data() {return{

imgPicList: [],






props: {

imgList: {

type: Array


num: {

type: Number,default: 0},

pad: {

type: Number,default: 0}


methods: {//图片预览

previewpic(cind, clist) {

console.log(cind, clist);


urls: clist,

current: cind,



getheight() {

let that= this;const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(that)'.imgitem').boundingClientRect()

query.exec(function(res) {

console.log(res[0].width)if (that.num == 1) {

that.imgheight= '100%';

}else if (that.num == 2 || that.num == 4) {

that.imgheight= (res[0].width).toFixed(2) + 'px';


that.imgheight= (res[0].width).toFixed(2) + 'px';


})//const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('.imgitem');//uni.createSelectorQuery().select('.imgitem').boundingClientRect(res => {//console.log('reac', res)//if (this.num == 1) {//this.imgheight = '100%';//} else if (this.num == 2 || this.num == 4) {//this.imgheight = (res.width).toFixed(2) + 'px';//} else {//this.imgheight = (res.width).toFixed(2) + 'px';//}//}).exec()



mounted() {//let this = this;

this.imgPicList = this.imgList;if (this.num == 1) {this.imgboxtype = 0;this.imgwidth = 100 + '%';

}else if (this.num == 2 || this.num == 4) {this.imgboxtype = 1;this.imgwidth = 49 + '%';

}else if (this.num == 3 || this.num > 4) {this.imgboxtype = 2;this.imgwidth = 32 + '%';

}this.$nextTick(function() {this.getheight();




.flex {

display: flex;


.justify {

justify-content: space-between;


.receiveimage {

margin-top: 28rpx;

display: flex;

flex-wrap: wrap;


.onepic {

width:100%;//height: 188rpx;//height: auto;

margin-bottom: 28rpx;&:nth-child(3n) {

margin-right: 0;



.doublepic {//width: 340rpx;//height: 340rpx;

margin-right: 12rpx;

margin-bottom: 12rpx;&:nth-child(2n) {

margin-right: 0;



.triplepic {//width: 222rpx;//height: 222rpx;

margin-right: 12rpx;

margin-bottom: 12rpx;&:nth-child(3n) {

margin-right: 0;





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