airdrop 是 蓝牙吗

空投 (AirDrop)

If you want to share files wirelessly, AirDrop is the best service for the macOS and iOS Operating System in Apple and it shares files with the minimum concern. Normally, we can do it through text messages, but for Apple users, AirDrop could result in an easier feature.

如果您要无线共享文件,则AirDrop是Apple中适用于macOS和iOS操作系统的最佳服务,它以最小的关注度共享文件。 通常,我们可以通过短信来做到这一点,但是对于Apple用户而言, AirDrop可能会带来更简单的功能。

Well, this may make you more curious to know that AirDrop is not only for the photo-sharing purpose but mostly anything and everything can be shared with the same. Let us take an example of the same.

好吧,这会让您更好奇地知道AirDrop不仅用于照片共享目的,而且几乎所有东西都可以与之共享。 让我们举一个例子。

You are on your iPad and you want to share a very important link to your friend. You can simply AirDrop the link from the iPad to the iPhone of your friend and they can check it.
Similarly, photos, links, audios, and videos, text messages, everything can easily be shared using AirDrop. You also can share the playlists, the locations pinned in the iPhone Map and also the contact information of any person.

您在iPad上,想与朋友分享一个非常重要的链接。 您只需通过AirDrop从iPad到您朋友的iPhone的链接即可,他们可以检查它。
同样,可以使用AirDrop轻松共享照片,链接,音频和视频,文本消息,以及所有内容。 您还可以共享播放列表,iPhone地图中固定的位置以及任何人的联系信息。

You don’t need an e-mail or removable disk to transfer when AirDrop is on your phone. It is already contained in every macOS and iOS Operating System. It can be operated using either WiFi or using Bluetooth. On the macOS devices, it operates over direct WiFi, whereas in iOS, it can be operated on both.

当您的手机上装有AirDrop时 ,您不需要电子邮件或可移动磁盘进行传输。 它已包含在每个macOS和iOS操作系统中。 可以使用WiFi或蓝牙进行操作。 在macOS设备上,它可以通过直接WiFi进行操作,而在iOS中,可以在两者上进行操作。

To create an end-to-end WiFi network in macOS and iOS operating systems, AirDrop uses Bluetooth. In Android devices, it uses the combination of Bluetooth and NFC (Near Field Communications) to share the files.

为了在macOS和iOS操作系统中创建端到端WiFi网络, AirDrop使用了蓝牙。 在Android设备中,它使用蓝牙和NFC(近场通信)的组合来共享文件。

It may astonish you a bit, but there is no limit in the size to transfer the data through AirDrop but the only constrain is that the two devices are needed to be within the 10 meters from each other.


Only the versions at the time of and after the 10.7 of macOS (macOS Lion) support the AirDrop feature. The iOS devices that support the AirDrop feature are the iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPads (4th generation), iPhone 5 and all the other afterward.

仅在macOS 10.7(macOS Lion)以及之后的版本支持AirDrop功能。 支持AirDrop功能的iOS设备包括iPad Air,iPad Mini,iPad(第4代),iPhone 5等。


airdrop 是 蓝牙吗

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