项目中数据库mysql从5.7升到8.0后启动报错:java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed





To authenticate accounts with the caching_sha2_password plugin, either a secure connection to the server using SSL or an unencrypted connection that supports password exchange using an RSA key pair (enabled by setting one or both of the connecting properties allowPublicKeyRetrieval and serverRSAPublicKeyFile) must be used.


If the MySQL server's default authentication method was SHA256 but neither one of the Connector/J connection properties allowPublicKeyRetrieval and serverRSAPublicKeyFile was set, the authentication failed with a TransientConnectionException, complaining that the public key could not be retrieved. With this fix, authentication continues in the situation, allowing other enabled authentication methods to be tried. (Bug #20433047, Bug #75670)

如果两个都没有设置,会抛public key could not be retrieved异常。


1. 将allowPublicKeyRetrieval设为true,允许从服务器上获取公钥文件


2. 设置公钥文件位置serverRSAPublicKeyFile:

将服务器上数据目录下的public_key.pem拷至本地,连接上加上此属性 serverRSAPublicKeyFile=/data%2Fpublic_key.pem, 文件:/data/public_key.pem, %2F为/,%3A为:



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