import kodkod.instance.Bounds; //导入方法依赖的package包/类


* Returns an exact interpreter for the given bounds and options. If

* {@code incremental} is true, then the resulting interpreter

* can be {@linkplain #extend(Set, Map, Map) extended} with new bindings.

* Otherwise, the interpreter will throw an exception if extension is

* attempted.


* @return some l: LeafInterpreter | l.universe = bounds.universe &&

* l.relations = bounds.relations() && l.ints = bounds.ints() &&

* l.lbounds = bounds.lowerBound && l.ubounds = bounds.upperBound &&

* l.ibounds = bounds.intBound && l.factory =

* BooleanFactory.factory(sum(r: l.relations |

* #(l.ubounds[r]-l.lbounds[r]))-1, options) && l.vars[relations] =

* l.factory & BooleanVariable


static final LeafInterpreter exact(Bounds bounds, Options options, boolean incremental) {

final Map vars = new LinkedHashMap();

final Map lowers = incremental ? new LinkedHashMap(bounds.lowerBounds())

: bounds.lowerBounds();

final Map uppers = incremental ? new LinkedHashMap(bounds.upperBounds())

: bounds.upperBounds();

final int numVars = allocateVars(1, vars, bounds.relations(), lowers, uppers);

return new LeafInterpreter(bounds.universe(), lowers, uppers, bounds.intBounds(),

BooleanFactory.factory(numVars, options), vars);


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