今天给大家分享的是 RN 聊天室项目,基于 react-native+react-navigation+react-redux+react-native-image-picker+rnPop 等技术实现高仿微信聊天 APP 界面,从搭建到开发完 前前后后发了两周左右吧,多半是晚上挤出时间来弄,开发过程采坑不少,好在 reactNative 社区比较完善,很多困难都在网上找到了解决方法。


MVVM 框架:react / react-native / react-native-cli



rn 弹窗组件:rnPop

打包工具:webpack 2.0


图片 /相册:react-native-image-picker



"name": "RN_ChatRoom",

"aboutMe": "QQ:282310962、wx:xy190310",

"dependencies": {

"react": "16.8.6",

"react-native": "0.60.4"


"devDependencies": {

"@babel/core": "^7.5.5",

"@babel/runtime": "^7.5.5",

"@react-native-community/async-storage": "^1.6.1",

"@react-native-community/eslint-config": "^0.0.5",

"babel-jest": "^24.8.0",

"eslint": "^6.1.0",

"jest": "^24.8.0",

"metro-react-native-babel-preset": "^0.55.0",

"react-native-gesture-handler": "^1.3.0",

"react-native-image-picker": "^1.0.2",

"react-native-swiper": "^1.5.14",

"react-navigation": "^3.11.1",

"react-redux": "^7.1.0",

"react-test-renderer": "16.8.6",

"redux": "^4.0.4",

"redux-thunk": "^2.3.0"



ReactNative 实现公共样式

global.GStyle = {

pixel: 1 / PixelRatio.get(),

// 边框

borT: {borderTopWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.get(), borderTopColor: '#dedede',},

borB: {borderBottomWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.get(), borderBottomColor: '#dedede',},

/* __ 布局控制 */

align_l: {textAlign: 'left'},

align_c: {textAlign: 'center'},

align_r: {textAlign: 'right'},

pos_rel: {position: 'relative'},

pos_abs: {position: 'absolute'},

/* __ 颜色(背景、文字) */

bg_fff: {backgroundColor: '#fff'},

bg_45cff5: {backgroundColor: '#45cff5'},

c_fff: {color: '#fff'},

c_999: {color: '#999'},

c_45cff5: {color: '#45cff5'},

/* __ 字号 */

fs_14: {fontSize: 14},

fs_16: {fontSize: 16},

fs_20: {fontSize: 20},

fs_24: {fontSize: 24},

/* __ 字体 */

ff_ic: {fontFamily: 'iconfont'},

ff_ar: {fontFamily: 'arial'},

iconfont: {fontFamily: 'iconfont', fontSize: 16,},

/* __ 间距( 5/10/15/20/25/30/50 ) */

mt_10: {marginTop: 10}, mt_15: {marginTop: 15}, mt_20: {marginTop: 20},

mb_10: {marginBottom: 10}, mb_15: {marginBottom: 15}, mb_20: {marginBottom: 20},

/* __ 行高 */

lh_20: {lineHeight: 20},

lh_25: {lineHeight: 25},

lh_30: {lineHeight: 30},

lh_35: {lineHeight: 35},

lh_40: {lineHeight: 40},

flex1: {flex: 1},

flex2: {flex: 2},

flex_alignC: {alignItems: 'center'},

flex_alignT: {alignItems: 'flex-start'},

flex_alignB: {alignItems: 'flex-end'},


react-native 实现全屏幕启动页,可自定义背景图

reactNative 全屏启动页制作(隐藏状态栏,实现沉浸式)

只需把 StatusBar 设置为透明即可,这样状态栏和背景页面一体了。


* @desc 启动页面


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import { StatusBar, Animated, View, Text, Image } from 'react-native'

export default class Splash extends Component{



this.state = {

animFadeIn: new Animated.Value(0),

animFadeOut: new Animated.Value(1),




return (

RN-ChatRoom v1.0.0




// 判断是否登录

storage.get('hasLogin', (err, object) => {

setTimeout(() => {


this.state.animFadeOut, {duration: 300, toValue: 0}


// 跳转页面

util.navigationReset(this.props.navigation, (!err && object && object.hasLogin) ? 'Index' : 'Login')


}, 1500);




react-navigation 导航器实现自定义顶部导航条 headerBar 组件

export default class HeaderBar extends Component {



this.state = {

searchInput: ''



render() {


* 更新

* @param { navigation | 页面导航 }

* @param { title | 标题 }

* @param { center | 标题是否居中 }

* @param { search | 是否显示搜索 }

* @param { headerRight | 右侧 Icon 按钮 }


let{ navigation, title, bg, center, search, headerRight } = this.props

return (

{/* 返回 */}

{/* 标题 */}

{ !search && center ? : null }


search ?


{this.setState({searchInput: text})}} style={styles.barSearchText} placeholder='搜索' placeholderTextColor='rgba(255,255,255,.6)' />




{ title ? {title} : null }



{/* 右侧 */}


!headerRight ? null : headerRight.map((item, index) => {


item.press ? item.press(this.state.searchInput) : null}>


item.type === 'iconfont' ? item.title : (

typeof item.title === 'string' ?





{/* 圆点 */}

{ item.badge ? {item.badge} : null }

{ item.badgeDot ? : null }






goBack = () => {




reactNative 自定义 modal 弹窗|dialog 对话框

由于 RN 提供的弹窗有时不能满足项目需求,这时就需要自己重新定制弹窗,不过依旧基于 Modal 来实现。

看看下面这个,自己开发的 rnPop 弹窗组件, 功能效果还不错~~


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