
You are trying to Delete the record from a Table which has a reference in another Table.

Here REFERENCE constraint is "FK_User_History_Tbl_Customer".

Tables are User_History and Tbl_Customer.
UserId column is referenced by Tbl_Customer Table.

When you try to delete a row from User_History Table, it comes to know that the same row has some related row in Tbl_Customer Table.

So, you need to delete from Tbl_Customer Table first and then delete from Table User_History.

If you want to delete a row, then you have to execute the following two queries in sequence.

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DELETE FROM Tbl_Customer
WHERE UserId = [[[UserIdToDelete]]];DELETE FROM User_History
WHERE UserId = [[[UserIdToDelete]]]


FROM   dbo.tba_ugp_UserGroupPage AS c
WHERE  EXISTS (   SELECT a.PageIDFROM   dbo.tbx_pag_Page AS aINNER JOIN dbo.tbx_mod_Module AS b ON a.ModuleID = b.ModuleIDWHERE  b.PhysicalModuleID IN ( 16, 19 )AND a.PageID = c.PageID );


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