
%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%%            Output Info about this m-file
fprintf('        <DSP using MATLAB> Problem 6.24 \n\n');banner();
%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
D = [1001, -63, -449, 978, -205];fprintf('\nConvert a Sign-Magnitude Format Decimal integer D to its binary representation B! \n');
fprintf('\n  %5d   binary representation is  :-- %20s --    \n', D(1), sm2bin(D(1)) );
fprintf('\n  %5d   binary representation is  :-- %20s --    \n', D(2), sm2bin(D(2)) );
fprintf('\n  %5d   binary representation is  :-- %20s --    \n', D(3), sm2bin(D(3)) );
fprintf('\n  %5d   binary representation is  :-- %20s --    \n', D(4), sm2bin(D(4)) );
fprintf('\n  %5d   binary representation is  :-- %20s --    \n', D(5), sm2bin(D(5)) );%B = {'1010', '011011011', '11001', '1010101', '011011'};
%B = char('1010', '011011011', '11001', '1010101', '011011');
%B = ['1010'; '011011011'; '11001'; '1010101'; '011011'];B1 = '1010';
fprintf('\nConvert a binary representation B to its Sign-Magnitude Format Decimal integer D! \n');
fprintf('\n  --%15s--   Sign-Magn representation is  : %10d     \n', B1, bin2sm(B1) );B2 = '011011011';
fprintf('\n  --%15s--   Sign-Magn representation is  : %10d     \n', B2, bin2sm(B2) );B3 = '11001';
fprintf('\n  --%15s--   Sign-Magn representation is  : %10d     \n', B3, bin2sm(B3) );B4 = '1010101';
fprintf('\n  --%15s--   Sign-Magn representation is  : %10d     \n', B4, bin2sm(B4) );B5 = '011011';
fprintf('\n  --%15s--   Sign-Magn representation is  : %10d     \n', B5, bin2sm(B5) );


function B = sm2bin(D);% Convert a Sign-Magnitude format Decimal integer D% to its binary representation  B% ----------------------------------------------------------%  B = sm2bin(D)%  D = sign-magnitude format decimal integer %  B = binary representation % %s = sign(D);                  % sign of D (-1 if x<0,  0 if x=0, 1 if x>0)sb = (s < 0);                 % sign-bit  (0 if x>=0, 1 if x<0)B = strcat( num2str(sb), dec2bin( abs(D) ) );


function D = bin2sm(B);% Convert a binary representation B to its %   Sign-Magnitude format Decimal integer D% ----------------------------------------------------------%  D = bin2sm(B)%  D = sign-magnitude format decimal integer %  B = binary representation % %%B = num2str(B)sb = str2num( B(1) );                            % sign-bit  (0 if x>=0, 1 if x<0)if sb == 0D = (1-sb) * bin2dec( B(2:length(B)) );    % or D = bin2dec( B(2:1:length(B)) )elseif sb == 1D = -bin2dec( B(2:length(B)) );end




《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 6.24相关推荐

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