

扩展自 $.fn.validatebox.defaults. 重写 $.fn.textbox.defaults.

TextBox 是加强的输入控件,使我们建设表单更加快捷. 是一些复杂控件的基础控件,比如 combo,datebox,spinner,等等.

id="iframe_0.6925237942934468" src="data:text/html;charset=utf8,%3Cimg%20id=%22img%22%20src=%22http://www.jeasyui.com/documentation/images/textbox.png?_=4368067%22%20style=%22border:none;max-width:848px%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ewindow.onload%20=%20function%20()%20%7Bvar%20img%20=%20document.getElementById('img');%20window.parent.postMessage(%7BiframeId:'iframe_0.6925237942934468',width:img.width,height:img.height%7D,%20'http://www.cnblogs.com');%7D%3C/script%3E" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-width: initial; border-style: none; width: 292px; height: 113px;">


  • validatebox
  • linkbutton



<input class="easyui-textbox" data-options="iconCls:'icon-search'" style="width:300px"> 


<input id="tb" type="text" style="width:300px">
$('#tb').textbox({ buttonText:'Search', iconCls:'icon-man', iconAlign:'left'


属性拓展自 validatebox 控件,下面是textbox新添加的属性:

Name Type Description Default
width number The width of the component. auto
height number The height of the component. 22
prompt string The prompt message to be displayed in input box. ''
value string The default value.  
type string The textbox type. Possible values are 'text' and 'password'. text
multiline boolean Defines if this is a multiline textbox. false
editable boolean Defines if user can type text directly into the field. true
disabled boolean Defines if to disable the field. false
readonly boolean Defines if the component is read-only. false
icons array The icons attached to the textbox. Each item has the following properties:

iconCls: string, the icon class.

disabled: boolean, indicate if the icon is disabled.

handler: function, the function to process the clicking action on this icon.

Code example:

$('#tb').textbox({icons: [{iconCls:'icon-add',handler: function(e){$(e.data.target).textbox('setValue', 'Something added!');}},{iconCls:'icon-remove',handler: function(e){$(e.data.target).textbox('clear');}}]
iconCls string The background icon displayed on the textbox. null
iconAlign string Position of the icons. Possible values are 'left','right'. right
iconWidth number The icon width. 18
buttonText string The displaying text of button that attached to the textbox.  
buttonIcon string The displaying icon of button that attached to the textbox. null
buttonAlign string Position of the button. Possible values are 'left','right'. right


事件拓展自 validatebox 控件,下面是textbox新添加的事件:

Name Parameters Description
onChange newValue,oldValue Fires when the field value is changed.
onResize width,height Fires when the textbox is resized.
onClickButton none Fires when the user click the button.
onClickIcon index Fires when the user click a icon.


方法拓展自 validatebox 控件,下面是textbox新添加的方法:

Name Parameter Description
options none Return the options object.
textbox none Return the textbox object.
button none Return the button object.
destroy none Destroy the textbox component.
resize width Resize the component width.
disable none Disable the component.
enable none Enable the component.
readonly mode Enable/Disable readonly mode.

Code example:

$('#tb').textbox('readonly');    // enable readonly mode
$('#tb').textbox('readonly',true);  // eanble readonly mode
$('#tb').textbox('readonly',false); // disable readonly mode
clear none Clear the component value.
reset none Reset the component value.
setText text Set the displaying text value.
getText none Get the displaying text value.
setValue value Set the component value.
getValue none Get the component value.
getIcon index Get specified icon object.


拓展自 $.fn.textbox.defaults. 重写 $.fn.filebox.defaults.

由于浏览器安全问题, 一些方法 比如 'setValue' 不能使用filebox 组件.

id="iframe_0.46444635703829973" src="data:text/html;charset=utf8,%3Cimg%20id=%22img%22%20src=%22http://www.jeasyui.com/documentation/images/filebox.png?_=4368067%22%20style=%22border:none;max-width:848px%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ewindow.onload%20=%20function%20()%20%7Bvar%20img%20=%20document.getElementById('img');%20window.parent.postMessage(%7BiframeId:'iframe_0.46444635703829973',width:img.width,height:img.height%7D,%20'http://www.cnblogs.com');%7D%3C/script%3E" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-width: initial; border-style: none; width: 414px; height: 41px;">


  • textbox



<input class="easyui-filebox" style="width:300px"> 


<input id="fb" type="text" style="width:300px">
$('#fb').filebox({ buttonText: 'Choose File', buttonAlign: 'left'


属性拓展自 textbox, 下面是 filebox新增属性.

Name Type Description Default
buttonText string The displaying text of button that attached to the textbox. Choose File
buttonIcon string The displaying icon of button that attached to the textbox. null
buttonAlign string Position of the button. Possible values are 'left','right'. right


事件拓展自 textbox.


方法拓展自 textbox.


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