

Good morning,madam and sir!It’s a GREat honor for me to meet you here today. I would like to introduce myself for you. My name is unjs and my admission number is *****. I come from *** County, ** Province. *** County is also called General County, for it has ever made 54 generals in history. Every year thousands of people get patriotic education there.

In 2004, I was admitted to School of College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Guangxi Normal University in Guilin. I majored in Computer Science. I have been interested in my major since I was in middle school, BECause computer can make our life easy. My college teachers were very patient, friendly and knowledgeable. I learned a lot in college, such as how to study, how to get along with others and so on. I also learned independence and the importance of working hard. In 2008, I graduated from college with honor. College life was wonderful and unforgettable. It’s one of the most important parts in my life.

Now I work as a teacher in a middle school in *****. I teach computer science there. I try my best to be a good teacher. I’m responsible and work very hard. I love my students. They are very young, happy and clever. In order to take entrance exam for graduate, I spend most of spare time on studying. Of course I often play badmintonwith my colleagues or with my students. My favorite is studying, especially, discussing and solving the problem with others, BECause I can learn much from my partners, and I can express my own opinion. I like computer science, especially, computer architecture. I want to have different challenges in my life.That’s all, thank you.


Good Moring.,every teacher.I would firstly like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here for this interview.

To begin with,I would like to introduce myself.

Then let me introduce my undergraduate school.

Jilin University is an very good university located in the cold city of Changchun.People of Changchun often say that the beautiful city Changchun is located in Jilin University ,the reason is that there are so many campus that we can see the label of JLU everywhere .Jilin University is a test base of Chinese higher education and I have witnessed three times president s change during my four-year university life;

The reason why I choose to apply for my master s degree is that I find what I have learned is far than enough to achieve my dreams..What I want to research is Artificial Intelligence.As people have stricter requirements on automation,effciency and intelligence, we need such intellegent agents like robots to help us. Last year I saw the robot ASIMO made by HONDA in the newspaper, I was shocked and I hope that one day I can create one better than that.

That is all.Thank you.


Good Moring.,every teacher.I would firstly like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here for this interview.

To begin with,I would like to introduce myself.

Then let me introduce my undergraduate school.

Jilin University is an very good university located in the cold city of Changchun.people of Changchun often say that the beautiful city Changchun is located in Jilin University ,the reason is that there are so many campus that we can see the label of JLU everywhere .Jilin University is a test base of Chinese higher education and I have witnessed three times president s change during my four-year university life;

The reason why I choose to apply for my master s degree is that I find what I have learned is far than enough to achieve my dreams..What I want to research is Artificial Intelligence.As people have stricter requirements on automation,effciency and intelligence, we need such intellegent agents like robots to help us. Last year I saw the robot ASIMO made by HONDA in the newspaper, I was shocked and I hope that one day I can create one better than that.

That is all.Thank you.


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