ADT: Graph 图


  • ADT: Graph 图
    • 简介
    • 参考
  • 正文
    • 名词解释
    • 图的定义和表示
    • 抽象接口
    • 两种存储实现
      • 邻接矩阵(Adjacent-Matrix)
      • 邻接链表(Adjacent-List)
    • Java 实现
      • 接口
      • 邻接矩阵实现
      • 邻接表实现
      • 测试
  • 结语




  • 搜索算法:深度优先搜索 DFS、广度优先搜索 BFS
  • 生成树算法:最小生成树算法
  • 路径搜索算法:单源最短路径算法、所有节点对间最短路径
  • 流网络:计算最大流

本篇主要介绍图数据结构的定义和两种存储实现:邻接矩阵(Adjacent-Matrix) & 邻接表(Adjacent-List)




  • 顶点 Vertex:图中顶点,通常代表某个实体

    • 键 Key:能唯一表示顶点的标识
    • 卫星数据 Data:顶点上附带的额外信息
  • 边 Edge:图中的边,表示实体间的联系
  • 有向边:具有方向的边,v1 指向 v2 的边可表示为 v1 -> v2
  • 无向边:边不具有方向性,也可以看作两个方向同时存在的边
  • 出边:从 v1 指向 v2 的边定义为 v1 的一个出边
  • 入边:从 v1 指向 v2 的边定义为 v2 的一个入边



图 G = (V, E)
V 为顶点(Vertex)的集合
E 为边(Edge)的集合

每个节点需要有一个键(key)来唯一表示,同时可选附带卫星数据;每个边则是描述一个顶点到另一个顶点的有向或无向边,同时也能附带卫星数据(常见附带一个权值 weight)

  • 无权值无向图

  • 带权值有向图




Vertex 顶点(v)KEY()获取顶点的关键字DATA()获取顶点的卫星数据Edge 边(e)FROM()获取边来自的顶点TO()获取边去往的顶点WEIGHT()获取边上的权值(或是卫星数据)Graph 图(G = (V, E))VERTICES()获取图中所有的顶点ADJ-VERTICES(v)根据给定节点,返回所有相邻的顶点(有出边指向的顶点)EDGES()获取图中所有的边ADJ-EDGES(v)根据给定节点,返回顶点所有的出边ADD-VERTEX(key)给定键值添加顶点ADD-EDGE(v1, v2)增加一条由 v1 指向 v2 的边






由于使用矩阵保存边信息,我们很容易发现使用邻接矩阵表示稀疏图(|E| << |V|<sup>2</sup>)的时候,会造成大量的空间浪费。


与邻接矩阵相似的是我们依旧需要先用一个数组保存所有顶点信息,不过边信息我们为了节省空间(稀疏图时效果更为明显),我们使用一个链表的数组来记录边的信息,第 i 串链表对应了第 i 个节点的所有出边,如下图

使用链表的优点在于消去稀疏图使用矩阵保存时的空间浪费,但是在查找各个顶点的的出边时的代价也相应的提升了(数组随机访问 -> 链表按序查找)

Java 实现



package adt.graph;/*** 图节点* @param <T>*/
public interface Vertex<K, T> {/*** 取得节点 id* @return*/K getKey();/*** 取得节点卫星数据* @return*/T getData();/*** 重新赋值卫星数据* @param t* @return*/boolean setData(T t);
package adt.graph;/*** 图边*/
public interface Edge<K, T, W> {Object nil = new Object();/*** 边离开的节点* @return*/Vertex<K, T> from();/*** 边进入的节点* @return*/Vertex<K, T> to();/*** 获取边权重/卫星数据* @return*/W getWeight();
package adt.graph;import java.util.List;/*** 图** @param <T>*/
public interface Graph<K, T, W> {class DefaultVertex<K, T> implements Vertex<K, T> {private K key;private T data;public DefaultVertex(K key, T data) {this.key = key; = data;}@Overridepublic K getKey() {return key;}@Overridepublic T getData() {return data;}@Overridepublic boolean setData(T t) {if (t == null) return false;data = t;return true;}@Overridepublic String toString() {if (data == null) {return String.valueOf(key);}return "(key=" + key + ", data=" + data + ')';}}class DefaultEdge<K, T, W> implements Edge<K, T, W> {private Vertex<K, T> from;private Vertex<K, T> to;private W weight;public DefaultEdge(Vertex<K, T> from, Vertex<K, T> to) {this.from = from; = to;this.weight = (W)Edge.nil;}public DefaultEdge(Vertex<K, T> from, Vertex<K, T> to, W weight) {this.from = from; = to;this.weight = weight;}@Overridepublic Vertex<K, T> from() {return from;}@Overridepublic Vertex<K, T> to() {return to;}@Overridepublic W getWeight() {return weight;}@Overridepublic String toString() {if (weight == Edge.nil) {return "" + '{' + from + " -> " + to + '}';}return "{" + from + " -> " + to + ", weight=" + weight + '}';}}/*** 获取所有节点** @return*/List<Vertex<K, T>> getVertices();/*** 获取所有邻接节点** @param key* @return*/List<Vertex<K, T>> getAdjVertices(K key);/*** 添加节点** @param key* @return*/default boolean addVertex(K key) {return addVertex(key, null);}/*** 添加节点和卫星数据** @param key* @param data* @return*/boolean addVertex(K key, T data);default boolean[] addVertices(K[] keys) {int n = keys.length;boolean[] res = new boolean[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) res[i] = addVertex(keys[i], null);return res;}default boolean[] addVertices(K[] keys, T[] dataList) {int n = keys.length;boolean[] res = new boolean[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) res[i] = addVertex(keys[i], dataList[i]);return res;}/*** 获取所有边** @return*/List<Edge<K, T, W>> getEdges();/*** 获取所有出边** @param key* @return*/List<Edge<K, T, W>> getAdjEdges(K key);/*** 添加边* @param fromKey* @param toKey* @return*/default boolean addEdge(K fromKey, K toKey) {return addEdge(fromKey, toKey, (W)Edge.nil);}/*** 添加边** @param fromKey* @param toKey* @param weight* @return*/boolean addEdge(K fromKey, K toKey, W weight);default boolean[] addEdges(K[] fromKeys, K[] toKeys) {int n = fromKeys.length;boolean[] res = new boolean[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) res[i] = addEdge(fromKeys[i], toKeys[i]);return res;}default boolean[] addEdges(K[] fromKeys, K[] toKeys, W[] weights) {int n = fromKeys.length;boolean[] res = new boolean[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) res[i] = addEdge(fromKeys[i], toKeys[i], weights[i]);return res;}


package adt.graph;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;/*** 有向图的邻接矩阵实现** @param <K>* @param <T>* @param <W>*/
public class DirectedGraphWithAdjMatrix<K, T, W> implements Graph<K, T, W> {private K[] vertexKeyList; // 保存顶点的键private T[] vertexDataList; // 保存顶点的卫星数据private W[][] edgeMatrix; //记录边信息的矩阵private int capacity; // 当前数组容量private int size; // 已加入的节点数public DirectedGraphWithAdjMatrix(int capacity) {this.capacity = capacity;vertexKeyList = (K[]) new Object[capacity];vertexDataList = (T[]) new Object[capacity];edgeMatrix = (W[][]) new Object[capacity][capacity];}/*** 由 key 查找 id** @param key* @return*/private int getId(K key) {for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {if (vertexKeyList[i].equals(key)) return i;}return -1;}/*** 根据偏移量生成节点对象** @param id* @return*/private Vertex<K, T> getVertex(int id) {return new DefaultVertex<>(vertexKeyList[id], vertexDataList[id]);}@Overridepublic List<Vertex<K, T>> getVertices() {List<Vertex<K, T>> vertices = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) vertices.add(getVertex(i));return vertices;}@Overridepublic List<Vertex<K, T>> getAdjVertices(K key) {List<Vertex<K, T>> vertices = new ArrayList<>();int i = getId(key);if (i < 0) return vertices;for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {if (edgeMatrix[i][j] != null) {Vertex<K, T> v = getVertex(j);vertices.add(v);}}return vertices;}@Overridepublic boolean addVertex(K key, T data) {for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {if (vertexKeyList[i].equals(key)) return false;}vertexKeyList[size] = key;vertexDataList[size] = data;size++;return true;}private void extend() {int c = capacity * 2;K[] newVertexKeyList = (K[]) new Object[c];T[] newVertexDataList = (T[]) new Object[c];W[][] newEdgeMatrix = (W[][]) new Object[c][c];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {newVertexKeyList[i] = vertexKeyList[i];newVertexDataList[i] = vertexDataList[i];for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {newEdgeMatrix[i][j] = edgeMatrix[i][j];}}vertexKeyList = newVertexKeyList;vertexDataList = newVertexDataList;edgeMatrix = newEdgeMatrix;capacity = c;}@Overridepublic List<Edge<K, T, W>> getEdges() {List<Edge<K, T, W>> edges = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {if (edgeMatrix[i][j] != null) {Vertex<K, T> from = getVertex(i), to = getVertex(j);Edge<K, T, W> edge = new DefaultEdge<>(from, to, edgeMatrix[i][j]);edges.add(edge);}}}return edges;}@Overridepublic List<Edge<K, T, W>> getAdjEdges(K key) {List<Edge<K, T, W>> edges = new ArrayList<>();int i = getId(key);if (i < 0) return edges;Vertex<K, T> from = getVertex(i);for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {if (edgeMatrix[i][j] != null) {Vertex<K, T> to = getVertex(j);Edge<K, T, W> edge = new DefaultEdge<>(from, to, edgeMatrix[i][j]);edges.add(edge);}}return edges;}@Overridepublic boolean addEdge(K fromKey, K toKey, W weight) {int i = getId(fromKey), j = getId(toKey);if (i < 0 || j < 0) return false;edgeMatrix[i][j] = weight;return true;}


package adt.graph;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;/*** 有向图的邻接表实现** @param <K>* @param <T>* @param <W>*/
public class DirectedGraphWithAdjList<K, T, W> implements Graph<K, T, W> {/*** 出边信息链表节点类* @param <W>*/private static class EdgeListNode<W> {int adjId;W weight;EdgeListNode<W> next;public EdgeListNode(int adjId) {this.adjId = adjId;this.weight = (W) Edge.nil;}public EdgeListNode(int adjId, W weight) {this.adjId = adjId;this.weight = weight;}}private K[] vertexKeyList; // 保存顶点键private T[] vertexDataList; // 保存顶点卫星数据private EdgeListNode<W>[] edgeList; // 顶点链表数组private int capacity; // 当前数组容量private int size; // 已加入顶点数public DirectedGraphWithAdjList(int capacity) {this.capacity = capacity;vertexKeyList = (K[]) new Object[capacity];vertexDataList = (T[]) new Object[capacity];edgeList = new EdgeListNode[capacity];}/*** 由 key 查找 id** @param key* @return*/private int getId(K key) {for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {if (vertexKeyList[i].equals(key)) return i;}return -1;}/*** 根据偏移量生成节点对象** @param id* @return*/private Vertex<K, T> getVertex(int id) {return new DefaultVertex<>(vertexKeyList[id], vertexDataList[id]);}@Overridepublic List<Vertex<K, T>> getVertices() {List<Vertex<K, T>> res = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) res.add(getVertex(i));return res;}@Overridepublic List<Vertex<K, T>> getAdjVertices(K key) {List<Vertex<K, T>> res = new ArrayList<>();int i = getId(key);if (i < 0) return res;EdgeListNode node = edgeList[i];while (node != null) {res.add(getVertex(node.adjId));node =;}return res;}@Overridepublic boolean addVertex(K key, T data) {for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {if (vertexKeyList[i].equals(key)) return false;}vertexKeyList[size] = key;vertexDataList[size] = data;size++;return true;}@Overridepublic List<Edge<K, T, W>> getEdges() {List<Edge<K, T, W>> res = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {Vertex<K, T> from = getVertex(i);EdgeListNode<W> node = edgeList[i];while (node != null) {Vertex<K, T> to = getVertex(node.adjId);res.add(new DefaultEdge<>(from, to, (W) node.weight));node =;}}return res;}@Overridepublic List<Edge<K, T, W>> getAdjEdges(K key) {List<Edge<K, T, W>> res = new ArrayList<>();int i = getId(key);if (i < 0) return res;EdgeListNode<W> node = edgeList[i];Vertex<K, T> from = getVertex(i);while (node != null) {Vertex<K, T> to = getVertex(node.adjId);res.add(new DefaultEdge<>(from, to, (W) node.weight));node =;}return res;}@Overridepublic boolean addEdge(K fromKey, K toKey, W weight) {int i = getId(fromKey), j = getId(toKey);if (i < 0 || j < 0) return false;EdgeListNode<W> node = new EdgeListNode<>(j, weight);if (edgeList[i] == null) {edgeList[i] = node;} else {EdgeListNode<W> cur = edgeList[i];while ( != null) cur =; = node;}return true;}


  • 测试图1

  • 测试图2

package adt.graph;import org.junit.Test;import java.util.Arrays;import static org.junit.Assert.*;public class GraphTest {private Graph<Integer, Integer, Integer> graph;private boolean[] buildSuccessSeq(int size) {boolean[] res = new boolean[size];Arrays.fill(res, true);return res;}@Testpublic void test_directed_graph_with_adj_matrix() {test_1(new DirectedGraphWithAdjMatrix<>(4));test_2(new DirectedGraphWithAdjMatrix<>(6));}@Testpublic void test_directed_graph_with_adj_list() {test_1(new DirectedGraphWithAdjList<>(4));test_2(new DirectedGraphWithAdjList<>(6));}/*** 第一张图测试** @param graph*/private void test_1(Graph<Integer, Integer, Integer> graph) {System.out.println("test_1: type<Integer, Integer, Integer>");Integer[] keys = new Integer[]{0, 2, 4, 6};boolean[] addVerticesRes = buildSuccessSeq(keys.length);assertArrayEquals(addVerticesRes, graph.addVertices(keys));Integer[] fromKeys = new Integer[]{0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4};Integer[] toKeys = new Integer[]{2, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6};boolean[] addEdgesRes = buildSuccessSeq(fromKeys.length);assertArrayEquals(addEdgesRes, graph.addEdges(fromKeys, toKeys));System.out.println("all vertices: " + graph.getVertices());System.out.println("0 to : " + graph.getAdjVertices(0));System.out.println("2 to : " + graph.getAdjVertices(2));System.out.println("4 to : " + graph.getAdjVertices(4));System.out.println("6 to : " + graph.getAdjVertices(6));System.out.println("all edges" + graph.getEdges());System.out.println("0 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges(0));System.out.println("2 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges(2));System.out.println("4 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges(4));System.out.println("6 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges(6));System.out.println();}/*** 第二张图测试** @param graph*/private void test_2(Graph<String, Integer, Integer> graph) {System.out.println("test_2: type<String, Integer, Integer>");graph.addVertex("s", null);graph.addVertex("v1", null);graph.addVertex("v2", null);graph.addVertex("v3", null);graph.addVertex("v4", null);graph.addVertex("t", null);graph.addEdge("s", "v1", 16);graph.addEdge("s", "v2", 13);graph.addEdge("v1", "v3", 12);graph.addEdge("v2", "v1", 4);graph.addEdge("v2", "v4", 14);graph.addEdge("v3", "v2", 9);graph.addEdge("v3", "t", 20);graph.addEdge("v4", "v3", 7);graph.addEdge("v4", "t", 4);System.out.println("all vertices: " + graph.getVertices());System.out.println("s to: " + graph.getAdjVertices("s"));System.out.println("v1 to: " + graph.getAdjVertices("v1"));System.out.println("v2 to: " + graph.getAdjVertices("v2"));System.out.println("v3 to: " + graph.getAdjVertices("v3"));System.out.println("v4 to: " + graph.getAdjVertices("v4"));System.out.println("t to: " + graph.getAdjVertices("t"));System.out.println(graph.getEdges());System.out.println("s edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges("s"));System.out.println("v1 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges("v1"));System.out.println("v2 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges("v2"));System.out.println("v3 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges("v3"));System.out.println("v4 edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges("v4"));System.out.println("t edges: " + graph.getAdjEdges("t"));System.out.println();}



  1. 将数据抽象成图结构
  2. 将问题转化为图结构算法
  3. 降低图结构算法使之在有效时间内完成计算

由于当前存在许多图算法都属于 NP 完全问题,也就是并不能在多项式的时间内完成,因此当面对大规模数据的计算的时候就可能需要采用求近似结果或是适当的贪心算法来加快算法的执行。本篇提供的图存储实现将作为后续图算法实现的基础,虽然在效率和空间复杂度上有待加强,但是便于理解和后续图算法的朴素实现。

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