1 指令选项

本文使用指令:ffmpeg -h long
Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder

用法: ffmpeg [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}...

1.1 获得帮助:

    -h      -- print basic options-h long -- print more options可以获得高级的参数部分-h full -- print all options (including all format and codec specific options, very long)全部的帮助信息-h type=name -- print all options for the named decoder/encoder/demuxer/muxer/filter/bsf/protocolSee man ffmpeg for detailed description of the options.

1.2 打印帮助/信息/功能:

-L                  show license显示license
-h topic            show help
-? topic            show help
-help topic         show help
--help topic        show help
-version            show version显示版本(包括子模块)
-buildconf          show build configuration
-formats            show available formats显示可用的文件格式,封装(Muxer)、解封装(Demuxer)
-muxers             show available muxers
-demuxers           show available demuxers
-devices            show available devices
-codecs             show available codecs显示可用的编解码器
-decoders           show available decoders显示可用的解码器
-encoders           show available encoders显示可用的编码器
-bsfs               show available bit stream filters
-protocols          show available protocols
-filters            show available filters显示可用的滤镜
-pix_fmts           show available pixel formats
-layouts            show standard channel layouts
-sample_fmts        show available audio sample formats
-dispositions       show available stream dispositions
-colors             show available color names
-sources device     list sources of the input device
-sinks device       list sinks of the output device
-hwaccels           show available HW acceleration methods

1.3 全局选项:


-loglevel loglevel  set logging level
-v loglevel         set logging level
-report             generate a report
-max_alloc bytes    set maximum size of a single allocated block
-y                  overwrite output files
-n                  never overwrite output files
-ignore_unknown     Ignore unknown stream types
-filter_threads     number of non-complex filter threads
-filter_complex_threads  number of threads for -filter_complex
-stats              print progress report during encoding
-max_error_rate maximum error rate  ratio of decoding errors (0.0: no errors, 1.0: 100% errors) above which ffmpeg returns an error instead of success.
-vol volume         change audio volume (256=normal)

1.4 高级全局选项:

-cpuflags flags     force specific cpu flags
-cpucount count     force specific cpu count
-hide_banner hide_banner  do not show program banner
-copy_unknown       Copy unknown stream types
-recast_media       allow recasting stream type in order to force a decoder of different media type
-benchmark          add timings for benchmarking
-benchmark_all      add timings for each task
-progress url       write program-readable progress information
-stdin              enable or disable interaction on standard input
-timelimit limit    set max runtime in seconds in CPU user time
-dump               dump each input packet
-hex                when dumping packets, also dump the payload
-vsync              video sync method
-frame_drop_threshold   frame drop threshold
-async              audio sync method
-adrift_threshold threshold  audio drift threshold
-copyts             copy timestamps
-start_at_zero      shift input timestamps to start at 0 when using copyts
-copytb mode        copy input stream time base when stream copying
-dts_delta_threshold threshold  timestamp discontinuity delta threshold
-dts_error_threshold threshold  timestamp error delta threshold
-xerror error       exit on error
-abort_on flags     abort on the specified condition flags
-filter_complex graph_description  create a complex filtergraph
-lavfi graph_description  create a complex filtergraph
-filter_complex_script filename  read complex filtergraph description from a file
-auto_conversion_filters  enable automatic conversion filters globally
-stats_period time  set the period at which ffmpeg updates stats and -progress output
-debug_ts           print timestamp debugging info
-psnr               calculate PSNR of compressed frames
-vstats             dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_file file   dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_version     Version of the vstats format to use.
-qphist             show QP histogram
-sdp_file file      specify a file in which to print sdp information
-init_hw_device args  initialise hardware device
-filter_hw_device device  set hardware device used when filtering

1.5 Per-file main options:

-f fmt              强制格式
-c codec            codec name
-codec codec        codec name
-pre preset         preset name
-map_metadata outfile[,metadata]:infile[,metadata]  set metadata information of outfile from infile
-t duration         音视频持续播放时间
-to time_stop       设置截取停止时间
-fs limit_size      set the limit file size in bytes
-ss time_off        设置截取开始时间
-sseof time_off     set the start time offset relative to EOF
-seek_timestamp     enable/disable seeking by timestamp with -ss
-timestamp time     set the recording timestamp ('now' to set the current time)
-metadata string=string  add metadata
-program title=string:st=number...  add program with specified streams
-target type        specify target file type ("vcd", "svcd", "dvd", "dv" or "dv50" with optional prefixes "pal-", "ntsc-" or "film-")
-apad               audio pad
-frames number      set the number of frames to output
-filter filter_graph  set stream filtergraph
-filter_script filename  read stream filtergraph description from a file
-reinit_filter      reinit filtergraph on input parameter changes
-discard            discard
-disposition        disposition

1.6 Advanced per-file options:

-map [-]input_file_id[:stream_specifier][,sync_file_id[:stream_specifier]]  set input stream mapping
-map_channel file.stream.channel[:syncfile.syncstream]  map an audio channel from one stream to another
-map_chapters input_file_index  set chapters mapping
-accurate_seek      enable/disable accurate seeking with -ss
-itsoffset time_off  set the input ts offset
-itsscale scale     set the input ts scale
-dframes number     set the number of data frames to output
-re                 read input at native frame rate; equivalent to -readrate 1
-readrate speed     read input at specified rate
-shortest           finish encoding within shortest input
-bitexact           bitexact mode
-copyinkf           copy initial non-keyframes
-copypriorss        copy or discard frames before start time
-tag fourcc/tag     force codec tag/fourcc
-q q                use fixed quality scale (VBR)
-qscale q           use fixed quality scale (VBR)
-profile profile    set profile
-attach filename    add an attachment to the output file
-dump_attachment filename  extract an attachment into a file
-stream_loop loop count  set number of times input stream shall be looped
-thread_queue_size  set the maximum number of queued packets from the demuxer
-find_stream_info   read and decode the streams to fill missing information with heuristics
-bits_per_raw_sample number  set the number of bits per raw sample
-autorotate         automatically insert correct rotate filters
-autoscale          automatically insert a scale filter at the end of the filter graph
-muxdelay seconds   set the maximum demux-decode delay
-muxpreload seconds  set the initial demux-decode delay
-time_base ratio    set the desired time base hint for output stream (1:24, 1:48000 or 0.04166, 2.0833e-5)
-enc_time_base ratio  set the desired time base for the encoder (1:24, 1:48000 or 0.04166, 2.0833e-5). two special values are defined - 0 = use frame rate (video) or sample rate (audio),-1 = match source time base
-bsf bitstream_filters  A comma-separated list of bitstream filters
-fpre filename      set options from indicated preset file
-max_muxing_queue_size packets  maximum number of packets that can be buffered while waiting for all streams to initialize
-muxing_queue_data_threshold bytes  set the threshold after which max_muxing_queue_size is taken into account
-dcodec codec       force data codec ('copy' to copy stream)

1.7 Video options:

-vframes number     set the number of video frames to output
-r rate             set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)
-fpsmax rate        set max frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)
-s size             set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)
-aspect aspect      set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777)
-vn                 禁用视频
-vcodec codec       force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)
-timecode hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff  set initial TimeCode value.
-pass n             select the pass number (1 to 3)
-vf filter_graph    set video filters
-ab bitrate         audio bitrate (please use -b:a)
-b bitrate          video bitrate (please use -b:v)
-dn                 disable data

1.8 Advanced Video options:

-pix_fmt format     set pixel format
-rc_override override  rate control override for specific intervals
-passlogfile prefix  select two pass log file name prefix
-psnr               calculate PSNR of compressed frames
-vstats             dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_file file   dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_version     Version of the vstats format to use.
-intra_matrix matrix  specify intra matrix coeffs
-inter_matrix matrix  specify inter matrix coeffs
-chroma_intra_matrix matrix  specify intra matrix coeffs
-top                top=1/bottom=0/auto=-1 field first
-vtag fourcc/tag    force video tag/fourcc
-qphist             show QP histogram
-force_fps          force the selected framerate, disable the best supported framerate selection
-streamid streamIndex:value  set the value of an outfile streamid
-force_key_frames timestamps  force key frames at specified timestamps
-hwaccel hwaccel name  use HW accelerated decoding
-hwaccel_device devicename  select a device for HW acceleration
-hwaccel_output_format format  select output format used with HW accelerated decoding
-vbsf video bitstream_filters  deprecated
-vpre preset        set the video options to the indicated preset

1.9 音频选项:

-aframes number     set the number of audio frames to output
-aq quality         set audio quality (codec-specific)
-ar rate            设置音频采样率(Hz)
-ac channels        设置音频通道数
-an                 禁用音频
-acodec codec       force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)
-vol volume         change audio volume (256=normal)
-af filter_graph    set audio filters

1.10 Advanced Audio options:

-atag fourcc/tag    force audio tag/fourcc
-sample_fmt format  设置sample格式
-channel_layout layout  set channel layout
-guess_layout_max   set the maximum number of channels to try to guess the channel layout
-absf audio bitstream_filters  deprecated
-apre preset        set the audio options to the indicated preset

1.11 Subtitle options:

-s size             set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)
-sn                 disable subtitle
-scodec codec       force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream)
-stag fourcc/tag    force subtitle tag/fourcc
-fix_sub_duration   fix subtitles duration
-canvas_size size   set canvas size (WxH or abbreviation)
-spre preset        set the subtitle options to the indicated preset

2 常用命令

2.1 截取音视频片段

ffmpeg -i avfile.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:01:00 avfile_out.mp4
实验结果:视频效果变差ffmpeg -i afile.mp4 -ss 00:01:03 -t 00:00:39 -y afile_out.mp4
ffmpeg -i afile.mp4 -ss 00:01:03 -to 00:01:42 -y afile_out.mp4-ss:设置截取开始时间
-t: 音视频持续播放时间

2.2 从视频提取音频

ffmpeg -i avfile.mp4 -vn afile.mp3

3.3 提取PCM

ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f s16le 48000_2_s16le.pcm
ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -sample_fmt s16 out_s16.wav
ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -ar 48000 -ac -codec:a pcm_s16le out2_s16le.wav
ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f f32le 48000_2_f32le.pcm
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -t 10 -vn -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f f32le 48000_2_f32le_2.pcmmp4转pcm
ffmpeg -i afile.mp4 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16le 44100_2_s16le.pcm -y
ffmpeg -i afile.mp4 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16be 44100_2_s16be.pcm -y

3.4 查看封装器的参数支持

使用命令:./ffmpeg.exe -h muxer=wav

$ ./ffmpeg.exe -h muxer=wav
Muxer wav [WAV / WAVE (Waveform Audio)]:Common extensions: wav.Mime type: audio/x-wav.Default audio codec: pcm_s16le.
WAV muxer AVOptions:-write_bext        <boolean>    E.......... Write BEXT chunk. (default false)-write_peak        <int>        E.......... Write Peak Envelope chunk. (from 0 to 2) (default off)off             0            E.......... Do not write peak chunk.on              1            E.......... Append peak chunk after wav data.only            2            E.......... Write only peak chunk, omit wav data.-rf64              <int>        E.......... Use RF64 header rather than RIFF for large files. (from -1 to 1) (default never)auto            -1           E.......... Write RF64 header if file grows large enough.always          1            E.......... Always write RF64 header regardless of file size.never           0            E.......... Never write RF64 header regardless of file size.-peak_block_size   <int>        E.......... Number of audio samples used to generate each peak frame. (from 0 to 65536) (default 256)-peak_format       <int>        E.......... The format of the peak envelope data (1: uint8, 2: uint16). (from 1 to 2) (default 2)-peak_ppv          <int>        E.......... Number of peak points per peak value (1 or 2). (from 1 to 2) (default 2)

3.5 查看解封装器的参数支持

使用命令:./ffmpeg.exe -h demuxer=wav

$ ./ffmpeg.exe -h demuxer=wav
Demuxer wav [WAV / WAVE (Waveform Audio)]:
WAV demuxer AVOptions:-ignore_length     <boolean>    .D......... Ignore length (default false)-max_size          <int>        .D......... max size of single packet (from 1024 to 4.1943e+06) (default 4096)

3.6 查看编码器的参数支持

使用命令:./ffmpeg.exe -h encoder=aac

$ ./ffmpeg.exe -h encoder=aac
Encoder aac [AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)]:General capabilities: delay smallThreading capabilities: noneSupported sample rates: 96000 88200 64000 48000 44100 32000 24000 22050 16000 12000 11025 8000 7350Supported sample formats: fltp
AAC encoder AVOptions:-aac_coder         <int>        E...A...... Coding algorithm (from 0 to 2) (default fast)anmr            0            E...A...... ANMR methodtwoloop         1            E...A...... Two loop searching methodfast            2            E...A...... Default fast search-aac_ms            <boolean>    E...A...... Force M/S stereo coding (default auto)-aac_is            <boolean>    E...A...... Intensity stereo coding (default true)-aac_pns           <boolean>    E...A...... Perceptual noise substitution (default true)-aac_tns           <boolean>    E...A...... Temporal noise shaping (default true)-aac_ltp           <boolean>    E...A...... Long term prediction (default false)-aac_pred          <boolean>    E...A...... AAC-Main prediction (default false)-aac_pce           <boolean>    E...A...... Forces the use of PCEs (default false)

3.7 查看解码器的参数支持

使用命令:./ffmpeg.exe -h decoder=aac

$ ./ffmpeg.exe -h decoder=aac
Decoder aac [AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)]:General capabilities: dr1 chconfThreading capabilities: noneSupported sample formats: fltpSupported channel layouts: mono stereo 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.1 7.1(wide)
AAC decoder AVOptions:-dual_mono_mode    <int>        .D..A...... Select the channel to decode for dual mono (from -1 to 2) (default auto)auto            -1           .D..A...... autoselectionmain            1            .D..A...... Select Main/Left channelsub             2            .D..A...... Select Sub/Right channelboth            0            .D..A...... Select both channels

3.7 查看滤镜的参数支持

使用命令:./ffmpeg.exe -h filter=colorkey

$ ./ffmpeg.exe -h filter=colorkey
Filter colorkeyTurns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.slice threading supportedInputs:#0: default (video)Outputs:#0: default (video)
colorkey AVOptions:color             <color>      ..FV.....T. set the colorkey key color (default "black")similarity        <float>      ..FV.....T. set the colorkey similarity value (from 0.01 to 1) (default 0.01)blend             <float>      ..FV.....T. set the colorkey key blend value (from 0 to 1) (default 0)This filter has support for timeline through the 'enable' option.

2.X 杂项

open_output_file --> new_audio_stream --> new_output_stream --> choose_encoder --> avcodec_find_encoder
./configure --list-decoders

ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -f s16be -ar 16000 -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s16be pcm16k.pcm
ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -f s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s16le pcm16k.pcm

-acodec pcm_s16be:输出pcm格式,采用signed 16编码,字节序为大尾端(小尾端为le);
-ar 16000: 采样率为16000
-ac 1: 声道数为1

ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 1 -i test.pcm -ar 8000 -y test_8k.mp3
ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 1 -i test.pcm -f s16le -ar 8000 -y test_8k.pcm
ffmpeg -i afile.wav -ac 2 -f s16le -ar 44100 -y afile_2ac_16b_44k1.pcm
ffmpeg -i afile.wav -f s16be -ar 44100 -ac 2 -y afile_2ac_16b_44k1.pcm

ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 1 -i test.pcm -ar 8000 -y test_8k.mp3
ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 1 -i test.pcm -f s16le -ar 8000 -y test_8k.pcm
ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -f s16le -y test_8k.pcm

X 参考文献



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