
v共享元素 (v-shared-element)

Declarative shared-element transitions between pages for Vue.js. Uses illusory under the hood.

Vue.js页面之间的声明式共享元素过渡。 在引擎盖下使用虚幻的东西。

View Demo 查看演示 View Github 查看Github

安装 (Install)



$ npm i v-shared-element





<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

注册插件 (Register the plugin)

Vue.js + Vue路由器 (Vue.js + vue-router)

//main.jsimport Vue from 'vue'
import {SharedElementRouteGuard,SharedElementDirective
} from 'v-shared-element'Vue.use(SharedElementDirective)const router = new VueRouter({ ... })router.beforeEach(SharedElementRouteGuard)



Nuxt.js (Nuxt.js)

Create a file in ~/plugins named v-shared-element.client.js


// ~/plugins/v-shared-element.client.jsimport Vue from 'vue';
import { SharedElementDirective, NuxtSharedElementRouteGuard } from 'v-shared-element';Vue.use(SharedElementDirective);export default NuxtSharedElementRouteGuard;

Then add it in your nuxt.config.js


export default {plugins: ['~/plugins/v-shared-element.client.js'],

用法 (Usage)

Add v-shared-element:<namespace> to an element to transform it into a shared-element. On another page add the directive to an element and use the same namespace. That's it, you're done (there are more options below if you need them).

v-shared-element:<namespace>到元素中,以将其转换为共享元素。 在另一页上,将指令添加到元素并使用相同的名称空间。 就是这样,您就完成了(如果需要,下面还有更多选择)。

Note: A given namespace should only be used once per-page. See below for usage with v-for. Also, keep-alive routes need special treatment (see below).

注意:给定的名称空间每页只能使用一次。 有关v-for用法,请参见下文。 此外, keep-alive路线需要特殊对待(请参阅下文)。

<div v-shared-element:namespace></div>

v-for用法 (Usage with v-for)

Suppose you have a list of contacts and you want all the profile pictures to be shared-elements. Use "dynamic directive arguments" to give a different namespace to each contact in the list (this is typically the same ID used for v-for's :key prop).

假设您有一个联系人列表,并且希望所有个人资料图片都是共享元素。 使用“动态指令参数”为列表中的每个联系人赋予不同的命名空间(这通常是用于v-for:key prop的ID)。

Detailed example
<template><div><h1>Contacts</h1><ul><liv-for="contact in contacts":key=""><img:src="contact.profile"v-shared-element:[]/><span>{{ }}</span></li></ul></div>
export default {data() {return {contacts: [{id: '11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000',profile: './user/11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000/profile',name: 'John Doe'},...]}}

keep-alive (Usage with keep-alive)

If you have routes that use <keep-alive>, you must add some additional code. Otherwise, the transition will only run once, and not run again while the component remains alive.

如果您的路由使用<keep-alive> ,则必须添加一些其他代码。 否则,过渡将只运行一次,而在组件保持活动状态时不会再次运行。

To fix this, use sharedElementMixin on routes that are "kept alive".

要解决此问题, sharedElementMixin在“保持有效”的路由上使用sharedElementMixin

使用sharedElementMixin (Using sharedElementMixin )

Import the mixin into to any components on your keep-alive routes that contain shared-elements. Then, in those components, pass $keepSharedElementAlive—a method provided by the mixin—as an option to every v-shared-element directive on that route. Everything should now work as you would expect.

将mixin导入到包含共享元素 keep-alive路线上的任何组件中。 然后,在这些组件中,将$keepSharedElementAlive一种由mixin提供的方法)作为该路由上每个v-shared-element指令的选项传递。 现在一切都应该按预期工作。

Note: This is only necessary for routes that are kept alive. For example, if /home is kept alive but /about is not, then only /home needs to import the mixin.

注意:这对于保持活动状态的路由是必需的。 例如,如果/home保持活动状态,而/about保持活动状态,则仅/home需要导入mixin。

keep-alive examplekeep-alive例子
<template><div><imgsrc="logo.png"v-shared-element:logo="{ $keepSharedElementAlive }"/></div>
import { sharedElementMixin } from 'v-shared-element'export default {mixins: [sharedElementMixin]

选件 (Options)

Options can be applied globally (when you register the plugin) and/or on each individual shared-element.


关于选项层次结构的注释 (A note on option hierarchy )

  • Per-element options always override global options.


  • Per-element options on the page being navigated away from take precedence.


    • includeChildren since it applies to each element individually.includeChildren因为它分别适用于每个元素。

    If you're navigating from /home to /about, per-element options specified in /home will override those specified in /about.

    如果您要从/home导航到/about ,则/home指定的逐元素选项将覆盖/about指定的选项。

设置全局选项 (Setting global options)

// In main.js or ~/plugins/v-shared-element.client.js...Vue.use(SharedElementDirective, {/* options */

设置每个元素的选项 (Setting per-element options)

<imgsrc="logo.png"v-shared-element:logo="{/* options */}"

摘要 (Summary)

option type default
easing string "ease"
duration string "300ms"
endDuration string "150ms"
zIndex number 1
compositeOnly boolean false
includeChildren boolean false
ignoreTransparency boolean \| string[] ["img"]
restrictToViewport boolean false
选项 类型 默认
缓和 string "ease"
持续时间 string "300ms"
endDuration string "150ms"
索引 number 1
仅复合材料 boolean false
includeChildren boolean false
ignoreTransparency boolean \| string[] ["img"]
strictToViewport boolean false

细节 (Details)

缓和 (easing)

  • type: string

    类型: string

  • default: "ease"

    默认值: "ease"

    A CSS easing-function defining the acceleration curve of the transition (e.g. "ease-in", "cubic-bezier(.29, 1.01, 1, -0.68)").

    定义过渡的加速曲线CSS 缓动函数 (例如"ease-in""cubic-bezier(.29, 1.01, 1, -0.68)" )。

持续时间 (duration)

  • type: string

    类型: string

  • default: "300ms"

    默认值: "300ms"

    A CSS time denoting the amount of time the transition should take (e.g. "0.5s", "250ms").

    表示过渡所需时间CSS 时间 (例如"0.5s""250ms" )。

endDuration (endDuration)

  • type: string | false

    类型: string | false string | false

  • default: "100ms"

    默认值: "100ms"

    A CSS time denoting the duration of the "fade out" stage of the animation to blend the duplicated element with the real one. Set to false or "0s" to disable the fade out effect.

    一个CSS 时间,表示动画“淡出”阶段将重复元素与真实元素混合的持续时间。 设置为false"0s"以禁用淡入效果。

    Note: This option only applies if includeChildren is false.


索引 (zIndex)

  • type: number

    类型: number

  • default: 1

    默认值: 1

    The z-index to be used for the shared-element during the animation.


仅复合材料 (compositeOnly)

  • type: boolean

    类型: boolean

  • default: false

    默认值: false

    Setting this to true will limit the transition to transform and opacity properties only (improves performance).

    将此设置为true将仅限制转换到transformopacity属性的transform (提高性能)。

    compositeOnly: true (notice that border-radius is not animated)

    compositeOnly: true (注意, border-radius未设置动画)

includeChildren (includeChildren)

  • type: boolean

    类型: boolean

  • default: false

    默认值: false

    v-shared-element works by cloning each element (and its computed styles) then positioning the clones over the original element. By default, only the root node—the one that has the directive on it—will be cloned. Setting includeChildren to true will also clone the root node's entire subtree (this is needed to clone text elements such as h1).

    v-shared-element工作原理是克隆每个元素(及其计算的样式 ),然后将克隆放置在原始元素上。 默认情况下,仅根节点(带有指令的根节点)将被克隆。 将includeChildren设置为true还将克隆根节点的整个子树(克隆文本元素(例如h1 )需要此子树)。

    includeChildren: false

    includeChildren: false

    includeChildren: true

    includeChildren: true

ignoreTransparency (ignoreTransparency)

  • type: boolean | string[]

    类型: boolean | string[] boolean | string[]

  • default: ["img"]

    默认值: ["img"]

    Typically, if you're navigating from /home to /about, then the clone of the shared-element on /about will fade in and the clone from /home will remain at opacity: 1. However, if the shared-element on /home has a background-color with an alpha channel (e.g. rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), or no background-color at all, then the clone of the /home element will fade out while the clone of the element from /about fades in. This is usually what you want unless the element has a background that v-shared-element can't detect. This could happen if the element is acting as a container for an <img> element but has no background of its own, or it has a background-image without a background-color specified. In this case, setting ignoreTransparency to true will override this behavior. You can also specify an array of HTML tag-names (e.g. ["img", "div", "button"]) to automatically set this option to true for those elements (a string[] like this is best used as a global option).

    通常情况下,如果你从导航/home/about ,然后在共享元素的克隆/about将消失,并从克隆/home将保持在opacity: 1 。 但是,如果/home上的共享元素具有带有alpha通道的background-color (例如rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ),或者根本没有background-color ,则/home元素的克隆将淡出 从元件的克隆/about在变淡。这通常是你想要的,除非该元素有一个背景下v-shared-element无法检测。 如果该元素充当<img>元素的容器但没有自己的background-image ,或者它具有没有指定background-colorbackground-image ,则可能发生这种情况。 在这种情况下,将ignoreTransparency设置为true将覆盖此行为。 您还可以指定HTML标记名的数组(例如["img", "div", "button"] ),以将这些元素的此选项自动设置为true (像这样的string[]最好用作全局选项 )。

    Try setting this to true if you see a "flash" half-way through the transition.


strictToViewport (restrictToViewport)

  • type: boolean

    类型: boolean

  • default: false

    默认值: false

    By default, all shared-elements, with a matching element on the next page, will be activated when the route changes—regardless of their position in the document. With restrictToViewport set to true, only those elements which are in the viewport will be activated (those outside the viewport will behave as normal elements).

    默认情况下,更改路线时,无论其在文档中的位置如何,都会在下一页上激活所有具有匹配元素的共享元素。 将restrictToViewport设置为true ,只会激活视口中的那些元素(视口之外的那些元素将充当普通元素)。

    Recommended: Setting this to true makes navigation feel smoother. This setting is disabled by default to preserve backwards compatibility.

    推荐:将其设置为true可使导航感觉更流畅。 默认情况下禁用此设置以保持向后兼容性。

    restrictToViewport: true

    restrictToViewport: true

页面过渡的用法 (Usage with page transitions)

Thanks to @719media for figuring out how to make this work.

感谢@ 719media弄清楚如何进行这项工作。

This section assumes you have an understanding of Vue's transition component.


In your CSS


.page-enter-active {transition: opacity 150ms ease 150ms;
}.page-leave-active {position: absolute;transition: opacity 150ms ease;
.page-enter {opacity: 0;

For Vue.js + vue-router

对于Vue.js + vue-router

// App.vue (or equivalent)<div id="app"><transitionname="page"@before-leave="beforeLeave"@after-leave="afterLeave"><router-view></router-view></transition>
export default {methods: {beforeLeave(el) {const {top} = el.getBoundingClientRect(); = "fixed"; = `${top}px`; = 0; = 0; = '-1';},afterLeave(el) { = ''; = ''; = ''; = ''; = '';}}



For Nuxt.js


// nuxt.config.jsexport default {pageTransition: {name: 'page',mode: '',beforeLeave(el) {const {top} = el.getBoundingClientRect(); = "fixed"; = `${top}px`; = 0; = 0; = '-1';},afterLeave(el) { = ''; = ''; = ''; = ''; = '';}}

Important note about page transitions


If the total duration of the page transition is longer than the duration of a shared-element on that page, things will get weird. You have been warned.

如果页面过渡的总持续时间长于该页面上共享元素的持续时间,那么事情将会变得很奇怪。 你被警告了。

虚幻 (illusory)

v-shared-element derives its element-morphing powers from its sister project illusory.


illusory comes bundled with v-shared-element as Vue instance methods. For more information on how to use it, see the illusory documentation or the illusory example page.

虚幻与v-shared-element捆绑在一起作为Vue实例方法。 有关如何使用它的更多信息,请参见虚幻的文档或虚幻的示例页面 。

illusory is exposed on the Vue instance as $illusory and $createIllusoryElement.


For example:


<template><div><div ref="from"></div><div ref="to"></div><button @click="morph">Morph!</button></div>
</template><script>export default {methods: {morph() {this.$illusory(this.$refs.from, this.$}}}

提出问题并报告错误 (Asking question and reporting bugs)

If you're experiencing any problems, or have general questions about the plugin, feel free open a new issue (but search through the existing ones first, as your question may have been answered already).


Note that issues related to the $illusory and $createIllusoryElement should be opened on the illusory repository instead.


如何贡献 (How to contributing)

开发设置 (Development setup)

  1. Fork and clone the repo.


    $ git clone<your username>/v-shared-element.git
  2. Install the dependencies


    $ npm install
  3. Create a new branch for your pull request


    $ git checkout -b pr/your-branch-name

常见的NPM脚本 (Common NPM Scripts)

  • npm run build — Runs the build script.

    npm run build —运行构建脚本。

  • npm run dev — Runs the build script in watch mode.

    npm run dev —在监视模式下运行构建脚本。

  • npm run test — Runs the tests.

    npm run test —运行测试。

  • npm run format — Fixes any code formatting issues.

    npm run format -修复任何代码格式化问题。

  • npm run lint — Lints the code.

    npm run lint —减少代码。

开发网页 (Web page for development)

Run npm link so you can use it in other local projects.

运行npm link以便可以在其他本地项目中使用它。

Method one You can either create a new Vue.js or Nuxt.js project and use npm link v-shared-element to test your changes.

方法一您可以创建一个新的Vue.js或Nuxt.js项目,并使用npm link v-shared-element测试您的更改。



Method two Clone the repo again, this time into a new directory. Then and run the following:

方法二再次克隆存储库,这次进入新目录。 然后运行以下命令:

$ git checkout example
$ npm install
$ npm link v-shared-element
$ npm run dev

You should now have the example page running on localhost. Hot reload will be triggered by changes made to v-shared-element.

现在,您应该在localhost上运行示例页面。 热重装将通过对v-shared-element进行更改来触发。




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