What is base..ctor(); in C#?


于 2017-04-05 22:15:00 发布

I am disassembling some C# applications and I am trying to reconstruct the source code. I am disassembling the application along with the required DLLs.
I keep coming across this line base..ctor(); which gives me an error. The line occurs in some voids with in some subclasses of Stream and Exception.

Does anyone have any idea what the code should be? I am thinking the disassembler messed it up some how and it is clearly invalid code. So does anyone know what it is meant to mean and how I can change the line so it works?

Here is the code of one of the subclasses that line occurs in:

public class ZlibException : Exception
    public ZlibException()

public ZlibException(string s)
It should be :

public class ZlibException : Exception
    public ZlibException() : base()

public ZlibException(string s) : base()
Which calls the constructor with that signature on the base implementation of this class.

But by default the .NET CLR calls the base, blank constructor for you, so you don't actually need the : base()

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