现在我们来看一下 LIVE555 在Linux下的编译


下载:Index of /liveMedia/public

参看:LIVE555 Streaming Media

选择下载 live555-latest.tar.gz


我的开发环境为 Ubuntu 12.04
将上面下载的 live555-latest.tar.gz 解压
tar -zxvf live555-latest.tar.gz
参看:live555 Description


参看:How to configure and build the code on Unix
The source code package can be found (as a ".tar.gz" file) here. Use "tar -x" and "gunzip" (or "tar -xz", if available) to extract the package; then cd to the "live" directory. Then run

    ./genMakefiles <os-platform>

where <os-platform> is your target platform - e.g., "linux" or "solaris" - defined by a "config.<os-platform>" file. This will generate a Makefile in the "live" directory and each subdirectory. Then run "make".

  • If the "make" fails, you may need to make small modifications to the appropriate "config.<os-platform>" file, and then re-run "genMakefiles <os-platform>". (E.g., you may need to add another "-I<dir>" flag to the COMPILE_OPTS definition.)
  • Some people (in particular, FreeBSD users) have reported that the GNU version of "make" - often called "gmake" - works better than their default, pre-installed version of "make". (In particular, you should try using "gmake" if you encounter linking problems with the "ar" command.)
  • If you're using "gcc" version 3.0 or greater: You may also wish to add the -Wno-deprecated flag to CPLUSPLUS_FLAGS.
  • If no "config.<os-platform>" file exists for your target platform, then try using one of the existing files as a template.

If you wish, you can also 'install' the headers, libraries, and applications by running "make install".

解压 live555-latest.tar.gz

tar -zxvf live555-latest.tar.gz
进入 live 目录
cd live
./genMakefiles <os-platform>
因此可知,应执行 ./genMakefiles linux
genMakefiles <os-platform>”。 (例如,您可能需要在COMPILE_OPTS定义中添加另一个“-I <dir>”标志。)
有些人(特别是FreeBSD用户)已经报告说,“make”的GNU版本(通常称为“gmake”)比默认的预装版本“make”更好。 (特别是,如果遇到与“ar”命令的连接问题,您应该尝试使用“gmake”。)
如果您愿意,还可以通过运行“make install”来安装头文件,库和应用程序。

然后可以看到 mediaServer 目录下生成文件 live555MediaServer


执行 live555MediaServer
然后找一个视频文件,放在和 live555MediaServer同一目录。注意视频格式,要是上面所支持的。
然后打开 VLC,媒体->打开网络串流,输入网络URL。 rtsp://电脑IP地址/<filename>


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