
Windows 10 makes copy and paste more convenient with a feature called Clipboard history. It allows you to pin items you frequently copy and paste to a list for quick access. Here’s how to use it.

Windows 10使用称为剪贴板历史记录的功能使复制和粘贴更加方便。 它可以让您固定您经常复制并粘贴到列表中的项目以快速访问。 这是使用方法。

什么是剪贴板历史记录? (What Is Clipboard History?)

Clipboard history was introduced in Windows 10’s October 2018 Update. It allows you to see a list of the 25 most recent items you’ve copied to the Clipboard by pressing Windows+V.

剪贴板历史记录是Windows 10的2018年10月更新中引入的。 通过按Windows + V,您可以查看已复制到剪贴板的25个最新项目的列表。

With the History feature enabled, Windows stores entries composed of text, HTML, or images that are less than 4 MB. Larger items aren’t stored in the Clipboard history. Items in the list are also erased every time you restart your device unless they’re pinned.

启用历史记录功能后,Windows将存储由小于4 MB的文本,HTML或图像组成的条目。 较大的项目不会存储在剪贴板历史记录中。 除非您固定设备,否则每次您重新启动设备时,列表中的项目也会被删除。

By default, Clipboard history is not enabled—you have to turn it on in Settings, so that’s what we’re going to do first.


如何在Windows 10中启用剪贴板历史记录 (How to Enable Clipboard History in Windows 10)

To enable Clipboard history, click the Start button, and then click the Gear icon on the left side of the Start menu to open “Windows Settings.” Alternatively, you can press Windows+I.

要启用剪贴板历史记录,请单击“开始”按钮,然后单击“开始”菜单左侧的Gear图标,以打开“ Windows设置”。 或者,您可以按Windows + I。

Click “System.”


Click “Clipboard” in the sidebar, and then toggle-On the “Clipboard history” option.


Clipboard history is now enabled. You can close “Windows Settings” and use the feature anywhere on the system.

剪贴板历史记录现已启用。 您可以关闭“ Windows设置”并在系统上的任何位置使用该功能。

如何在Windows 10中将项目固定到剪贴板历史记录 (How to Pin Items to Clipboard History in Windows 10)

After you’ve enabled Clipboard history, press Windows+V to open the list of items you’ve copied recently in any application.

启用剪贴板历史记录后,请按Windows + V打开最近在任何应用程序中复制的项目列表。

The window will appear either near the application you’re using or, if all windows are closed or minimized, in the lower-right corner of the screen. The items you’ve copied most recently will be at the top of the list.

该窗口将显示在您正在使用的应用程序附近,或者,如果所有窗口都已关闭或最小化,则将显示在屏幕的右下角。 您最近复制的项目将在列表顶部。

You can pin an item to the Clipboard history list in two steps. First, click the ellipsis (. . .) next to the item you want to pin.

您可以通过两个步骤将项目固定到剪贴板历史记录列表。 首先,单击要固定的项目旁边的省略号(。。。)。

A small menu will pop up beside the item; select “Pin.”

项目旁边会弹出一个小菜单。 选择“引脚”。

Once you pin an item, it will remain in the Clipboard history, even if you reboot your computer or click “Clear All.”


To unpin an item, just press Windows+V to open Clipboard history. Click the ellipses beside the item, and then click “Unpin.”

要取消固定项目,只需按Windows + V打开剪贴板历史记录。 单击项目旁边的省略号,然后单击“取消固定”。

Whenever you want to quickly paste an item you’ve pinned, just press Windows+V and select it from the list. The item will then be pasted into the application you’re using.

每当您要快速粘贴您固定的项目时,只需按Windows + V并从列表中选择它即可。 然后,该项目将粘贴到您正在使用的应用程序中。

The best part is you can access the Windows+V menu from anywhere in Windows. Have fun pasting!

最好的部分是您可以从Windows中的任何位置访问Windows + V菜单。 祝您粘贴愉快!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/671229/how-to-pin-text-and-images-to-windows-10s-clipboard-history/


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