ctx->backend->header_length;slave = req[offset - 1];function = req[offset];address = (req[offset + 1] << 8) + req[offset + 2];sft.slave = slave;sft.function = function;sft.t_id = ctx->backend->prepare_response_tid(req, &req_length);/* Data are flushed on illegal number of values errors. */switch (function) {case MODBUS_FC_READ_COILS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS: {unsigned int is_input = (function == MODBUS_FC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS);int start_bits = is_input ? mb_mapping->start_input_bits : mb_mapping->start_bits;int nb_bits = is_input ? mb_mapping->nb_input_bits : mb_mapping->nb_bits;uint8_t *tab_bits = is_input ? mb_mapping->tab_input_bits : mb_mapping->tab_bits;const char * const name = is_input ? "read_input_bits" : "read_bits";int nb = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];/* The mapping can be shifted to reduce memory consumption and itdoesn't always start at address zero. */int mapping_address = address - start_bits;if (nb < 1 || MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS < nb) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, rsp, TRUE,"Illegal nb of values %d in %s (max %d)\n",nb, name, MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS);} else if (mapping_address < 0 || (mapping_address + nb) > nb_bits) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft,MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data address 0x%0X in %s\n",mapping_address < 0 ? address : address + nb, name);} else {rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, rsp);rsp[rsp_length++] = (nb / 8) + ((nb % 8) ? 1 : 0);rsp_length = response_io_status(tab_bits, mapping_address, nb,rsp, rsp_length);}}break;case MODBUS_FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS:case MODBUS_FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS: {unsigned int is_input = (function == MODBUS_FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS);int start_registers = is_input ? mb_mapping->start_input_registers : mb_mapping->start_registers;int nb_registers = is_input ? mb_mapping->nb_input_registers : mb_mapping->nb_registers;uint16_t *tab_registers = is_input ? mb_mapping->tab_input_registers : mb_mapping->tab_registers;const char * const name = is_input ? "read_input_registers" : "read_registers";int nb = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];/* The mapping can be shifted to reduce memory consumption and itdoesn't always start at address zero. */int mapping_address = address - start_registers;if (nb < 1 || MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS < nb) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, rsp, TRUE,"Illegal nb of values %d in %s (max %d)\n",nb, name, MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS);} else if (mapping_address < 0 || (mapping_address + nb) > nb_registers) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data address 0x%0X in %s\n",mapping_address < 0 ? address : address + nb, name);} else {int i;rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, rsp);rsp[rsp_length++] = nb << 1;for (i = mapping_address; i < mapping_address + nb; i++) {rsp[rsp_length++] = tab_registers[i] >> 8;rsp[rsp_length++] = tab_registers[i] & 0xFF;}}}break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL: {int mapping_address = address - mb_mapping->start_bits;if (mapping_address < 0 || mapping_address >= mb_mapping->nb_bits) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data address 0x%0X in write_bit\n",address);} else {int data = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];if (data == 0xFF00 || data == 0x0) {mb_mapping->tab_bits[mapping_address] = data ? ON : OFF;memcpy(rsp, req, req_length);rsp_length = req_length;} else {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft,MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data value 0x%0X in write_bit request at address %0X\n",data, address);}}}break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER: {int mapping_address = address - mb_mapping->start_registers;if (mapping_address < 0 || mapping_address >= mb_mapping->nb_registers) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft,MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data address 0x%0X in write_register\n",address);} else {int data = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];mb_mapping->tab_registers[mapping_address] = data;memcpy(rsp, req, req_length);rsp_length = req_length;}}break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS: {int nb = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];int nb_bits = req[offset + 5];int mapping_address = address - mb_mapping->start_bits;if (nb < 1 || MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_BITS < nb || nb_bits * 8 < nb) {/* May be the indication has been truncated on reading because of* invalid address (eg. nb is 0 but the request contains values to* write) so it's necessary to flush. */rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, rsp, TRUE,"Illegal number of values %d in write_bits (max %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_BITS);} else if (mapping_address < 0 ||(mapping_address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_bits) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft,MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data address 0x%0X in write_bits\n",mapping_address < 0 ? address : address + nb);} else {/* 6 = byte count */modbus_set_bits_from_bytes(mb_mapping->tab_bits, mapping_address, nb,&req[offset + 6]);rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, rsp);/* 4 to copy the bit address (2) and the quantity of bits */memcpy(rsp + rsp_length, req + rsp_length, 4);rsp_length += 4;}}break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS: {int nb = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];int nb_bytes = req[offset + 5];int mapping_address = address - mb_mapping->start_registers;if (nb < 1 || MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS < nb || nb_bytes != nb * 2) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, rsp, TRUE,"Illegal number of values %d in write_registers (max %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS);} else if (mapping_address < 0 ||(mapping_address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_registers) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data address 0x%0X in write_registers\n",mapping_address < 0 ? address : address + nb);} else {int i, j;for (i = mapping_address, j = 6; i < mapping_address + nb; i++, j += 2) {/* 6 and 7 = first value */mb_mapping->tab_registers[i] =(req[offset + j] << 8) + req[offset + j + 1];}rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, rsp);/* 4 to copy the address (2) and the no. of registers */memcpy(rsp + rsp_length, req + rsp_length, 4);rsp_length += 4;}}break;case MODBUS_FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID: {int str_len;int byte_count_pos;rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, rsp);/* Skip byte count for now */byte_count_pos = rsp_length++;rsp[rsp_length++] = _REPORT_SLAVE_ID;/* Run indicator status to ON */rsp[rsp_length++] = 0xFF;/* LMB + length of LIBMODBUS_VERSION_STRING */str_len = 3 + strlen(LIBMODBUS_VERSION_STRING);memcpy(rsp + rsp_length, "LMB" LIBMODBUS_VERSION_STRING, str_len);rsp_length += str_len;rsp[byte_count_pos] = rsp_length - byte_count_pos - 1;}break;case MODBUS_FC_READ_EXCEPTION_STATUS:if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr, "FIXME Not implemented\n");}errno = ENOPROTOOPT;return -1;break;case MODBUS_FC_MASK_WRITE_REGISTER: {int mapping_address = address - mb_mapping->start_registers;if (mapping_address < 0 || mapping_address >= mb_mapping->nb_registers) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data address 0x%0X in write_register\n",address);} else {uint16_t data = mb_mapping->tab_registers[mapping_address];uint16_t and = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];uint16_t or = (req[offset + 5] << 8) + req[offset + 6];data = (data & and) | (or & (~and));mb_mapping->tab_registers[mapping_address] = data;memcpy(rsp, req, req_length);rsp_length = req_length;}}break;case MODBUS_FC_WRITE_AND_READ_REGISTERS: {int nb = (req[offset + 3] << 8) + req[offset + 4];uint16_t address_write = (req[offset + 5] << 8) + req[offset + 6];int nb_write = (req[offset + 7] << 8) + req[offset + 8];int nb_write_bytes = req[offset + 9];int mapping_address = address - mb_mapping->start_registers;int mapping_address_write = address_write - mb_mapping->start_registers;if (nb_write < 1 || MODBUS_MAX_WR_WRITE_REGISTERS < nb_write ||nb < 1 || MODBUS_MAX_WR_READ_REGISTERS < nb ||nb_write_bytes != nb_write * 2) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE, rsp, TRUE,"Illegal nb of values (W%d, R%d) in write_and_read_registers (max W%d, R%d)\n",nb_write, nb, MODBUS_MAX_WR_WRITE_REGISTERS, MODBUS_MAX_WR_READ_REGISTERS);} else if (mapping_address < 0 ||(mapping_address + nb) > mb_mapping->nb_registers ||mapping_address < 0 ||(mapping_address_write + nb_write) > mb_mapping->nb_registers) {rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS, rsp, FALSE,"Illegal data read address 0x%0X or write address 0x%0X write_and_read_registers\n",mapping_address < 0 ? address : address + nb,mapping_address_write < 0 ? address_write : address_write + nb_write);} else {int i, j;rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, rsp);rsp[rsp_length++] = nb << 1;/* Write first.10 and 11 are the offset of the first values to write */for (i = mapping_address_write, j = 10;i < mapping_address_write + nb_write; i++, j += 2) {mb_mapping->tab_registers[i] =(req[offset + j] << 8) + req[offset + j + 1];}/* and read the data for the response */for (i = mapping_address; i < mapping_address + nb; i++) {rsp[rsp_length++] = mb_mapping->tab_registers[i] >> 8;rsp[rsp_length++] = mb_mapping->tab_registers[i] & 0xFF;}}}break;default:rsp_length = response_exception(ctx, &sft, MODBUS_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION, rsp, TRUE,"Unknown Modbus function code: 0x%0X\n", function);break;}/* Suppress any responses when the request was a broadcast */return (ctx->backend->backend_type == _MODBUS_BACKEND_TYPE_RTU &&slave == MODBUS_BROADCAST_ADDRESS) ? 0 : send_msg(ctx, rsp, rsp_length);
}int modbus_reply_exception(modbus_t *ctx, const uint8_t *req,unsigned int exception_code)
{int offset;int slave;int function;uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];int rsp_length;int dummy_length = 99;sft_t sft;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}offset = ctx->backend->header_length;slave = req[offset - 1];function = req[offset];sft.slave = slave;sft.function = function + 0x80;sft.t_id = ctx->backend->prepare_response_tid(req, &dummy_length);rsp_length = ctx->backend->build_response_basis(&sft, rsp);/* Positive exception code */if (exception_code < MODBUS_EXCEPTION_MAX) {rsp[rsp_length++] = exception_code;return send_msg(ctx, rsp, rsp_length);} else {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}
}/* Reads IO status */
static int read_io_status(modbus_t *ctx, int function,int addr, int nb, uint8_t *dest)
{int rc;int req_length;uint8_t req[_MIN_REQ_LENGTH];uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];//构造查询帧的基础部分根据RTU模式或者TCP模式分别调用不同的构造函数req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx, function, addr, nb, req);rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {int i, temp, bit;int pos = 0;int offset;int offset_end;rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);if (rc == -1)return -1;//响应码  MBAP+功能码(1字节)+数据长度(1字节)offset = ctx->backend->header_length + 2;offset_end = offset + rc;for (i = offset; i < offset_end; i++) {/* Shift reg hi_byte to temp */temp = rsp[i];for (bit = 0x01; (bit & 0xff) && (pos < nb);) {dest[pos++] = (temp & bit) ? TRUE : FALSE;bit = bit << 1;}}}return rc;
}/* Reads the boolean status of bits and sets the array elementsin the destination to TRUE or FALSE (single bits). */
int modbus_read_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint8_t *dest)
{int rc;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (nb > MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Too many bits requested (%d > %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}rc = read_io_status(ctx, MODBUS_FC_READ_COILS, addr, nb, dest);if (rc == -1)return -1;elsereturn nb;
}/* Same as modbus_read_bits but reads the remote device input table */
int modbus_read_input_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint8_t *dest)
{int rc;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (nb > MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Too many discrete inputs requested (%d > %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}rc = read_io_status(ctx, MODBUS_FC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS, addr, nb, dest);if (rc == -1)return -1;elsereturn nb;
}/* Reads the data from a remove device and put that data into an array */
static int read_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int function, int addr, int nb,uint16_t *dest)
{int rc;int req_length;uint8_t req[_MIN_REQ_LENGTH];uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];//判断读取寄存器的数量是否在允许的范围之内if (nb > MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Too many registers requested (%d > %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}//构造查询帧的基础部分req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx, function, addr, nb, req);//发送消息帧rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {int offset;int i;//接收响应报文rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);if (rc == -1)return -1;offset = ctx->backend->header_length;for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {/* shift reg hi_byte to temp OR with lo_byte */dest[i] = (rsp[offset + 2 + (i << 1)] << 8) |rsp[offset + 3 + (i << 1)];}}return rc;
}/* Reads the holding registers of remote device and put the data into anarray */
int modbus_read_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint16_t *dest)
{int status;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (nb > MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Too many registers requested (%d > %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}status = read_registers(ctx, MODBUS_FC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS,addr, nb, dest);return status;
}/* Reads the input registers of remote device and put the data into an array */
int modbus_read_input_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb,uint16_t *dest)
{int status;if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (nb > MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Too many input registers requested (%d > %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS);errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}status = read_registers(ctx, MODBUS_FC_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS,addr, nb, dest);return status;
}/* Write a value to the specified register of the remote device.Used by write_bit and write_register */
static int write_single(modbus_t *ctx, int function, int addr, const uint16_t value)
{int rc;int req_length;uint8_t req[_MIN_REQ_LENGTH];if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx, function, addr, (int) value, req);rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {/* Used by write_bit and write_register */uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);}return rc;
}/* Turns ON or OFF a single bit of the remote device */
int modbus_write_bit(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int status)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return write_single(ctx, MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL, addr,status ? 0xFF00 : 0);
}/* Writes a value in one register of the remote device */
int modbus_write_register(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, const uint16_t value)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return write_single(ctx, MODBUS_FC_WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER, addr, value);
}/* Write the bits of the array in the remote device */
int modbus_write_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, const uint8_t *src)
{int rc;int i;int byte_count;int req_length;int bit_check = 0;int pos = 0;uint8_t req[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (nb > MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_BITS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR Writing too many bits (%d > %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_BITS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx,MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS,addr, nb, req);byte_count = (nb / 8) + ((nb % 8) ? 1 : 0);req[req_length++] = byte_count;for (i = 0; i < byte_count; i++) {int bit;bit = 0x01;req[req_length] = 0;while ((bit & 0xFF) && (bit_check++ < nb)) {if (src[pos++])req[req_length] |= bit;elsereq[req_length] &=~ bit;bit = bit << 1;}req_length++;}rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);}return rc;
}/* Write the values from the array to the registers of the remote device */
int modbus_write_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, const uint16_t *src)
{int rc;int i;int req_length;int byte_count;uint8_t req[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (nb > MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Trying to write to too many registers (%d > %d)\n",nb, MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx,MODBUS_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS,addr, nb, req);byte_count = nb * 2;req[req_length++] = byte_count;for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {req[req_length++] = src[i] >> 8;req[req_length++] = src[i] & 0x00FF;}rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);}return rc;
}int modbus_mask_write_register(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, uint16_t and_mask, uint16_t or_mask)
{int rc;int req_length;/* The request length can not exceed _MIN_REQ_LENGTH - 2 and 4 bytes to* store the masks. The ugly subtraction is there to remove the 'nb' value* (2 bytes) which is not used. */uint8_t req[_MIN_REQ_LENGTH + 2];req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx,MODBUS_FC_MASK_WRITE_REGISTER,addr, 0, req);/* HACKISH, count is not used */req_length -= 2;req[req_length++] = and_mask >> 8;req[req_length++] = and_mask & 0x00ff;req[req_length++] = or_mask >> 8;req[req_length++] = or_mask & 0x00ff;rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {/* Used by write_bit and write_register */uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);}return rc;
}/* Write multiple registers from src array to remote device and read multipleregisters from remote device to dest array. */
int modbus_write_and_read_registers(modbus_t *ctx,int write_addr, int write_nb,const uint16_t *src,int read_addr, int read_nb,uint16_t *dest){int rc;int req_length;int i;int byte_count;uint8_t req[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}if (write_nb > MODBUS_MAX_WR_WRITE_REGISTERS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Too many registers to write (%d > %d)\n",write_nb, MODBUS_MAX_WR_WRITE_REGISTERS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}if (read_nb > MODBUS_MAX_WR_READ_REGISTERS) {if (ctx->debug) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR Too many registers requested (%d > %d)\n",read_nb, MODBUS_MAX_WR_READ_REGISTERS);}errno = EMBMDATA;return -1;}req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx,MODBUS_FC_WRITE_AND_READ_REGISTERS,read_addr, read_nb, req);req[req_length++] = write_addr >> 8;req[req_length++] = write_addr & 0x00ff;req[req_length++] = write_nb >> 8;req[req_length++] = write_nb & 0x00ff;byte_count = write_nb * 2;req[req_length++] = byte_count;for (i = 0; i < write_nb; i++) {req[req_length++] = src[i] >> 8;req[req_length++] = src[i] & 0x00FF;}rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {int offset;rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);if (rc == -1)return -1;offset = ctx->backend->header_length;for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {/* shift reg hi_byte to temp OR with lo_byte */dest[i] = (rsp[offset + 2 + (i << 1)] << 8) |rsp[offset + 3 + (i << 1)];}}return rc;
}/* Send a request to get the slave ID of the device (only available in serialcommunication). */
int modbus_report_slave_id(modbus_t *ctx, int max_dest, uint8_t *dest)
{int rc;int req_length;uint8_t req[_MIN_REQ_LENGTH];if (ctx == NULL || max_dest <= 0) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}req_length = ctx->backend->build_request_basis(ctx, MODBUS_FC_REPORT_SLAVE_ID,0, 0, req);/* HACKISH, addr and count are not used */req_length -= 4;rc = send_msg(ctx, req, req_length);if (rc > 0) {int i;int offset;uint8_t rsp[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];rc = _modbus_receive_msg(ctx, rsp, MSG_CONFIRMATION);if (rc == -1)return -1;rc = check_confirmation(ctx, req, rsp, rc);if (rc == -1)return -1;offset = ctx->backend->header_length + 2;/* Byte count, slave id, run indicator status andadditional data. Truncate copy to max_dest. */for (i=0; i < rc && i < max_dest; i++) {dest[i] = rsp[offset + i];}}return rc;
}void _modbus_init_common(modbus_t *ctx)
{/* Slave and socket are initialized to -1 */ctx->slave = -1;ctx->s = -1;ctx->debug = FALSE;ctx->error_recovery = MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_NONE;ctx->response_timeout.tv_sec = 0;ctx->response_timeout.tv_usec = _RESPONSE_TIMEOUT;ctx->byte_timeout.tv_sec = 0;ctx->byte_timeout.tv_usec = _BYTE_TIMEOUT;ctx->indication_timeout.tv_sec = 0;ctx->indication_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
}/* Define the slave number */
int modbus_set_slave(modbus_t *ctx, int slave)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return ctx->backend->set_slave(ctx, slave);
}int modbus_get_slave(modbus_t *ctx)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return ctx->slave;
}int modbus_set_error_recovery(modbus_t *ctx,modbus_error_recovery_mode error_recovery)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}/* The type of modbus_error_recovery_mode is unsigned enum */ctx->error_recovery = (uint8_t) error_recovery;return 0;
}int modbus_set_socket(modbus_t *ctx, int s)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}ctx->s = s;return 0;
}int modbus_get_socket(modbus_t *ctx)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return ctx->s;
}/* Get the timeout interval used to wait for a response */
int modbus_get_response_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t *to_sec, uint32_t *to_usec)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}*to_sec = ctx->response_timeout.tv_sec;*to_usec = ctx->response_timeout.tv_usec;return 0;
}int modbus_set_response_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t to_sec, uint32_t to_usec)
{if (ctx == NULL ||(to_sec == 0 && to_usec == 0) || to_usec > 999999) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}ctx->response_timeout.tv_sec = to_sec;ctx->response_timeout.tv_usec = to_usec;return 0;
}/* Get the timeout interval between two consecutive bytes of a message */
int modbus_get_byte_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t *to_sec, uint32_t *to_usec)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}*to_sec = ctx->byte_timeout.tv_sec;*to_usec = ctx->byte_timeout.tv_usec;return 0;
}int modbus_set_byte_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t to_sec, uint32_t to_usec)
{/* Byte timeout can be disabled when both values are zero */if (ctx == NULL || to_usec > 999999) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}ctx->byte_timeout.tv_sec = to_sec;ctx->byte_timeout.tv_usec = to_usec;return 0;
}/* Get the timeout interval used by the server to wait for an indication from a client */
int modbus_get_indication_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t *to_sec, uint32_t *to_usec)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}*to_sec = ctx->indication_timeout.tv_sec;*to_usec = ctx->indication_timeout.tv_usec;return 0;
}int modbus_set_indication_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t to_sec, uint32_t to_usec)
{/* Indication timeout can be disabled when both values are zero */if (ctx == NULL || to_usec > 999999) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}ctx->indication_timeout.tv_sec = to_sec;ctx->indication_timeout.tv_usec = to_usec;return 0;
}int modbus_get_header_length(modbus_t *ctx)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return ctx->backend->header_length;
}int modbus_connect(modbus_t *ctx)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}return ctx->backend->connect(ctx);
}void modbus_close(modbus_t *ctx)
{if (ctx == NULL)return;ctx->backend->close(ctx);
}void modbus_free(modbus_t *ctx)
{if (ctx == NULL)return;ctx->backend->free(ctx);
}int modbus_set_debug(modbus_t *ctx, int flag)
{if (ctx == NULL) {errno = EINVAL;return -1;}ctx->debug = flag;return 0;
}/* Allocates 4 arrays to store bits, input bits, registers and inputsregisters. The pointers are stored in modbus_mapping structure.The modbus_mapping_new_start_address() function shall return the new allocatedstructure if successful. Otherwise it shall return NULL and set errno toENOMEM. */
modbus_mapping_t* modbus_mapping_new_start_address(unsigned int start_bits, unsigned int nb_bits,unsigned int start_input_bits, unsigned int nb_input_bits,unsigned int start_registers, unsigned int nb_registers,unsigned int start_input_registers, unsigned int nb_input_registers)
{modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping;mb_mapping = (modbus_mapping_t *)malloc(sizeof(modbus_mapping_t));if (mb_mapping == NULL) {return NULL;}/* 0X */mb_mapping->nb_bits = nb_bits;mb_mapping->start_bits = start_bits;if (nb_bits == 0) {mb_mapping->tab_bits = NULL;} else {/* Negative number raises a POSIX error */mb_mapping->tab_bits =(uint8_t *) malloc(nb_bits * sizeof(uint8_t));if (mb_mapping->tab_bits == NULL) {free(mb_mapping);return NULL;}memset(mb_mapping->tab_bits, 0, nb_bits * sizeof(uint8_t));}/* 1X */mb_mapping->nb_input_bits = nb_input_bits;mb_mapping->start_input_bits = start_input_bits;if (nb_input_bits == 0) {mb_mapping->tab_input_bits = NULL;} else {mb_mapping->tab_input_bits =(uint8_t *) malloc(nb_input_bits * sizeof(uint8_t));if (mb_mapping->tab_input_bits == NULL) {free(mb_mapping->tab_bits);free(mb_mapping);return NULL;}memset(mb_mapping->tab_input_bits, 0, nb_input_bits * sizeof(uint8_t));}/* 4X */mb_mapping->nb_registers = nb_registers;mb_mapping->start_registers = start_registers;if (nb_registers == 0) {mb_mapping->tab_registers = NULL;} else {mb_mapping->tab_registers =(uint16_t *) malloc(nb_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));if (mb_mapping->tab_registers == NULL) {free(mb_mapping->tab_input_bits);free(mb_mapping->tab_bits);free(mb_mapping);return NULL;}memset(mb_mapping->tab_registers, 0, nb_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));}/* 3X */mb_mapping->nb_input_registers = nb_input_registers;mb_mapping->start_input_registers = start_input_registers;if (nb_input_registers == 0) {mb_mapping->tab_input_registers = NULL;} else {mb_mapping->tab_input_registers =(uint16_t *) malloc(nb_input_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));if (mb_mapping->tab_input_registers == NULL) {free(mb_mapping->tab_registers);free(mb_mapping->tab_input_bits);free(mb_mapping->tab_bits);free(mb_mapping);return NULL;}memset(mb_mapping->tab_input_registers, 0,nb_input_registers * sizeof(uint16_t));}return mb_mapping;
}modbus_mapping_t* modbus_mapping_new(int nb_bits, int nb_input_bits,int nb_registers, int nb_input_registers)
{return modbus_mapping_new_start_address(0, nb_bits, 0, nb_input_bits, 0, nb_registers, 0, nb_input_registers);
}/* Frees the 4 arrays */
void modbus_mapping_free(modbus_mapping_t *mb_mapping)
{if (mb_mapping == NULL) {return;}free(mb_mapping->tab_input_registers);free(mb_mapping->tab_registers);free(mb_mapping->tab_input_bits);free(mb_mapping->tab_bits);free(mb_mapping);
/** Function strlcpy was originally developed by* Todd C. Miller <Todd.Miller@courtesan.com> to simplify writing secure code.* See ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/src/lib/libc/string/strlcpy.3* for more information.** Thank you Ulrich Drepper... not!** Copy src to string dest of size dest_size.  At most dest_size-1 characters* will be copied.  Always NUL terminates (unless dest_size == 0).  Returns* strlen(src); if retval >= dest_size, truncation occurred.*/
size_t strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t dest_size)
{register char *d = dest;register const char *s = src;register size_t n = dest_size;/* Copy as many bytes as will fit */if (n != 0 && --n != 0) {do {if ((*d++ = *s++) == 0)break;} while (--n != 0);}/* Not enough room in dest, add NUL and traverse rest of src */if (n == 0) {if (dest_size != 0)*d = '\0'; /* NUL-terminate dest */while (*s++);}return (s - src - 1); /* count does not include NUL */

04. 预留

05. 附录


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