
1. 启动 D2007Tweaks.exe 击 Advanced tweaks 选项卡,在 Remove license check 复选框上去掉已经打上的对勾,点击 OK。

2. 卸载 Delphi 2007 for Win32。

3. 删除 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/{AB3EC276-D261-4943-A921-1CC1C6799AED} (如果该目录存在的话)。

4. 删除 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/CodeGear 目录及其子目录。

5. 重新执行本光盘中的 Delphi 2007 for Win32 目录下的 setup.exe 即可开始安装。

6. 升级 delphi2007 时 setup.exe 在运行时报错,内容是Attempting to get value of undefined variable HAS_SLIP。很明显的,是找不到授权文件的数据。于是去 CodeGear 找了找,果然有解决的方法,现在记下解决的过程

1.下载 MSI Cleanup Utility,这个工具可以清除 msi 安装时留下的注册表数据
2.运行这个工具,找到 RAD Studio [5.0] 这个项,选中后点击 Remove 按钮,接下来可能会等比较长的时间,工具会清除 delphi2007 的注册表安装项。
3.找到 Documents and Setting 目录,勾上“显示所有文件和文件夹”,然后把 All Users 和 All Users.Widnows 下的 CodeGear 有关的目录删了(如果你只有 delphi 2007,就这么删,如果有 C++Builder2007,还要进目录,只删 delphi 的),把 {AB3EC276...... 删除
4.现在就能正常安装 delphi2007 update 1 了

Delphi 2007 - HAS_SLIP Error

摘要: Solution to the HAS_SLIP script error when attempting to uninstall, modify, repair, or upgrade Delphi 2007.
Symptom: Attempting to uninstall, modify, repair, or upgrade Delphi 2007 RTM results in the error:

Line 12035: Attempting to get value of undefined variable HAS_SLIP

Cause: This problem occurs when the Delphi 2007 install cache directory has become corrupted or was manually removed.

Solution: The only known solution for this problem is to manually remove Delphi 2007 RTM from the system. The easiest way to accomplish this is to download the MSI Cleanup Utility from Microsoft's web site. Go to http://support.microsoft.com and search their Knowledge Base for article Q290301.

1) Download and install the MSI Cleanup Utility per article Q290301

2) Run the utility, select "RAD Studio [5.0]" from the list, and click the Remove button.

3) Remove the Program Files/CodeGear/RAD Studio/5.0 directory.

For Windows Vista:

4a) Remove the Program Data/CodeGear/RAD Studio/5.0 directory.

4b) Remove the Program Data/{AB3EC276... directory.

4c) Remove the User/All Users/CodeGear/RAD Studio/5.0 directory.

For pre-Vista Windows OS:

4a) Remove the Documents and Setting/All Users/Application Data/CodeGear/RAD Studio/5.0 directory.

4b) Remove the Documents and Setting/All Users/Application Data/{AB3EC276... directory.

5) Download and run the Delphi 2007 Update 1 installer.

Note: It is not necessary to install Delphi 2007 RTM before installing Update 1. Update 1 is a full release of the product.

发布于: 6/7/2007 7:16:57 PM


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