linux sftp 命令

File Transfer Protocol is a very popular protocol for transferring files between hosts. FTP is a fast and practical protocol not secure. In old times security was no problem but into days world security is important. So new protocols and ways developed to make FTP like operations more secure. Secure FTP or SFTP is a protocol developed for secure file transfers.  SFTP works over SSH protocol and provides abilities and features of FTP. SSH by default runs on port 22/TCP. In this tutorial, we will look at usage and examples of SFTP. Windows alternative for sftp client is Putty SFTP or Psftp which is provided by putty tools.

文件传输协议是一种非常流行的协议,用于在主机之间传输文件。 FTP是一种快速且实用的协议,不安全。 在过去,安全是没有问题的,但是在当今世界,安全至关重要。 因此&

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