Switches the screen resolution.


A width by height resolution will be used. If no matching resolution is supported, the closest one will be used.


If preferredRefreshRate is 0 (default) Unity will switch to the highest refresh rate supported by the monitor.

If preferredRefreshRate is not 0 Unity will use it if the monitor supports it, otherwise will choose the highest supported one.


In the web player you may only switch resolutions after the user has clicked on the content. The recommended way of doing it is to switch resolutions only when the user clicks on a designated button.


On Android fullscreen controls the SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE flag to View.setSystemUiVisibility(), on devices running Honeycomb (OS 3.0 / API 11) or later.


On Windows Store Apps, switching to non-native resolution is only supported starting from Windows 8.1 and newer.

在Windows Store Apps切换到非本地分辨率,仅支持Windows 8.1或更高版本。

A resolution switch does not happen immediately; it will actually happen when the current frame is finished.


// Switch to 640 x 480 fullscreen 全屏模式

Screen.SetResolution(640, 480, true);

// Switch to 640 x 480 fullscreen at 60 hz

Screen.SetResolution (640, 480, true, 60);

// Switch to 800 x 600 windowed 窗口模式

Screen.SetResolution (800, 600, false);

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