在定义BOM的时候,我们需要设定,工单供货的方式(Supply Type).


Assembly Pull
拉式发料,装配件完工或报废时自动按标准消耗量触发 消耗比较稳定的物料。

Operation Pull
拉式发料,工序移动至To Move时自动按标准消耗量触发 消耗比较稳定的物料。

另外附上老外的一篇文章,介绍Supply Type,比较完整

Supply Types in Oracle WIP

Supply types decides the method of supplying component materials to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules in WIP module. It also controls how materials are planned in MS/MRP module and how materials are costed in Cost Management module.

You can assign supply types to the items when you define in Inventory module. You can also assign supply types to components when you create bills of material in Bills of Material and Engineering modules. The following is a list of the WIP supply types and the way they work:

a) Push
Push components can be manually issued directly to discrete jobs and repetitive schedule as per requirements. You can specify the subinventory for items in Item definition form or in Bills or define default subinventory in WIP parameters form. Work in Process defaults the supply subinventory associated with the component.

b) Operation Pull:
Operation pull components that are assigned to backflush operations, are automatically backflushed (pulled) from inventory and issued to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules when assemblies are moved and completed at that operation i.e. when you complete backflush operations. Also, operation pull component that have not been backflushed because they are assigned to non-backflush operations prior to the backflush operation are also backflushed.
The Components are pulled from the supply subinventory assigned to the component. You cannot assign this supply type to an assenbly without a routing or a non-standard discrete job without a routing. You can assign this supply type to assemblies that have routings with no operations or when the routing has disabled operations. However, all components with a supply type of operation pull are automatically changed to assembly pull.

c) Assembly pull:
Assembly Pull components are issued (backflushed) to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules when you complete all operations on assemblies in Work in Process. They are pulled from the supply subinventory assigned to the component requirement.
If you want to assign pull components to a bill of material or job that is not associated with a routing, you must assign an Assembly Pull supply type, rather than operation pull supply type. You cannot assign this supply type to a non-standard discrete job if you have not specified an assembly or bill of material reference for that non standard discrete job.

d) Based on Bill:
When you define a discrete job or a repetitive line/assembly association in WIP, the supply type for the assembly defaults to Based on Bill and assembly components are supplied based upon their bill of material supply types. You can change the defaulted Based on Bill supply type that is assigned to jobs and schedules as you define them. The Based on Bill supply type is WIP specific.

If the supply type for a job or line/assembly association is changed, the new supply type is applied to all component material requirements. For example, if you change the supply type of a job assembly from Based on Bill to Assembly Pull, the supply types of all assembly components are changed to Assembly pull. You can update the supply types of individual material requirements using the Material Requirements window in WIP
The system automatically changes components with a supply type of Operation Pull to Assembly Pull, when the Based on Bill supply type is applied to a job or repetitive job/ schedule that has a bill of material but has no a routing or operations.

e) Bulk:
Bulk component requirements can be viewed and are displayed on reports and inquiry forms (that display components requirements) when you include Bulk components on a bill of material. They can be used to communicate to the shop floor that bulk components must be used but need not be transacted. You can choose specific components in the type field of WIP material transaction form for issuing bulk components.

Bulk components are not backflushed nor do they default when issuing all components for an assembly. You can, however, manually issue specific bulk components to a discrete job or repetitive schedule. This supply type is selected for components like screws,nuts,bolts,nails,etc where it is difficult and may not be necessary to transact the exact quantity used.

f) Supplier/Vendor:
Supplier component requirements can be included on bills of material. Requirements for supplier components are created when you define discrete jobs and repetitive schedules in Work in Process. Supplier component requirements can be viewed and are displayed on reports. They provide information on the component materials that your suppliers provide but need not be transacted. Supplier components are not backflushed nor do they default when issuing all components for an assembly. You can, however, manually issue specific supplier components to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules/job.

g) Phantoms:
Phantom components can be assigned to bill of material component subassemblies and subassembly items in BOM and Engineering. Components of phantom subassemblies are used as if they were tied directly to the parent assembly. Phantom supply types cannot be assigned to jobs and repetitive lines/assembly associations in Work in Process. When model or option class bills are components to another bill of material, that component supply type is phantom.
Phantoms behave normally when they are top level assemblies, such as when master scheduled or manufactured on a discrete job. As subassemblies, they lose their distinct identity and become a collection of their components. Phantom components (not the phantom itself) are included on discrete jobs and repetitive job/schedules and are listed on the Discrete Job and Repetitive Schedule Pick List Reports.

转载请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/pan_tian/article/details/7785821

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