By default, the plain black circular bullets are used when creating bulleted lists. However, you can customize your bulleted lists. We will show you how to change the symbol used as the bullets on the list and how to change the color of the bullets.

默认情况下,创建项目符号列表时使用纯黑色圆形项目符号。 但是,您可以自定义项目符号列表。 我们将向您展示如何更改列表中用作项目符号的符号以及如何更改项目符号的颜色。

NOTE: We used Word 2016 to illustrate this feature.

注意:我们使用Word 2016来说明此功能。

Highlight the bulleted list you want to customize and make sure the “Home” tab is active on the ribbon. Click the down arrow on the “Bullets” button in the “Paragraph” section.

突出显示要自定义的项目符号列表,并确保功能区上的“主页”选项卡处于活动状态。 单击“段落”部分中“子弹”按钮上的向下箭头。

A few symbols display in the “Bullet Library” on the drop-down menu. If the symbol you want is in the “Bullet Library”, click on it to select it.

下拉菜单的“子弹库”中显示一些符号。 如果所需符号位于“子弹库”中,请单击它以将其选中。

NOTE: As you move your mouse over the symbols in the “Bullet Library”, Word shows you how the symbol will look on the list.


If you don’t see a symbol you want in the “Bullet Library”, you can use a different symbol. select “Define New Bullet” from the drop-down menu.

如果在“子弹库”中没有找到想要的符号,则可以使用其他符号。 从下拉菜单中选择“定义新项目符号”。

On the “Define New Bullet” dialog box, in the “Bullet character” section, click “Symbol”.


The “Symbol” dialog box displays with the “Symbol” font selected. You can choose one of the symbols in the “Symbol” font or select a different font from the “Font” drop-down list to access more symbols. The Wingdings fonts have a good range of symbols.

显示“符号”对话框,并选择“符号”字体。 您可以选择“符号”字体中的一种符号,也可以从“字体”下拉列表中选择其他字体来访问更多符号。 Wingdings字体有很多符号。

Once you find the symbol you want to use, click on it and then click “OK”.


Notice that the “Preview” on the “Define New Bullet” dialog box shows the newly selected symbol as the bullets.


You can also change the color of the bullets, even if you’ve chosen a different symbol for your bullets. Open the “Define New Bullet” dialog box again, as described earlier in this article. Click “Font” in the “Bullet character” section.

您也可以更改项目符号的颜色,即使您为项目符号选择了其他符号也是如此。 如本文前面所述,再次打开“定义新项目符号”对话框。 单击“子弹头字符”部分中的“字体”。

Click the “Font color” drop-down color picker and click on the color you want to use for your bullets.


Click “OK” to accept the change and close the “Font” dialog box.


You are returned to the “Define New Bullet” dialog box and the “Preview” shows your bullets in the color you chose.


You can also use a picture as a bullet and we’ll show you how to do that in future article.




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